The forgotten dragon Chapter 5 Tiger form

Then after a second, Yi opened his eyes.

" Good job kid! "

Guangying knows that Yi has succeeded, cause his aura now is completely different than before.

" It's all thanks to you know master."

Yi kowtows to Guangying

" Stop the formality Kid, I am your grandpa, not your master."

Guangying saying these words with a proud look on his face. He already treated Yi as his own grandson.

" Alright don't celebrate yet, that's only the beginning. You can battle by your human form or your bloodline form.

The next step is to combine your body with your bloodline energy and then turn yourself into a Tiger. "

" Mmm, ok, grandpa."

Long Yi sat down again in a lotus position. He recalled what happened in the spirit world When the white tiger is leaping towards him, he then cut the momentum of a white tiger resulting in a surprise of its defeat.

A blade was on the white tiger neck one wrong move and it was headless.

" hahaha, it's my defeat, man this was so embarrassing. "

The White Tiger was laughing.

" Even though I know I couldn't win to you, I'm still surprised by the results, I was just teasing you earlier. There are no such rules about one move to defeat the enemy. Hahaha, if my comrades heard about this I would be a laughing stock. The Great White Tiger lost to a Kid with only one move, hahaha."

That's the words that uttered by the White Tiger.

I was also amazed and delighted, however, he stumbled down and become unconscious.

When opened his eyes he already returns back to the real world.


Guangying noticed Yi is having a hard time simulates his bloodline power.

" Search deep inside you"

That was the hint he gives to Yi.

Long Yi opened his eyes and nodded to Guangying. But still, he doesn't know what to do.

" Think! Think! what happened earlier? that's right! I've got it! I was transferred using my spirit so, I can search it deep inside me. Meaning search deep in my spirit World! "

Guangying able to detect fluctuations of Yi's aura, then he said.

" You finally get it, kid! Hahaha"

Guangying was also excited about Yi's success.

Long Yi searched deep inside his spirit, then he found the White Tiger sleeping within. When it sensed Yi's presence the white tiger opens its eyes with a trace of excitement, then the white tiger stood up and roared. Suddenly, it deformed and turn into a mist then that mist enveloped Yi.

He opens his eyes, and he can see a fur on his body, he is now in a tiger form, however, he remains on standing on his feet, then,

Yi, feel his strength is rising from

Initial Stage then Warrior 4,5,6,7 Stage. Just one more step and he will advance into Warrior Elite Stage.

Then he opened his eyes, he was now returned to the real world.

" Hahaha! kid, you're so unpredicted,

a normal person will need a day to be able to use their Beast Form, but you, I would not say any more. "

Guangying was so delighted to see Yi is getting stronger, he doesn't need to worry leaving Yi alone here at the forest.

" Kid, you're almost there, now we have to solidify your strength. Tigers are quick, strong and decisive. In addition to your training, you have to wear these. " bracelets and a belt came out from Guangying space ring.

" What are these for?"

Yi asks by his curiosity. But when he reached out one of the bracelets he was shocked, It falls and burrows to the ground.

" Oh, I forgot to notify you, each one would have 300 kilos each, hahaha". with a smile on Guangying face.

" Damn you old man, you did it on purpose, did you? "

That's Long Yi's response to old Guangying.

" Hahaha, no, I actually forgot that information. That's would what happened when you're getting older, go ahead now wear this bracelet and a belt to your hands, feet, and waistline.

then we will climb that cliff"

While pointing his hand into the highest cliff.

" Sh* t you really want me to die don't you? "

When Yi wears the items it was so heavy that he couldn't even move. After a minute, his body is still coping up but he can do baby steps.

" Hahaha, just by your steps I can tell that you're really are a Kid! hahaha." Guangying was teasing Long Yi.

" Shut up, you old man! I'm not a kid anymore I'm almost twelve and based on the rules I'm now a man and can marry a woman. " Yi retorted to Guangying words.

" Oh, really, then does it been circumcised down there? wahahaha ."

Guangying continued teasing him.

Yi felt a little odd why Guangying is acting strange today and also teaching him abilities to rashly.

" Okay! Kid, seems your comfortable moving now, see it works right? you forgot the weight your lifting. Let's stop fooling around now and let's begin. "

" Huh, you're the one who's fooling around. "

then Yi crossed his hand.

" Hahaha, alright, alright, this next technique that I will teach to you is called, Tiger Roar. This technique will give a buff that boosts your strength for a minute, and this is similar to apes bloodline who drums their chest when fighting."

Guangying Index finger glowed white again and then press it to Yi's forehead.

Long Yi receives the technique and memorized all the patterns then he turns again into a tiger.

" Tiger Roar "

He tried to activate the technique and he feels that his strengths double up. Then try to punch the tree nearby,

BOOM! a big tree that are needed three persons to be able to hug. Now it was falling down with just one punch by him.

" Hmmm."

Guangying was satisfied with what he saw.

" Kid, you're really great! you already grasp the essence of that technique. By the way, not only your strength but also it will also boost your agility and awareness. You can activate it even though you're not even on your bloodline form. The additional effect of this technique is, if your opponents are has a low spirit defense then they were inside within 100 meters they will falter or stun.