The forgotten dragon Chapter 11 creating pill

" You! you! you can use a space ring! "

Yi just notices that he did not see the Moon Flower, it turns out that this ape is using the space ring.

The ape answer Yi's confusion by creating a sign.

" Just like I said, you are not the first person to step in at our tribe. Many years ago there is also human resides in our Tribe, he teaches our ancestors how to understand human language since we can't speak like you human he teaches us signs to be able to understand us. He also teaches us techniques but we are not able to learn some of it. The Earth shakes and King Kong Fist is one of his techniques."

" I see, ( who could be that person? I'm sure he's a powerful cultivator on his era, that explains everything now). Can I also see those techniques he left?"

Yi wanted to know who's that person.

the Ape nodded then gesture

" let's go it's a little far away."

Then the two began its head their way.


there are 8 slaves carrying the chair and on that chair sits a person about sixteen to seventeen years old, on the front, there are three soldiers and after that another slave reading a map guiding everyone, at the rear side there are two soldiers destined while at the back has seven soldiers.

ahhh, that slave foot was trip by someone resulting by its fall down, that person who trips the slaves slash the whip on the back of that person, ah! ah! ah!

" get up you lazy slaves!"

while whipping the poor person, the person who's reading the map catches the whip by his hand.

" Stop that you pig!"

" what did you say!"

that soldier takes out its sword and attempted to kill that person, however, he stopped by the person sitting on the chair.

"Enough! I do have things to do, let's not waste time. You! ( while pointing to the person who depended on the other slave.) do your job! you weaklings."

the soldier kicking the poor guy,

" get up, get up!"

then the slave that's reading the map help his friend to get up

" Sehei get up, endure it," ( his name sehei by his skin color, Se means color while Hei is black)

Sehei hug that person while crying "brother Lihao I can't take it anymore"

Lihao reply to Sehei. " You fool! what would happen to your family? your daughter Meigui? come on get up this is a punishment to us by heaven, allowing our young lord to..."

Sehei interrupted him, " don't say that brother, you know how close we are from that child, he is also a playmate with our daughter. Damn that F.... ahh"

he's been whip again by that heartless soldier, " get back to work!" , you take us to that place already, young Master has important things to do.


The two already arrive where the Earth Ape tribe is, they move at the fastest speed after an hour they already arrived.

Yi was stupefied

" this, this is an illusion array but not an ordinary illusion, you can't see inside but you can see the outside if you're inside the array, this is similar to Tiger Monument space that has a distinct place of entrance. "

Yi and the ape enter into the Earth ape tribe.

Yi, scratch his chain,

" my guess was right they can see the outside from the inside if not then can you explain there's too many of them waiting for us inside!"

then an Old Earth Ape comes forth and ask the young one who brings the human inside on their tribe.

The Tribe Chief asks Yi, and Yi replies.

After a minute of asking questions, the Tribes Chief nodded its head and agree to give Yi a monkey wine and show the manuals by the mystery man left behind.

However, for one condition, he needed to create pills for poison which is the common problem they had. Fighting enemies and hunting for food is their daily routine but most of the time they encountered a venomous enemy or poisonous food.

Yi agrees to it, he was stunned again there are two golden cauldrons inside,

" Ok, I need more time to create the pill, please don't disturb me."

the Tribes Chief nodded its head and drums its chest, telling that if someone disturbs there young visitor all the family will bear consequences.

The Tribes Chief also knows how difficult it is to concoct the pill and if someone disturbs in a crucial stage it will bring damage to that person.

The truth is Yi did not certainly sure that he can create the pill, what he learned from Guangying Apothecary is by mouth or words only, he did not have time to do it in an actual way.

" Oh yeah, ( he smash again his left palm by his right hand) I do have the Red Eyes Space and based on the spiritual energy I have right now I can last for 3 minutes"

From the Red Eyes Space, he observing the right way to concoct the pill.