The forgotten dragon Chapter 12 success

" What's that green substance that's been added? huh! a snake grass!

( snake grass is not literally a grass that has a shape of a snake, it is a kind of grass that snakes favorite to lick with their pork tongue.)

I see so that's the secret of effectivity of the pill. Alright time to apply this to an actual pill creation. However, I don't have that ingredient, hmmm, I'm gonna ask the Tribes chief if they do have that grass. "

He went out from Red Eyes Space then return back to the real world.

When he opened the door he was a little bit surprised the one who's guarding the door is the Tribes Chief itself, he felt honor by this.

" Great! this will save us time, I do have some urgent news, we're missing a very essential ingredient in creating the pill. We have to find this grass as soon as possible, this may take time to look for it. We need the snake grass to add up the effectivity of the pill."

The Tribes Chief nodded then pick up the grass on its left side and gives it to Yi.

" Ehhh! that's quicker than I thought, ahem, ahem that's a tough one huh? but I need four stalks if this grass"

the tribe's chief plucked another three stalks and gesture,

" is there anything else?."

Yi told that everything is ready then he closed the door.

" Damn I was ashamed by my self, but, hmm? it would mean that it's not only a person who stayed here, probably the one who stayed here is an apothecary, most of the ingredients that are needed for an apothecary are also here."

" I see, this resolved my curiosity why there are a mortar and pestle beside the golden cauldron. In some cases, you have to use raw ingredients to boost up the effectiveness of your pill."

After he finished grinding the grass, he is already set up, right away he operates the cauldron, he uses his energy to adjust the fire and his spiritual energy to see the ingredients inside.

He first put the Honey of a red wings bee, then using the heat of fire he separates the impurities that mixed on Honey, then he coated inside the cauldron with his Spiritual energy to avoid the heat to leak out.

He opened the lid and the black substance flow out, which is the impurity of honey, then he places the honey to the side and similar process as he did when he put the snake bile then he adds one Moon Flower petals into the cauldron and extracted its essence.

" here it comes!" he takes a deep sigh and continued the process. Yi was now in a crucial part, combining all the ingredients.

He raised up the heat opposite to some of the apothecaries, in this stage, they lower the heat, however, by watching inside the Red Eyes Space he knows that lowering the heat of the fire is also a good way but it reduces the effectiveness of the pill.

He combined first the Moonflower essence and Honey if red wing bees after completely combining the two he combines the snake bile then waited for a minute then he placed the last ingredients, which is the snake grass.

The last past is forming into a pill, he amazed inside the cauldron, he saw that the ingredient forming into a pill, not one but three pills. When he stops using his energy and spiritual he heard a little boom sound inside the cauldron, due to his tired he sat down on the floor.


that the word he utters while panting. Then he opened the lid and found three pills inside " it's a High-Grade pill! haha, great! ( he looked up and said) "Grandpa your grandson is already an apothecary, but not a licensed one though, hehe."

he was so happy that he couldn't stop himself from jumping and laughing.

Then he tried again to concoct the pill he has now nine pills in total.

" I guess I'm at my limit, I can't move my self "Yi's face is kissing on the floor, due to his tiredness he fell flat on the floor.

"I shouldn't have to force my self to concoct for the fourth time, my limit is only three, I really need to drink that wine." after an hour he was now able to move but still the tiredness is noticeable on his face.

Yi opened the door, " Ehhh!!".

he almost knocks over, he was surprised that there's already a jug of a monkey wine on the Tribes Chief big hand.

(You can tell that's it was really a Monkey Wine by just the aroma it speeds up my strength recovery.)

then he saw the two sons of his friend, the two teenage Earth Ape looks so very weak eyes are closed seems already half-dead. ( will I'll be able to cure this? it's already dying!).

Alright here's the pill, Yi handed six pills to Tribes Chief, the tribe chief was pleased by his generosity it thinks that Yi give all the pill he concocts.

When the two apes consume the pills, it opened its eyes and its physique, return to normal. All of the tribe's members drums their chest, as a sign of happiness.

The Tribes Chief gestures to him, saying that follow me.

Yi followed the tribe's chief, they stop at the cave entrance, it gives the monkey wine to Yi and saying that I'll be guarding here so no one will disturb you.

Yi nodded his head, accept the wine and put it into his space ring then move inside.

He did not see any bones or human corpse. There he noticed a table made from the boulder and spotted three manuals, he quickly moves and checks those manuals.

" (sigh) no defense technique, Descending Earth Dragon technique! ( my god, this is a valuable technique, hmm, it's quite similar to Earth shakes technique, my guess he revised the technique and adjusted for the Earth Ape.)

" This is a fist technique, wow the famous Dragon Turtle Bite! that mystery person is a very powerful cultivator I can tell just by the techniques he left."

" Thunder Sword Techniques! it's the legendary thunder sword technique! hahaha. "

He felt overwhelming joy. However, when he read the manual he was a little bit disappointed, it only has one sword move.