The forgotten dragon Chapter 8 Monster core

The Earth Ape chose to defend its life, it stops accumulating energy to defend the incoming fist. Even though it defended the attack the ape did not skip the impact of falling down due to fist force and its weight, it just like a meteor falling from the sky.

BOOM! it created a big hole on the ground, however, the Ape was still alive it is struggling to get up and pretending that he wasn't hurt.

Yi admires the tenacity of the Earth Ape but when Yi uses the Leaping Tiger again he noticed the Apes Eyes, it is the eyes of saying goodbye to a loved one,

he knows the feeling cause when he been hit by Hypno Powder he was sent around when the time he was dying. Yi stops his technique and asks the Earth Ape why it needed the Moon Flower, he knows that it was impossible for him to understand but due to his curiosity he still asks.

He was amazed cause the Earth Ape to answer him with some sign language and the most mystery for him he was able to determine what is the Earth Ape saying to him.

" What do you mean you were bluffing only? ha? its for me to be scared and run away? I see, so you needed this Moon Flower to cure your sons that have been poison, "

Yi interprets the Ape signs.

the ape makes signs again.

" What the that's the other side part of the forest! you mean you've been searching for this Moon Flower for the whole month without eating".

The weak ape just nodded its head, Yi was feeling guilty for what he did to the ape, he almost killed a very responsible father. Ape eats fruit or meat, however, since the ape is guarding the Moon Flower it did not have time to look for food.

" Ok, as compensation for what I've done to you, I will not get this flower and help you to guard it against other predators."

Yi did not move near to the Flower, he knows that the ape did not completely trust him. He sat in a lotus position and cultivate, Yi noticed a Dragon Snake approaching, it has small wings at the back and a two horn on its head.

Yi quickly stood up and warning the incoming snake, however, it did no heed Yi warning, Yi feels that the snake is laughing at him.

" Hmm! so you underestimated me huh"

however, the serpent just left, Yi leaps and climb in the tree and monitor the Dragon Snake, Yi noticed that even though the snake found a fat earth boar which their favorite food, it did not eat the boar it just pass by and head directly to the river. The shaking Fat Earth Boar was also surprised for what happened it runs towards the bushes and hides.

" hmmm, he did not eat its favorite meals, I know what you're thinking, stupid serpent."

One characteristic of the Boa, when they stop eating its s either it has a problem or they were preparing for their next meal, stop eating means they were sizing up their next meal and create more Acid inside their belly to easily digest the food if its a big one.

"base on the aura it released earlier, it was compared to a Warrior Master.

I'm only a Warrior stage one more steps and I'm a Warrior Elite Stage, Do I have a chance to defeat it?.sigh I have to prepare most likely it will strike early morning."

When Yi trying to sit again another enemy came in it is an Earth Bear.

The bear runs towards Yi and swipes his paw unfortunately for the bear it misses its target, Yi has already in the air and already gathered energy into his fist, " Leaping Tiger Fist!" Boom! it landed on bears' head and pop like a balloon. Thud! the bears' body falls down. Hey! Ape, You've got food now! Yi takes out the red orb inside the Earth Bear, then the Earth Ape took the Earth Bear body and tore it into two.

The ape telling Yi take the other half,

Yi takes the other half and he created a fire to barbecue the Earth Bears meat.

after an hour the two already done eating the Earth Bear Meat. Yi's already replenished the energy he consumed, he took out the red orb which is the Monster Energy Core it has the size of the fist of a baby. Monster Core has different uses it can use to forge a weapon, ingredients for pill and many more. There's a crazy person tried to eat the core directly, unfortunately, they pop themselves. Monster Core has a lot of energy stored on it and the human body is different than Monster or beast so the human body can't consume the core directly.

Yi was playing the core tossing it in the air and catch. A weak voice rang up again on his head, " hey snort! there's a saying don't play with your food" what are you doing is wasting the food, by exposing it on the air it releases the energy stored in it, keep that on your space ring or you can consume it.

"Consume it! am I crazy to follow your instructions? don't you know that there's so many people think they were especial and eat the core but ended up the same faith?"

" You're really a Snort! how can you compare your self to those lowly being? you have our blood flows in you which makes you special than them. also, your luck is good you have gained the trust of that ape, you can ask to get the legendary Monkey Wine it will help you to raise your strength and also your spirit energy. Not only that some of the core also can improve your spiritual energy!"

Yi was surprised, " really? I'm able to eat this energy core? Monkey Wine huh, ok I'll give it a try I." Yi, swallow the core when it reaches into his dantian he feels the vast amount of energy is flowing inside his body.