Bad Timing

In the end Feng Long Wan lost her scroll.

She almost spend an hour searching but to no avail she didn't find it.

Since she lost it, she has no other way but to take the regular exam. An on the spot exam that will depend on her luck. The weather is good today. Feng Long Wan felt that it would also be good on her day. Soon her positive mood shattered the moment she seated on her designated chair and too the exam!

Holy Moly!

'Who was the first emperor of the Feng Xian Long Continent?'

'What are the major holder of power?'

'Who are the person responsible for the bloody war on the '75 era?'

'Who is the first female hero who contributed to the siege of the village Mathra?'

Damn! Where will she pick the answer to these questions? Somehow this is the first time she'll score a big fat egg on her paper. She should have stick on finding her scroll if she knew this difficult test. She ransacking her brain for a miracle. Just then her eyes drifted on the person in front of her, he was restless and couldn't stay still. She observe him carefully.

There was a thin strip of paper within his desk. It was pretty obvious that it is a cheat but somehow no other person could see it. Feng Long Wan felt it a hassle to meddle on this persons business. And since he was an expert cheater, she tried signal him. To to tip him that she knows what he is doing.

The poor guy received her signal and secretly passed the cheat.

Ahaha! Now there's no way she'll bake a perfect egg this time.

After the exam, Feng Long Wan followed him. His name is Yanzhi and he seems to have an invisibility.

"You have an amazing ability! Man, I really thought I was a goner at that exam"

"Shhhh! Keep you're voice down. The teachers might hear us"

Feng Long Wan tone down her voice while shoulder hugging the guy. He was just the same size as her. So she didn't find any difficulties in going along with him.

Yanzhi , "Did you not study before this exam? Seriously, you're so brave taking without studying"

Feng Long Wan, "hahaha, you got me! I really didn't study at all"

Yanzhi, "We're lucky that the teacher didn't caught us. Might as well to day our lucky day"

Feng Long Wan, "All is well. So how about I treat you outside for some snacks to compensate your lucky charm.Yes, we should know each other!"

Yanzhi only look at her weirdly, then as if like a 10 year old friend that had been separated they decided to celebrate their good luck.

Feng Long Wan can't help but still think her first cheating habit. " Next time Yanzhi, you should enlarge your writing style. I can't even see properly earlier some of you words."

As when she finished her sentence, Yanzhi froze. Then seeing the new comer Feng Long Wan also turned and even became more paler.

The instructor who was assign on their classroom was standing behind them. He was glaring at them with scornful eyes.

"The two of you. Follow me"

He's words were strict leaving no space on negotiation.

Feng long Wan and Yanzhi followed the instructor.

Her first time cheating and she was caught. What a great timing!


Mingxi, Wang and Jin'ai where waiting for a certain someone's return. However, after many hours had passed no one came back. Their respective instructor was now becoming more impatient. If not for being said that these students where special, he would have not waited for this long.

"Did she really cast it to the depths of the earth? Seriously, how long does wee need to wait for her." Mingxi commented.

"Maybe she got lost. This school is big that without guide will get immedietly lost" Wang.

"Who cares! We need to start today!"

.The instructor wave his hand and the letter scroll they are all holding went to his hands.

"In 5 minutes that she cannot make it. I will declare her forfeit. We should just wait for a bit then I'll make my decision"

The three student heard him but never make any acknowledgement to him.

He clicked his tongue knowing the arrogant attitude of the these three.

"We have still 5 minutes, somehow I could feel that she can make it. How about you Jin 'Ai? You wanna make a bet?"

"Not gonna make it" Jin 'ai declared.

"You confident?"


Wang then turn to Mingxi. "How about you?"

"I really didn't want her to make it. Seriously, you can see how she acted earlier. There no special about her. She can't even defend that small attack so how can she be a spiritualist?"

"Are you envious, because your not the only one woman in this group and beside…" Wang inch a little nearer to her ear and whisper "…your afraid the she could stole Jin Ai's attention"

Wang wink at her upon finishing his statement.

Jin 'ai acted as if he didn't hear anything at all.

Just then, the door knob click. Everyone's attention focused on the person coming in.

It was a woman in busty appearance holding a scroll.

"Nice to meet you. I am Shira Mong. I've been recommended here. I hope we could get along well."

The three was speechless. There's no hiding it that there would only be 4 recommended students. With the one they saw earlier, then just who the heck is this woman in front of them?

Or was the other one fake?