The forgotten dragon Chapter 10 Another bloodline opening

The earth ape went to the carcass of the Snake and took out the Monster Core, the size of the core is half of the size of a fist of an infant, however, Yi is very pleased cause the small the core is the pure its energy was.

( That snake is very tricky it hides the true strength it has, it's already a Master Stage not Warrior Master Stage, fortunately, it's been hit by the surprise attack, if not, then goodbye world. hehe)

The core was handed to Yi by the ape gesturing that, I saw you eating one of this core earlier and you improve your strength, eat this and you will also be fine. Yi sits in a lotus position with the help from the ape, then the ape feeds the core to Yi.

"Ahhh! ahhh! ahhh!"

Yi was screaming due to the pain, he falls down with his arms open wide. He strived to move but he can't control his muscles, all his muscle parts are expanding and contracting not only that inside of his bones are cleansing. While his body is on that process it produces a black substance with a suffocating smell gushing out from his pores, eyes, ears, and nose. He can't do anything so he just shouts to and endures the unbearable pain.

" This pain! ahh! F*CK! SH*T!, DAMN YOU!".

The ape also distant away from Yi, it can't take the foul odor coming out, however, it did not leave Yi, it seems like its guarding him against any enemies.

When the pain subsides Yi feels a very soothing sensation, it seems like he is floating in heaven.

" Wait! I'm really floating in the sky! am I dead? am I really dead?"

" hahaha, snort you're not dead this is another bloodline opening, it is different than Tiger opening right? This time it is really an alive dragon that you will meet. See those islands that's floating? every one of those lives a dragon, you can go there if you want, but do you still remember on the Tiger opening right? there is another space aside from these, however, your spiritual energy is too weak, once you drink the Monkey Wine it raises your Spiritual Energy leaps and bounds." Adviced by Red Eyes.

" I see, then how am I supposed to go back? "

"Don't worry snort, I will help you out. "

then Yi passed out from that place and when he opened his eyes, he was in the middle of the river his right foot is tied into the tree branches. While his body is sinks then floats in the water.

" Sh*t! are you trying to kill me by drowning into the water?"

Yi went up to the shore when he checks his strength he was stunned,

"What a quick improvement I was already at Warrior Elite, Middle Stage ( Warrior Stage had 8 steps to reach the Warrior Elite, however, the Warrior Elite and Warrior Master have only 5 steps to reach the next level).

He jumps and kicks the air wosh! wosh! sounds of air current produced by his kick,

" hahaha, great! with this strength, I will be able to defeat a Warrior Master stage, and with the help of Tiger Roar I can entertain the Warrior Master Middle Stage." then form his hand into a fist and punch into the air, wosh! wosh! sounds produce by his punches.

"it's not only the strength but also my agility and awareness, what would happen if I drink the monkey wine? hehehe, I can't wait anymore!"

then he smells meat that been barbecue, he looks to his side the half part of the snake carcass is grilling by Earth Ape, the ape already cleaned the carcass.

" hahaha, I'd forgive you for what you did to me earlier, come let's eat!"

then Yi strode to where the meat is, Shoo! it takes less than 2 seconds to reach it. " what a nice speed".

the two already finish their meal for less than 3 minutes, Burrrrrrp! the two burp at the same time and look at each other then chuckled.

" Ok, now that you've got the cure for your sons you have to go home right away, I guess this would be our parting time. "

the ape gestures to Yi that he will bring him to their Tribe to meet up its family.

" Really!"

Yi was delighted,

" However, there's a problem would your tribe will accept humans like me? you see human and beasts are enemies right."

Earth ape replied to Yi by a sign meaning.

" You don't have to worry, my friend will also our tribe's friend, in fact, you are not the first person who will step in at our tribe, our ancestors also had human friends. "

" really that's great! can I also drink your Monkey Wine?" Yi reply to Earth Ape.

The Earth Ape seems like laughing and gestures again.

"Yes, you can enjoy to your heart content."

Yi was glad for what he heard, (sigh)

"Unfortunately, the snakehead has been minced, what a waste, the Snake bile is a great ingredient to disperse the poison inside the body, I wish do have that ingredient to help you out. You see, this friend of yours is a very talented apothecary creating a pill like that would be a piece of cake for me."

Yi stood up while boasting his self.

the ape feels excited about what he heard, then it takes out to crescent bone big as adults hand.

"Wait, don't tell me that the snake biles are stored in those bones? oh yeah! I forgot ( he smash his left palm by his right hand) Grandpa told me, that some snakes stores their bile into the hardest part of their bones. hehe, "

then Yi pause for a moment then stared at the ape, then he remembers something!


a loud scream echoed in the forest.