Midnight Attack

It could be said that the monotonous peaceful life of the city came back. Even though this city is small compared to any other city's on the Feng Tian Xia Continent but the people where none other than busy compared to other. Now that the fog forest has been cleared. Hunters, medicinal doctor or even people visiting graves can peacefully throttle down the area.

However, Feng Long Wan felt that something was still amiss. Among the seemingly calm forest and the budding small leaves among the trees, there was still lurking on the shadows. She can't pinpoint it out. Or maybe she was just imagining it. All those mental strains might influence her mind.

on contrary Hua Zu Ming and Zhan Qing Lei were quite calm. If not for the hassle festivity in leu for the rebirth of the forest they might not want to stay.

Much worst, the people were revering Jang Ningning as one of their savior.

Feng Long Wan has long gone to her own room. Leila was still outside. Sticking to the cultivator side. It should be the two of them serving yet Feng Long Wan return.

All this festivities didn't excite her.

The situation isn't festive either.

All she could saw where people who has bad blood with her. Grandma Muyang was not in there either.

Feng Long Wan lying with her back on the bed. Eyes wide staring at the ceilings. Somehow it begun to sink on her mind again. It always dawn to her, whenever she is alone and thinking. Those memories of her in her other world. Did she really transmigrate? What happen to her body outside?

Would Yun Lan forgot her if she ever disappear? Will he search for the missing her?

She already knew the answer.

Ofcourse not.





"will you please be my girlfriend?" loud shouts reverberated. Their friends begun teasing them. Hong Yun Lan was half kneeling with his hands occupied with a bouquet of red roses. He was striking handsome with his hair comb backwards.His smile was overflowing with gentleness. Hearts beating as if it would gonna come out anytime.

Feng Long Wan was surprised. Who knew that the boss would propose to her. Although they seldom saw each other and when they did it was always pure business, Feng Long Wan didn't think that the boss secretly likes her.

Who would gonna think that a simple employee is the liking of his boss.

"Don't underestimate your potential Wanwan" They were already dating at that time. They're relationship was on the stage where they would greet each other every morning. Ask each one if they did eat their breakfast? Lunch ?Dinner? and every weekend they would go to a certain place to spend with each other.

"Yun Lan why do you like me?" Feng Long Wan was curious at that time. What potential did she have to stole this man's heart.

"Wanwan might not now but there's a unique beauty hidden behind the simple and intelligent wanwan" She pouted. Knowing that Hong Yun Lan was not taking her seriously again

"what?what? Pouting like that? But your still cute as ever" He said while pinching her cheeks




Feng Long Wan's heartbeat begun to throb again. A searing pain came to her heart. making her more difficult to breath. If only tears come down, then maybe the pain would not be unbearable?

But no matter how much she tried. Its as if the tear gland on her eyes are malfunctioned.

No tears came no matter what.

Because of the sudden stuffiness of her emotion. Feng Long Wan closes her eyes but she didn't sleep. She was just only resting her body and mind.

A sudden flash across her mind prompted her to go up. Not long after, a dagger came flying from the open window and it speedily dash in front of her.

Feng Long Wan's quick wittedness prevails and pulled out the metal chopstick she was hiding. Who knew that this simple kitchen utensil can help her in this disastrous state. In a fast movement, she frantically poor almost all of her spiritual influence to the chopstick.

However, the other party seems to be stunned when her dagger went on par with her chopstick. She added much influence and tried to push Feng Long Wan.

Fen Long Wan was a willed girl. This sudden attack maybe abrupt, but Hua Zu Ming was always conducting a sneak attack on her making her more adepth in situations like this. Who knew this was favorable on her side.

Since Feng Long Wan hasn't learn the arts of sealing yet all she could do was to connect her energy to the weapon, supplying it with influence when the other particles went out.

It is as if, when in real predicament Feng Long Wan's instinct become sharp. She knows that the attacker was nearby and a learned spiritualist. Feng Long Wan would never be on par with her. If ever the person attacking her would succeed then her death will be sort out as cased closed without further analyzing who;s the perpetrator.

As for the criminal who was attacking her. It was pretty obvious. There are only 3 cultivators on this place. The two of them was in good faith with her. Leaving the prime suspect of all.

"Daring to exterminate Laozi when everyone is out. What a daring move!"

Feng Long Wan change the momentum of her movement. While guarding for the dagger, her body slip on the window. Jumping out and running in fool speed. As long as there was someone she could bump it was okay.

Without minding her current state is. She scream for the first person she saw.

Yet on her luck, the first person who happen to bump her was Liang Mo. He look upon her disheveled state and sneer. His eyes were glaring daggers at her.

"Shameless Slave where are your manners"

Feng Long Wan cringe upon hearing the angry roar.

"S-someone wants to kill me…"

Liang Mo look back behind. Seeing nothing, a bud of doubt arise on his chest.

"No one is there"

Feng Long Wan sigh. It seems that she stops chasing after her since she saw him.

She pulled her whole body up and dust the remaining dirt that was caught when she was running earlier.

"I-I might have mislook at it"

Feng Long Wan apologetically bowed his head. After all this was still the young master and he's status was a slave.

"Dear Mo~" a flirty and seductive voice rang out.

Liang Mo look at the owner of the voice and frown "what are you doing outside. Go back, this is not good for your health"

"I was looking at you but then…" Jang Ningning intended to stop at that sentence and look at her maliciously. It would be correct to say, the two of them

Liang Mo drew a defensive stance, "Jang Ningning this is not what you think. She happen to bump into me. She was running like crazy earlier with that clothes"

"hmmp!" Jang Ningning pretended that she was jealous and turn her back towards him.

Liang Mo tried to appease her . The two forgot her existence so she slip her way out. But before she could go out. She catch a glimpse of Jang Ningning's insidious smile.