Snuggled underneath the warm bedcovers, Oliver and Aiden slept peacefully with only the tips of their hairs popping out of the sheets due to the chill of autumn. Blissfully basking in each other's warmth and love, both had managed to spend their first night as a couple. Neither unsatisfed as they only settled for cuddling rather than giving into lavicious desire. Though, that did not stop Aiden clinging tightly to Oliver and stealing a little bit of his tofu.
Not that Oliver had any qualms with his actions, Aiden knew where his bottom line laid and respected it. Their intimate relationship may had just begun, but their years of understanding of one another had easily set a foundation for their romance.
However, their peace were destined to be disturbed. A flurry of footsteps rushed right up to their door. It was then followed with a frantic, "Wait-" before the door burst open to reveal Hillary wearing an emptied out hiking bag with Shilah just barely being able to cover her eyes.
Hillary, not minding the fact that her friend had blocked her sight, continued on normally, "Oliver! Aiden! Me and Shilah are going out to collect some stuff from the nearby warehouses and factories. I've already looked outside and the traffic is gone. If you want, we could take some of the cars that were abandoned!"
Oliver rubbed his eyes and willed himself to get up, while Aiden played dead to the world, hoping that he could gain some sort of advantage or benefit from Oliver before actually waking up. His wish would get half-way fullfilled as Oliver had noticed his intentions the moment he saw his lover's eyelashes flutter ever-so slightly in anticipation, and somewhat played along as he leaned his body against him, though his elbow that supported his chin was lodged onto the man's stomache. Thus, earning a small grunt from Aiden and successfully "waking" him up.
He smiled flatteringly at Oliver, whom began to thought that perhaps Aiden was starting to incline towards... liking pain, to put in nicely. If Aiden could hear those small thoughts, he would simply agree with the ideas, so long as Oliver was happy.
Oliver smiled amicably at the two women. When Shilah realized the couple was fully dressed and not doing anything unsavory, she retracted her hands and scowled at Hillary's giddy figure.
"As Hillary said, would you like to come with us to do a little... shopping?" Shilah asked in a more respectful tone towards Oliver and Aiden.
The brunette had come to genuienely like and respect the men from yesterday's interactions. At first, the three reborn people went off in their own conversations of the future of the base to their own insights of the apocalypse. As for her? She lessened her presence! What could she even do in that situation? Act like she knew what was happening? Wisely choosing to stay silent and listen was the best option.
Much of her past confusion about the current doomsday was cleared up, however the enigma of Hillary's desire to come to the base still remained somewhat of a mystery. After a little more of expressive gesturing and stumbling over words, Hillary managed to narrow her "gut-feeling" down to a certain gratefulness that she felt towards Oliver and the want to pay him back, despite never having interacted with the man before.
This still left everyone else scratching their heads. Oliver was quick to simply wave off the conversation and Aiden was quicker in arranging the newly added residents' bedroom. The country house had a guest room that the women had quickly settled in.
Hillary was initially excited to unpack and start raiding nearby factories, however Shilah was fast to shut her down when she pointed at the car-filled street just outside the window. She still felt rattled from the distant screams and sounds of car crashes. Thus, they spent the better part of the day simply conversing with their newly appointed bosses, Aiden and Oliver.
This time, Shilah finally joined the conversation and asked many questions to clarify further. For instance: How long was the apocalypse? What were the zombies weak points? Did people get any abilities to fight back? Oliver simply shrugged his shoulder at the first question and Aiden offered his combat experience with both early and the later evolved zombies, including advice on how to evade or defeat them. And for the last question, Oliver showed off his lover and himself, boasting of their powerful and useful abilities. Aiden stayed nonchalant, but his red-tinted ears revealed his joy in being so heavily praised and satisfied his lover's narcissism by also praising the man's prowess in battle and logistics.
Hillary listened with glistening and admiring eyes, while Shilah felt that the two men were just touting each other's horns. It was not that she did not want their prowess to be true, it was just that Oliver had immediately seperated from his initial gentle and kind persona into a talkative and childish man who bragged about his and Aiden's past achievements. The change was just too quick to accept completely!
She had plainly stated her doubts, also being curious if the abilities thing was true, since Hillary had not mentioned it during their shopping spree nor their improtu road trip.
Aiden was willing to show his ability of controlling wind and water, while Oliver revealed his space. Both people had left Shilah respectful of the men and more willing to stay in their base with Hillary. What bigger and safer bases? These men knew what they were doing and had the power to back it up!
She directed a hopeful gaze at Hillary. The brunette gave a arrogant smirk and extended her arm to reveal her ability, Oliver leaned in with interest with Aiden lazily leaning on him. Hillary took a deep breath and-
Nothing. Nothing had happened.
She simply stretched her arms and said that she and Shilah truly had no abilities, earning a well-deserved smack from her friend.
Now, here she was, asking these two men to go do some "shopping" with them. Honestly, she felt quite embarassed asking the couple since she had intended to have Oliver come along just in case there was too much stuff to carry. Though, Oliver had already stated that he had all the supplies needed for the apocalypse, which would last at least a few years or so, plus he had stated that supplies could be collected along the way later. As there would be more people dying than collecting food in the early days.
A harsh reality that made her flinch, but something she knew she must become accostumed to. But, she still wanted to go out and get some experience while the zombies were still supposedly weak. Shilah had only seen zombies in the distance, following the trail of cars that passed by.
She would rather not stay sheltered underneath her friend's wings. Some things simply have to be tackled head on, stalling may become detrimental to her development in the future.
Awaiting Oliver's answer as he hummed and hawed, Shilah stood straight as a toothpick and had a newly affirmed gaze, different from her previous anxious or doubtful eyes. To her delight and Oliver's disappointment on the failed attempt in creating suspense, Aiden would answer positively at the women's question.