Never Ending Charade

Zhan Qing Lei and Hua Zu Ming enter the forest that morning. The sun was not up yet but almost all of the villagers are already near the foot of the mountains. Funny to think that some of them refuse to paste the talisman that this cultivator created.

It is the nature of a person to become curious especially when there was something interesting happening. That was what is happening right now. People are already starting their own conclusions based on the recent situation.

With the stroke of sunlight, the first ray that beams on the forest seems to battle the dark fog that encircling it. However, after some time, a loud cling from the metallic wind bells was heard inside. Every 'cling' it made, the miasma seems to dissipate. This was unknown to ordinary people but Feng Long Wan could see the trail of pure light that was emitting at the center. The light was small. Like a tiny ember that anytime can be diminish. The light emitted was small though it seems its capable of exorcising the trail of darkness inside.

People gasp at the warm energy emitting. The feeling of unrest and doubt that the people experiencing earlier disappear. Pure energy travels throughout.

When the bright sun shows it fierceness, the once black forest was now illuminated by its energetic rays.

Everyone was stupefied. Surprised. Awed. Couldn't hide the joy that was brimming on everyone's heart. This forest has died once and now it came back.

The first life was the migratory bird that found it's nest to the leafless trees.

The smell of rotten corpse should be smelled but this time, that was not the situation.

Even the rotting and toxic smell was exorcised.

The two cultivator, went out.

One was drench in sweat while the other was walking as if he own the red carpet in an awards ceremony.

Hua Zu Ming feeling tired and less energetic holding the wind bells run to catch his pace with Zhan Qing Lei.

The crowd of people gather in front of them. Feng Long Wan didn't want to squeeze. Leila and her, stood behind.

In this joyous occasion, the one inside the palaquinn went down.

Her face was tint with superficial powder. Hair braided on their most beautiful way. Wearing a bright colored robe and a transparent veil.

Everyone knows that she is the Young Master's Fiance. A spiritual refiner whom the young master favors.

Jang Ningning's elegantly walk through the crowd. People seems to dislike this attitude of hers yet she's oblivious. It's pretty obvious that she was overdressed at that time yet no one complain.

"Fellow Senior Brother, I already knew that you will be able to solve this crisis. Immortal Sword Sect really uphold its reputation for being an outstanding Sect."

Zhan Qing Lei took a good look at her. Then turn his head to Hua Zu Ming, "Brother Ming, let us go back now. We have a lot of things to discuss"

Jang Ningning seeing that she was being neglected clench her hands. Then she urge the servant to promptly say out loud what they are rehearsing earlier.

"Aiyah! Isn't that the weapon brought to the young lady last night? That must be the reason young miss was even more weak and unenergetic last night. I should report this to the young master" the servant announce it in a loud and monotonic manner as if she was memorizing her script.

."it's not really something worth mentioning…."Jang Ningning pretended to stop the servant who was about to leave

The servant interjected, "But miss if young master knew you use your spiritual influence on that—"

Jang Ningning hush the servant.

The talent servant didn't finish her sentence yet the people know what they mean.

It means that the young lady was the one who refine the weapon. The weapon that has been used to exorcise the black fog. That pure and bright energy was from the young miss? Did they really misjudge her character?

That was the thought that crosses on the peoples mind.

Zhan Qing Lei and Hua Zu Ming was long gone.

But they heard what happened. One of the privileged of a cultivator is to hear clearly distant voices.

"Senior brother Lei is it okay to leave it at that"

Zhan Qing Lei lips purse into a devilish smile. Pure menacing and calculating. "The effort of everyone will be greatly paid based on one's motif"

Hua Zu Ming's eyebrow twitch. Not understanding the situation.

"Let's just wait how far she can do"


"Miss Feng?Miss Feng?" Feng Long Wan was startled. She didn't know that Hua Zu Ming was taking to her. Her mind was wondering along the forest. Earlier, when she saw the pretentious act of Jang Ningning, she couldn't hepl but trace in disappointed. It should be her that refine that weapon right?

So why does that Jangningnig claims that it was her? And what about Zhan Qing Lei going to her at night? Don't tell me that his Senior Brother was also enamored by that woman.

She was so sure that she wasn't able to seal the weapon last night. But she knew the component of her spiritual particle. It was emitted by the weapon earlier. So who sealed it?

Was it really that woman?

Feng Long Wan glare at the source of her distress.

Well, the man was idling and seeping his tea.

He really likes to drink it huh?

" Seems that miss Feng is enamored by this immortals beauty huh? It really is a sin to be truthfully beautiful but what can my poor self can do?From child to this point people admire my beauty"

Feng Long Wan can't believe that she could see another flaws of this man! Narcissistic!

He knows that he is too beautiful and bragging it. Aren't he ashamed a bit?

Feng Long Was angry. Veins popped on her forehead.

But her reaction was different from what she was feeling.

"Senior brother is truly beautiful. I'm afraid you might have rob a deity's beauty when you are born"

Zhan Qing Lei sigh as if it truly is a big problem to him. "Miss Feng is right. When I was born my parents worried that I might grow up alone. They know that being beautiful is a sin but being too powerful was also a curse. They think that there might be a man or a woman that can't match up with this heavenly face. Now that I am an adult, I can feel the heavy weight they are carrying"

Feng Long Wan can't tolerated the level of his narcissism and look at Hua Zu Ming.

The latter was nowhere to be found and they were the only two who was remaining inside.

Since when did he went out?

"Miss Feng if you'd like I will share to you one of my beauty tips. The reason why I was able to maintain this kind of flawless skin."

Feng Long Wan pretended that she is interested.

But deep inside, what's the purpose of being beautiful? If this is the 21st century she might think about it. Back there there was someone whom she need to look presentable and stunning.

There was no Yun Lang in this world.

Zhan Qing Lei handed a jadeite bottle with an unknown water inside. "This is a spiritual water. Apply it on your face and it will look healthier and fair.

Feng Long Wan receive the small bottle and thanks her Senior Brother without sincerity.

"very good. You must obey your master. Everything that I say is for your own absolute safety"

Feng Long Wan nodded.

Zhan Qing Lei went out.

Feng Long Wan remains inside while having a staring contest with the bottle. Should she try it?Well he said he won't harm me right? This liquid will be safe right?

Feng Long Wan uses a clean cloth and dip it to the water. Then applying it her face with great effort.

Hua Zu Ming enters and when he saw her, he became curious looking at the bottle.

"Someone gave it to me. he said, it's a spiritual water good for facial skin. So I'm trying to use it"

Hua Zu Ming was silent for a while then said "Miss Feng this is only pure water"

Feng Long Wan's face turn black: bastard Qing Lei!