Messed Up Class D

Great! So now they are in the detection cell. Getting caught really sucks. How should she explain these events to Zhan Qing Lei? Not to mention her recommendation scroll has gone!

Feng Long Wan doesn't want to go home. Not if she would gonna see him.

"This is your fault and your stupid mouth." Yanzhi didn't let their matter passed and blame her.

"Yah Yah, I admit it. But there's no use crying over spilled milk. So what would our punishment would be?"

Yanzhi even became depressed by her question. It's pretty obvious that they were in a tight right now. Could it be that their sanction is expulsion?! They haven't been enrolled yet!

"Designation on Class D. No school allowance and a room to stay"

"Was that all? Holy Cow, I though where not gonna have a chance on this school after all"

Yanzhi couldn't help but twitch his eyebrow. It was a common knowledge about the strict rules of this academy. It felt like this girl was like a newborn baby without knowledge of the world surrounding her.

"Are you an idiot! you don't know how bad our situation is. That class has the lowest social standing. Students assign on this class has low privileged with regard to instrument and weapons. Even teachers neglects this unfavored students. We'll not gonna have much liberty and we'll always be prone to bullying. It's really scary to be part of this group"

What's with this fuck up Class D?! " This is hell! Are we not a student also? Why do we need that kind of treatment!"

"This is your fault! If you did not insist to copy my answers and blabber nonstop this would not happen!"

"Don't worry, you have to be together with me. We're on the same boat here..."

Feng Long Wan doesn't want to make trouble to Zhan Qing Lei. if she lost his scroll then be it. That means that it wasn't meant for her anyway. She just only taught he would not gonna monitor her in this school. What else could she say to him when she faced him next time


The start of class happens in a blink of an eye. It was on the first day that they were allowed to go out on the detection room. They were only offered one pair of robes that was handed down. Aside from that piece of clothes nothing was offered. No room designation to stay. Nor allowance to take in.

Along their way, Yanzi stumbled down lying flat on the ground. The onlookers only cast a glance without bothering to help him. The person who tripped him was looking down on him as if he was a small fly. He was dress nicely in white robe.

The social standing of students here where shown through their robe color. The Class A wears gold & white. Class B of blue. Class C is purple and Class D is gray. it just so happen that the two of them where wearing gray robes and the person confronting them is wearing purple. he has the guts trampling on Yanzi because of his robe status. But it just only a level one difference.

"What is a filthy beggars like you roaming around in this area. You are only polluting the air with your filthy looks and smell" She saw a young fat boy with ugly freckles laughing at Yanzi.

"Speak for yourself, you ugly. With your fatness aren't your afraid your exuding pig smell on your sweat!" Feng Long Wan said while helping Yanzi up.

"What! You dare!" This time, the fat's attention was transferred to her. he had his ugly face twisted into some like dark sculpture.

This time, the fat boy grab her by her collar. Since this boy is tall and enormous for his size Feng Long Wan's body has easily been lifted. The fat guy was so angry with her. it seems that his limitation was calling him a pig.

The crowd of students has begun to grow. It was also around this time when the 4 recommended students passed by. Clad in beautiful golden robe. Their aura gives of a majestic vibes.

"First day of school and someone is starting a commotion. Seems like this year would be an enjoyable one" Wang said taking a look at the distant crowd.

"Don't bother your attention with their likes. We only need to become strong and nothing more. Those idiots don't need our attention" Mingxi added like a cold goddess that doesn't has interest with other people's business.

'Aw! You gotta hand that to the ice queen~~No interest in anything at all except--"

Wang was only teasing her but who knows when a bucket of cold water was splash on his head.

"What the... you made my robe wet. How do I suppose to enter the school with this?"

"That is not my problem anymore" Mingxi went head straight without looking back.

Jing 'ai was only following closely.

Shira was also behind him.

Mingxi find this woman outrageous. She obviously interested in Jing 'ai yet showing her timidness. Does she think that Jing ai would fall for her acting?

Jing 'ai was oblivious of the two women's inner battle. His focus was on the center of the crowd. The one who's being lifted.

Feng Long Wan didn't back down. Just because this was an overgrown size boy he could threaten her just like than?! This girl has already undergone tremendous experiences and this is nothing.

In one swing, she lifted her right foot. In one swoosh, her right leg landed on this person's face making a loud sound of feet hitting the skin. Then the boy landed on the ground unconscious..


Feng Long Wan for the win!




From afar, Jing 'ai watches the happenings. After a few moments of looking he then went over on his way.