The forgotten dragon Chapter 13 Red Dragon

The Thunder Sword Techniques is the famous technique of Hero Leisheng (Thunder) who fights against the demons and freed many villages and cities from the hands of those demons.

Many storytellers narrate his life from a useless boy into Leisheng Shen ( Thunder God ) and when he struck his sword he is just like a thunder that no one can skip by his speed, fierce, sharp and strength.

Yi was also idolized Leisheng Shen when he was young, his eyes were shining whenever he heard his uncle Lihao and Sehei telling the story of his hero it gives him hope of his useless situation.

" ( deep sigh) Uncle Lihao, Uncle Sehei, Meigui, Yenai, aunty I hope you're still alive" tears, falls down from his eyes when he remembers his past.

" damn who's chopping unions!"

He takes out a jug of Monkey Wine, then sits in a lotus position and drink the wine just one sip with the wine his body is bursting with energy.

As usual, he screams again due to unbearable pain, his head feels like someone is drilling on and his brain is spinning too past. After an hour fighting with the pain, he closed his eyes and feels the soothing sensation that feels like he is flying in the sky.

" Wait! I'm really floating in the sky! this is something familiar place."

"Hey, Snort! Welcome back it's too early as I expected, "

"Red Eyes is that you?"

" Hey! my name is... well whatever call me red eyes then. As expected of my fellow bloodline you skip again from a Spirit Apprentice Stage and jump rapidly Spirit Warrior Stage. Alright, I'm so silly I forgot the purpose why you're here. get up and follow this light orb. " then Yi follows the light orb and moves at very fast speed the farther the distance the more Mind pressure he felt.

" Snort! bear with it we're almost there " at the very very far away place they stop and in a floating Island which has a full of black fire, trees are burning with black fire but not turning into ash, if you look closely you will see that the black fire serves as their leaves.

When he steps in the floating island overbearing voice reverberated the whole space,

" WHO THE HELL IS DISTURBING MY SLUMBER! " BOOM! then a big Red Dragon descends.

(huh! red dragon? I thought it was a black dragon who owns this place?)

" hahaha haha! the red dragon laugh

Hey, Morning Glory! did you educate this lineage of yours? "

" Shut up! you fool house lizard, by the way, it's been ages since we've talked like this."

" mmm, the dragon nodded,

Hey, Fart those black flames are the strongest of all, it is the result of my hard work. come here fart."

" the F*ck do I have a better name? Snort? Fart? the heck!"

Yi moves forward.

Then the dragon turns into an old man,

" open up your mind and allow my energy to come forth. If you quit while on the process I'll kill you, " then a suffocating killing intent gushes out from that old man.

" no need to do that senior, hehe ( with a wryly smile on his face) "

"Good! " then its aura returns to normal then places its finger on Yi's forehead.

"AHHHH!" he just clenching his hand so hard that his nail is buried on his flesh but that not matters him compare to the pain that he's having right now.

after half an hour passed the old man withdraws its finger and with a weak voice "everything is set up I'd also sent some of my insight and understanding now let me rest, Fart I forgot to tell, eat all the kinds fire in the world then you will achieve better than mine".

Yi's body is full of strength

" Dragon Form " then he changed his appearance into a real dragon,

two horn position backward, sharps teeth, and fang, long neck, big and tough body, sharp claws and long span of wings and his body size is as big as an adult elephant.

" Wow! thank you senior. "

Yi turns back into his human form and kowtowed to the old man.

the old man nodded. " ok, you can go now then the old man disappears".

"Great job snort! where do you want to go? do you want to return or go to Mysterious Space?"

" Thank you, my ancestor, "also Yi kowtowed to the light orb. " I want to solidify the technique I've learned. "

" Kid, Don't change. "

then Yi was moved to Mysterious Space.

" Dragons Breath! "

" Descending Flame Dragon! "

inside the space, he was practicing all the techniques he learned.

he can use this technique, by his human form or dragon form. However, the Dragons Breath needed the form of a dragon to breath fire and also it consumes a lot of Spiritual Energy.

He also practices the Turtle Dragon Bite and the Legendary move ThunderStruck!

It creates an illusion that you are striking at straightforward, however, you are really at the air striking down like a clap of thunder. ( by the way, Yi gets his sword beside the stone table.)


" Young master, we've already arrived, "

Lihao and the others already found the place on the map.