The Tale Told

Guided by Liang Mo, their group reach their destination. Hua Zu Ming immedietly fled to her side with teary eyes.

"Miss Feng !!! I was looking for you. Where did you go?" Hua Zu Ming embraces her and wimp like a dog. It's like a small puppy which has found it's owner.

" I went out for a while and…"

Feng Long Wan glance at Liang Mo. It was at the right timing when he happens to look at her.

Hua Zu Ming block her line of sight.

"I have found something unusual on my trip out there." Hua Zu Ming dragged her to the corner.

Ma Ya stay away from them. Seeing that she was closed to the cultivator, somehow Ma Ya felt that she lost her confidence going together with her.

Feng Long Wan gesture over Leila. Seems like Leila already understand what she mean and walk straight to Ma Ya. The two chatted for a while and become engrossed with their conversation. Seeing that Ma Ya was now not out of place. She reverted her attention to the issue needed to be handled right now.

Earlier, when she bump to the boned eater, she could sense the no malice approach of it. She was feeling a little guilty earlier when she trusted her weapon on the brain of it. It only dawn to her what was happening. The boneless eater seems not to attack her. It has no intention. It only attack whoever in its way but when it knew that it was a woman, they avoided it.

Somehow they only attack men. Children and women where spared.

'the thousand curse of women…' it only dawn to her what Zhan Qing Lei said.

"Did Senior brother said that?"

Feng Long Wan nodded.

"I just only remembered it now. Master was long gone when I finish digesting those words"

Hua Zu Ming look lost in thoughts. Then concluded. "Maybe Senior Brother must have already known what was happening from the very beginning. "

Feng Long Wan also thought that. From the moment he handed them the talismans, she knew that he is expecting something.

That Zhan Qing Lei was very clever and manipulative . He could grasp details from very small number of words and every details he could see through...



The pollution on the forest. The disappearance of women. The sudden emerging of those boned eater. If that was connected with the 'thousand year old curse of women' then it all came to a certain conclusion.

But Feng Long Wan was knew to this world. She doesn't have any idea what was this curse about.

Hua Zu Ming needed to narrated to her the legends that seems to happen one thousand years ago.

In the Feng Xian Continent. There was a very known clan. Their head was obsessed with beauty and mystical existence of this world. Everyone knew that whenever there was a great beauty, that clan will immedietly get that person under their wing.

No one knew what was happening behind the walls.

Days went by when the family of that beauty would like to see her but they refuse . Not allowing to see a glimpse of the woman. People became suspicious and rumors started to fled that the woman died.

The family of the woman became angry, one night her brother came sneaking into the mansion. Since the woman's brother was a cultivator, he was able to penetrate their defense. He sneakily went to see his beloved sister even in just a glimpse.

But then, what he saw inside horrified him.

On the main hall of the clan's manor lies a very prestigious grave. Each one of them has their names engrave on the stone tomb.

His sister's name was on of them.

Written in bold and grave empty.

His heart was raging with fury.

This clan promised to make her sister life at ease. They were poor and has nothing. Only he was known. as a cultivator with low spiritual influence.

His sister has unparalleled beauty among all the girls living at the village.

Though that was her only asset.

She was born without any spiritual influence which deemed her life's difficulty.

One day, this clan propose a marriage to her. Promising that they would fulfill the material desire of his sister. After a month, she was not allowed to come out.

He was always busy with the sect affairs and has no time to his sister. Not knowing that the next time he could set his eyes on her, she was already buried to the ground. Who knows what kind of atrocities she experience with this clan!

Clad with vengeance, the man study the black arts of magic. Resurrecting the grave of her sister was one of his greatest achievement which he paid with his life. He will let her sister claim for her righteous punishment.

Not only he made his sister climb back from the dead. He also manage to open the graves of women who happen to share the same grievance with this family. Getting back to them and paying for the right price.

Killing all the people who made them suffer.

They all hunted them. All the people of their own species. No one can escape their curse.

Those with blood ties didn't escape either.

When the sect rescue came. The people inside was massacred. Only the children and a few trembling women left alive. A lot of blood was spilled on that day. Corpses of the entire family was found piled one after the other.

The corpses who woken up, also became lifeless lying on the cold ground.

That was the start of the tragic tale of the thousand year old curse of women.