Cause and effect

Hua Zu Ming narrated it to her.

Feng Long Wan could see their connection. History repeats itself. This body's death on the hands of those people. If ever she didn't woe up her death would simple be considered cased closed and would be one of the lifeless corpse wondering around today! Feng long Wan could see herself with decaying flesh and disconnected joints. Her eye socket might also has been long gone leaving black holes.

Grr...That was pretty scary!

But setting aside that kind of thinking, what could that family has done to those women. Why they are needed to die? What's with collecting the great beauties?

Hua Zu Ming, "Senior brother might be searching for the trigger of this event. He must be looking for the residue of black arts being used in the forest."

In the legend, the brother embraces the dark arts. But what kind of dark magic did he used?

Hua Zu Ming, "dark magic has been all confiscated since thousand ago. In this continent, it was prohibited by the emperor using them. There was nothing good that comes out whenever someone was using them"

Feng Long Wan, "then how come, the case one hundred years ago has repeat again"

Hua Zu Ming, "Miss Feng, when you woke up on the forest, don't you feel that something was off"

Feng Long Wan taught for a moment, at that time she was engrossed in thinking of transmigrating. What peculiarities happen, she could never realized it.

Feng Long Wan, " no, I just have woken up"

Hua Zu Ming, " if I could not mistaken, if I knew this from the very start, Miss Feng might be considered the prime suspect of this incident. Seeing that you where unscathed on the forest. Only the caster would be left unfazed by the effect of black arts. But then the pay was his on life."

Her eyes bulge. Somehow, it came to her that Zhan Qing Lei might be suspecting her also at that time.

"But since Miss Feng is a late cultivator, that possibilities is diminished"

Feng Long Wan sigh a relieve.

Even so, she couldn't really tell if she was the caster. Since she didn't know when did she die? She was just a soul that transmigrate into this body. What if this body really was the caster? The more reason she died in this forest. Just to eliminate of being suspected. Her death would be concluded that has just been because of this miasma.

Feng Long Wan, "do you have someone else in mind?'

Hua Zu Ming, "I do have."

Feng Long Wan, " Who is it?"

Hua Zu Ming, " they are already suffering the backlash effect of dark magic. No worries. In no time they will die. Let us just wait for the conclusion of this case"

Feng Long Wan, "Aren't we doing anything? What about the innocent people who will be mix in this caous?"

Hua Zu Ming, "Senior brother is out there. He must be doing something. And besides, these corpses will not harm them. They will only scare them" If only they will not die due to excessive fear.


Outside the manor.

The people where scampering seeing the boned eater. Some of them were screaming. Some were crying. Children were asking for their parents protection.

The roads where block by hundreds of corpses. Both lying on the ground and the one that was walking.

Those inside their homes where same. The talisman serve as a protective barriers. However, those who didn't have suffered a huge loss. Those arrogant who happens to see the secretly pinned talismans on their houses and was pulled out has been attack.

Zhan Qing Lei was standing at the top of the tree. Peacefully watching the scenario. Then one boned corpse caught his attention. Zhan Qing Lei pick a leaf on the tree and blow his breath flicking it to the head to the corpse.

The corpse become invigorated. At first it stop. Then after, went back to the opposite direction.

Heading to a simple decorated bamboo house which it seems very familiar.

The corpse knock a few times. A middle age woman holding a kitchen knife came opening the door. When she open, she immediately shouted, " ugly monsters! Don't dare to enter this house!!!Or i'ma gonna kick your assess!" then her hoe landed on the skull of the corpse which made a loud crack sound.

The corpse only stop then politely bowed in front of her,

Grandma Mu Yang was stupefied, since when did corpses became polite?

She look straight into the corpse's bones. Scrutinizing every curves and lines of it.One thing for sure, this was a woman.

Upon realizing that it was someone she knew, Grandma Mu Yang hysterically hug it without reserve.

"MianMian!" she shouted without hesitation. She embrace the corpse body which was drench in soil. Even if she knew that it will dirtied her she didn't care.

Her child has come back from her.

It has been 10 years from that time.

Mianmian was her beloved daughter.

Born with love from the two of them.

Mianmian tried to say something to her mother. Since she only has skull and boned jaw, the only thing she could do was to make a tattering sound made both from her upper and lover jaw colliding. Tears would like to crawl from her eyes yet in was dry. Her hands wanted to spread the wrath of love to her mother yet her arms where hard and sharp. She couldn't see her, yet she could tell that she has aged for the 10 years she was gone. She was also very weak and thin by now.

Right now, she was only living by herself.

"Mianmian come inside. Lets talk for a while" Granda Muyang led her.

On the inside a peculiar scenario can be scene.

One old woman and a boned corpse was sitting facing each other. The other one was sitting quietly while the other was pouring tea. Grandma Mu Yang didn't even care whether her daughter could sip what she prepared. This is the only thing she could do to her. To offer hospitality and openness to her one and only beloved daughter that has come back from the dead.