The forgotten dragon Chapter 9 Fighting against Dragon Snake

A vast of energy from the monster core is pouring to Yi's energy reservoir, however, he was stunned for the next thing happened. It was not the same as the other people suffered when they consumed the core, instead of his reservoir to poped up, it expands like a balloon but unlike the balloon that it will turn back to its size when there is no air inside.

He was in pain while the process is going on, you can see Yi's face is twitching and sweat coming out. He tightened up his fist and endure the pain that he felt.

Yi notice that his energy reservoir has doubled up its size, then Yi shouted "HAAAAH"

his aura change and foul air came out from his mouth when he

shouts earlier.

" Hahaha, yes! I've already stepped in

Warrior Elite Stage, "

then Yi form his hand into a fist,

" My strength has raised up, I can even fight now the Earth Bear without using the Leaping Tiger First, however, I still have to use the Tiger Roar to double up my agility and add up my strength. Even though I'm just one step away to become a Warrior Elite Stage and now that I'm already stepped in I can feel that the energy is greater than at Warrior Stage."

Yi stood up stretching his hands and body.

" The meat of wild beast is also very great it also gives you strength"

Then he looks back to Earth Ape, the ape drums its chest, Yi knows what the ape trying to say base on its gestures, it congratulates him and at the same time, it tells that it already recover its strength.

" Great! you've already recovered your strength, reserved that, for there's another storm coming up, we had a strong visitor arriving soon."

Yi's warning to the Earth Ape.

The ape punches the ground left and right then drums its chest, conveying that it is not afraid of any rival and his now ready to take it on.

"Hahaha, good! then let's now prepared ourselves"

Yi sat down again and recuperate his energy.

Late Night came, it seems no beast tried to disturb the two protecting the Moon Flower. The Moon came out from the clouds and it gives light to a dim place, when that light touches the Moon Flower it glows in rainbow color.

Many wild beasts attracted to its colorful lights you can see in their eyes, the affection to get that flower, however, they were afraid of Earth Ape's rage.

while the flower is starting to bloom suddenly the place turns dark when Yi looks behind he spotted the Dragon Snake, hissing, bearing its long sharp fang with acid leaking down and corroded the area where the acid is.

The Earth Ape drums its chest multiple times indicating that it will attack, however, Yi stopped the ape.

" Leave it to me first, can't you see that there are too many eyes lurking, staring at your flower? but they were all afraid of you so they can't make a move and if you leave your spot they will all make their moves and I know I can't protect it. Once it already bloomed you can catch after us. I know that this Snake is very intelligent, it will not attack you first, it knows you have both have the strength and it will be takes damaged from you leaving him vulnerable for my attacks, so that's why it will attack me first to wipe out its possible threats."

The ape smashes its two hands on the ground, it was upset that it can't do to help his friend. Yes, the ape already considered Yi as its friend.

Yi, jump up and move to a different place to avoid damaging the flower and he was right the Dragon Snake pursued him. Yi stops and changes his form into a white tiger with a horn on its head when the snake saw this, it shines its eyes thinking that it will be eating a special meal.

The snakes slide and swing its tail, Yi avoids the attack by summersault and landed his feet at the head of the snake, however, there's no damage.

" Sh*t it's really tough, Tiger Roar! "

Yi, agility has been doubled and due to unveiling the essence of techniques on the Red Eyes Space, he can now use it for three minutes,

" come to think of it there is only one attack technique I've learned and no defense techniques, also I don't have any weapon,( sigh ) going into war without any weapon? that more of a suicide. ahh!"

Yi has been hit by Snake tail, he quickly stood up and prepare for his next move,

the snake swipes its tail again, however, Yi is already now at the air,

"Leaping Tiger Fist! "

Boom! It shakes the Snake a little bit. The snake becomes anger it uses its technique the

Poison Fog!

Yi's became paralyzed by the poison, he can see the Snake is approaching at him.

" Huh! after all, the hard works I'm still weak. Is this the end? am I gonna die right now? well, I've tried my best but... ( sigh) goodbye..... "

The snake opened its mouth to swallow him, however, it was interrupted by a big black fist. Due to snake raged earlier it forgot that it has another enemy, so it lost its track on its surroundings and focus only on Yi, that's why it did not notice the King Kong Fist wielded by the Earth Ape.

The snake is like a stone that released from a sling and bumps into the big tree it did not destroy the big tree but due to impact it really hurts the snake.

The ape grabs out Yi from the Poison Fog, then they were both in the air when the ape is gathering energy some of it was consumed by Yi, so he tried to use his Great Demon Eyes and tried to copy the technique.

( "this technique is great when you are fighting against the grouped enemies.")

The Earth Ape and Yi descends then it hit directly to the head of the snake that's curling up on the ground.

BOOOM! by the force of impact, the snake's head has turned into minced meat and its body has been blown away and bang in the tree again.