Coaxing an Irratable Brat

A lot of onlookers became stunned seeing the scenario. A Class D student going one on one with a Class C? This was never happened before! Each and every student are having their own opinions. Some where on Feng Long Wan's side cheering her undeniable self confidence. Others where mocking her. How dare a Class D student like her pick a fight with a higher status? her life will be doomed from now on.

Yanzhi pulled her out immediately and run away as fast as they can.

When they reach their designated room, Yanzhi shook her hand and went straight ahead looking at her.

"Hey!" Feng Long Wan followed him. Where he sits, she sit also.

"Are you angry?" She could not understand it he's behaving like that.

"Listen, I'll pester you mo matter what if your not going to talk to me."

Yanshi turn to her. It is as if her threat is effective.

"Why did you do that again! Don't you know the result of your action is a whole year of hellish school life? Why'd you drag me anyway? You're a bad luck to me. So can you please stay away? I'm begging you"

Woah! So he's thinking of the negative side to happen.

"Okay it's my fault. I already admitted it a hundred of times. if your in trouble just call me. We'll in this together."


Feng Long Wan knew that it'll take time before he could subdue Yanzhi. For a man! This boy is really sensitive and irksome. Just like a woman having her monthly period.

Feng Long Wan decided to leave him alone for a while. She only focus her gaze on her entire surrounding. Now that she has her full attention. She saw the unorganized and messy room. Although this room has enough chairs for everyone, the situation speaks for itself that their class was forsaken.

All the facilities where old and rusty. Dust where thick and smelly. Insects where freely roaming the entire hall.

This is where the life of poor students will revolve.

Feng Long Wan was awfully tired of waiting for their class instructor. It's been how many hours and yet no one came.

*uck! First day of school and there where treated like that. Then what the hell they were even enrolled?


The day ended but no instructor came to their room. Now Feng Long Wan really want to march on the principal's office and a complain. This is already non humanitarian? Where are the rights of every students?

She was about to storm off and complain when a tall figure lean on the door. Since that person was good looking, it harbors whispers and giggles from her classmates.

'hey girls. Remember your situation first before boyfriends okay?

"Hey!" Jing ai's masculine and deep voice was heard.

" Hello, somethings wrong?" Feng Long Wan felt it awkward talking to him. It was like she was talking to the younger version of Zhan Qing Lei. Both has a profound aura and unapproachable vibes. "Whose your patron?"

Jing ai clearly saw the name of the person on that scroll. He just only want to confirm it.

"Even if I tell you, it won't do good to me. So why do i need to tell you?"

Jing 'ai flinch with her answer. He was expecting her to tell her directly and that doesn't need to prolong the conversation.

"You need to tell me or else..."

Feng Long Wan immedielty cut in. "or else what? Your gonna bully me. Like what that fat guy did? Come on! Are all high status students so arrogant that they'll bully anyone who they feel to pick a fight?. But I tell you, this one will not back down. Just try it and you'll see"

Feng Long Wan was in full battle mode now.

Who would gonna taught that Jing 'ai would just gonna turn and snab her,

Feng Long Wan was surprise with this fellow. She really thought that he's gonna strangle her or beat the hell out of her. But he only just turn around and ignore her.

We'll this is good for her.


"Where have you been?" When Jing ai came, it was Mingxi who finds him.

" I just went to see someone" Jing 'ai's apathetic tone reverberated. Knowing he meet with someone, Mingxi's interest pique.

She bombarded him with questions like 'who is it?' 'what do you need him for?' 'was it a woman?'.Jing ai felt that something was wrong with the way she spoke and immediately left her.

Mingxi gritted her teeth.

From afar, Shira observe what events happening and her lips twerk into a sadistic smile. She intentionally look at Mingxi who was bulging with anger.

It's pretty obvious that this Mingxi is head over hills with Jing'ai. But the latter has no intention of pursuing her. Really even herself finds this woman boring without any charm. Unlike her, anyman she could seduce with her body structure.

Shira felt confident of seducing Jing 'ai. Men are pathetic with regards to womanly charm and Jing 'ai is the same. As a man, he knows he has physical needs that she could offer.

What could that Mingxi compare to her!

A flat bring woman who's envious will always be a turn off.

Mingxi also felt the ridicule stare of this fox woman.

Who cares about that woman anyway?

As long as Jing 'ai will not take interest of this woman. She would never took interest of her.