The forgotten dragon Chapter 6 Leaping Tiger Fist

" Kid, always remember to keep on practicing and harnessing your abilities. Tiger characters the Speed and Strength and Dragon is Toughness and Strength while the other one I'm not really sure if that's a Blood Demon bloodline. "

Guangying was overslipped his tongue, and he said to much.

" Huh? blood Demon? what do you mean Grandpa, I do have a Blood of a demon?"

Yi asks Guangying.

Guangying takes a deep sigh.

" (Tsk tsk, I said too much.) Well, you also need to know about that. Just as I said, I'm not sure if that's a Blood Demon although you have the same scarlet eyes however there's a tattoo that appeared on the top of your right eye pass down on it, that looks like this."

Guangying draw the symbols he saw it's like a ( III ) however there's a tail on the top left.

" I'm not sure what's the meaning of that, I've never encountered those symbols. For what I've heard that Blood Demon is revered as a noble in the other continent they ruled so that's why they were so haughty and cruel. Alright!

That's all I know, so let's get back to practice."

Although Yi has still many questions on his mind there's nothing he could do. For now, at least he does have a clue what's bloodline is that.

Yi, change his figure into a White Tiger with red stripes with a horn on its forehead and very sharp teeth and fangs, Not only his speed and strength have doubled up also his awareness including smell and hearing has also doubled up.

" An hours pass by and Guangying was pleased by Yi's strength and comprehension on every technique he instructed, He can learn it right away. He blows again the smoke then said to Yi, his eagerness to learn resembles on my former disciple.

"Ok, here's another technique that I will teach you, this is called Leaping Tiger Fist. This technique accumulates energy into your fist and then adds another force to your punch when you leap towards your enemy, It's up to you if you want to be delayed in the air or not. So that's why this is suits for a tiger because you need to be decisive and quick. In order for them not avoid the attack and take a direct blow."

Then Guangying passed the technique the same as earlier, his index finger glow again and pressed it into Yi's forehead.

After the process.

Yi asks Guangying why there is no manual for the techniques he passed.

Guangying laughs and said.

"Of course, this technique is an advanced technique, to avoid it from being stolen, the Leader decided to hide the manuals only the highest authority can read and teach or guide their students and I happened to be the Sect Guardian. You see, advanced techniques are so hard to get for their characteristics compared to low tier techniques."

Yi's face was can't be painted he did not understand what Guangying needed to say.

" Alright, I'll explain it to you, low tier techniques have a limitation. Take a look at this Flame Fist, its damage can be increased however if you reach Master warrior or above the damage will still the same as Warrior Elite Stage. Another scene, if you fight with Master Warrior or above then the damage would be no great or no damage at all.

However, the technique that I've passing onto you is different it can evolve into immortal techniques. The highest the Stage you're at the more damage is dealt. Did you get it?"

" Ohh, I see, then these techniques are so expensive, right? "

" You're right, so go now and practice and don't waste this technique. "

Guangying sat again the takeout his favorite tobacco pipe and start smoking while watching Yi.

Then Yi figures back into a human form, he sat in a lotus position and comprehend the technique. However, when Yi opens his eye he was under on the same space where he first meets the red eyes. Although the place right now is slightly different than before his instinct told him that this is the same Space, Just like a baby knows who its mother is.

Then he was stunned a copy of himself appeared then performed all the techniques he learned from Guangying but the technique that its performing is much better and accurate than him.

Yi tried to unravel the secret why it can wield it more accurately than him but he failed. Out of his frustration, he screams so loud.


Then a weak voice rang from that space.

" Shut up Snort! I was sleeping you're disturbing me! Have I taught you that technique already? The Great Demon Eyes! Use that and you will unravel everything. Now don't be so loud, ok? "

Then the weak voice of Red Eyes fades.

" Oh! Yi hammered his left palm by his right hand, an expression of remembering something.

Great Demon Eyes, can see the flaws of every technique, it can also peek inside the human or demons body and see its weak spot and also copy any techniques, however, Yi can wield that technique for a maximum of 2 minutes if use it without stopping.

Yi's eye turns into Red like blood. then peeks inside the copy of himself and see the Patterns and Energy distribution.

I see, after a minute his head is spinning so he stops using the Great Demon Eye.

Then he tried to execute the Leaping Tiger technique. His right Fist has a white mist aura is around on it.

then he leaps 50meters from his target, Leaping Tiger fist, Swosh! swosh, A strong gusts of wind appeared due to his punch, then he also tries another form of Leaping Tiger Fist,

he stamps his right foot to the ground and bent his knee, position his fist, line on his chest a white mist aura was turning into red, then at exactly 10 seconds white mist turns into red, then Yi leaps towards his target, Shoo! WOOSH His speed and its damage had double up. Also, Yi was fainted due to the exhaustion of his energy.