Market Business

The education system of Jiang Shu Academy is divided into two types. The class for refiner and practitioners.

Feng Long Wan was on a Class D Spiritual Refiner.

On the second day of their class a man named Mr. Dim was their instructor. He was a man with stout physique and long beard. After introducing his name to the class, he presented chanted spell which they could use in sealing. This were their first exercise, yet the man didn't supervise them. It's self studying.

Feng Long Wan tried to memorize the chant. The old man said that this is the basic spell in refiner so there's really no harm on it.

As she was focusing into her spell, there was a commotion that takes place. One girl tried to use this to seal her dagger. However, there was an accident ended on burning her whole weapon ad turn into ask. The whole classroom was speechless. Even the girl went pale. Zhan Qing Lei didn't teach her the arts of sealing since its sensitive, so this was what he mean.

It was lucky for the girl that the energy didn't back fire to her or else her entire spirit vein could finish.

Yanzhi was doing his best of focusing and memorizing well the spell. He was hurl at once side without no one disturbing him.

Days has passed when an special announcement came. A match specifically directed to all spirit refiner.

A note informing all spiritual refiner must display their highest quality refine for bidding. This a chance of exposure for and a way of earning money. This activity has been done once every month.

And a lot of aspiring refiner gain on it especially for their monthly allowances.

Feng Long Wan and Yanzhi was in dire need of money since there were given none. They were staying temporarily on a single shed near the firewood station. That night, Yanzhi took all his presentable belongings. Taking into consideration what to refine and sell.

From his rusty kitchen knife to his sharp metal stick, all possible objects that could be a weapon Yanzhi took his all night to refine.

Feng Long Wan has nothing stored for her. Aside from one pairs of clothes, she has nothing. From the moments she step out of Zhan Qing Lei's mansion she didn't come back. Zhan Qing Lei told her that once she presented her scroll her everything needs will be provided. But since she lost it, she has been back to square one again.

Like a beggar without nothing.

Feng Long Wan decided to refine a fine white stones that she pick up on the way. Though useless but this will do. She'll just decorate to surface with some coloring tint to appear more attractive.


The morning they brought their refined weapons, a lot of students where already on the hall.

The venue of this wide range weapon selling is the center stage of this school.

This time, there were not only students but also buyers from different sects. The purpose of this exposure is also to set good connection to each sect's disciple. If one would be lucky, he could find a potential buyer who could become his loyal customer and patronize his produces. It's basically giving students an inch towards the real world.

Feng Long Wan and Yanzhi decided to get the place at the edge of the stage since almost all the good spots were taken. However, just as they were to put their luggage, someone snatch the ground and plump their refined weapon. It was the boy who they have a bad vibes since the start.

Feng Long Wan resisted the urge this boy's oily face. She was only giving considerations to Yanzhi since he really don't want trouble.

So they gave way to that fat one and change to the post where there are less people going.

Yanzhi's dagger, knife, metal stick where displayed together with her cute painted small pebbles.

The stage was already buzzing in its morning business when they settled in.

At first there were some who asks for their price but upon closer look they would back down and bought to another one.

The sun was already hot and same with the atmosphere.

Just as they were having no confidence on todays business, someone pick up the colored pebble. "How much is this?" A deep masculine voice was heard.

Feng Long Wan immedietly got up to assist the buyer.

Jing 'Ai scrutinize the small object in his head. As soon as he close his eyes, the abundant spiritual content of this object is over flowing. He could sense the massive overflow and strong capabilities within.

Although this object was nowhere within high grade but there is no doubt that its inner quality is above level.

"That's 2 metal coin"

In this world, the value of money is measured through metal copper and gold. 1000, metal coins is equivalent to 1 copper. 10000 copper is equivalent to 1 Gold.

Jing 'ai, "It's cheap"

Feng Long Wan, "We'll then Sir, how about 5 metal coin?"

Jing 'ai, "Are you running a charity? 500 metal coins then"

Feng Long Wan, " 400 copper coins then" Feng Long Wan felt that her work in not really worth much. Charging big without any quality is never a go for a businessman. It'll only lead to loose customer loyalty and goodwill.

Jing 'ai pulled a bulk pouch on his pocket and handed 400 copper coins to her. Yanzhi was stunned to see this kind of business transaction. He immedietly tap Feng Long Wan and drag her a little further from the customer. "What are you doing? Why didn't you accept his proposal of 500 copper coins"