The forgotten dragon Chapter 14 Just one strike 14 kills

" Young Master Wu, we've already arrived In the place stated in this map."

" Okay, put me down! stupid slaves!

now you all enter first on that place and take all the valuable items you will see and give it to me. "

one of the slaves spoke up,

" Young master Wu, we are just slaves we don't have any weapon that can defend for our selves, you do have soldi.. "

the slave was not able to finish his word its head dropdown from its body.

" Who else has a problem with my command? "

All the soldiers were laughing,

" Hahaha, stupid, comparing our lives to a slave? "

" You two soldiers from Long household get in now, wahahahaha!

Your lord is so weak wasn't able to defend their home. wahahaha "

Sehei reply, " could you also remember what happened to those clan who betrayed the Long family if only our master knows that your clan is also involved in that siege most likely your clan won't exist today. "

All the soldiers turn silents they know what happened to Lin, Wang, and Fenghuang clan all the head clan were beheaded and hang their heads.

The person called Young master Wu stood and said.

" so you are rebelling now is that the repay for giving you and your family mercy?

Men take his arms and legs and feed it to the beast! "

when they attempted to move forward, they noticed a group of Earth Apes is approaching.

" Protect Young master Wu, You! where is the entrance? " one of the soldiers asks.

the Earth Ape that came out did not know how to use the energy they were just relying on their brute force.

five of the soldier's change their form into a deer also the so-called young master Wu turn into a Goat even though their Bloodline form is useless it also boosts their strength.

" Thousand Cut! hmm, you stinking Ape you think you can defeat us? fat chance."

one of the apes fall down and received fatal wounds.

" Meteor Kick! " that young master Wu fall from the sky and kick the guard ape to its chest, fortunately, it did not kill the ape but it received internal injuries.

" Thousand Cut! "

" Piece of cake! "while standing on the body of the fallen guard Earth Ape.

" Aiya! what a barbaric people, "

A boy in Red Robe and a sword on his back appeared in. That boy is none other than Yi, he senses a killing Intent so he tried to look who's that trespasser.

" well, I'm looking for my sparring partner, I believe that you're on Warrior Master Middle Stage and I'm Warrior Master Initial Stage, I'd just broke through earlier but it's still a fair fight."

" I'm Wu Tian young lord of Wu clan..."

he was interrupted by Yi.

"wahahahaha, you won't really have a Day tomorrow cause today you will die!"

" courting death! " Young Master Wu turns into a goat again.

" Meteor Kick! " it jumps so high then use force downward to add up damage.

Yi was just standing there, however, his thumb and four fingers have been separated into two, forming a C shape. He steps his left foot behind then change the angle of his body and catch the right foot of incoming Wu.

" Biting Turtle Dragon! " Yi's thumb pierced into the Young Master Wu flesh on his thigh then crack! a sound of bones break and it follows the shriek of young master Wu.

Yi toss the Wu, " alright I'll let you all survive I've lost my interest to fight you and besides, there's something I need to do first. "

All the soldiers and young master Wu was felt relieved but the feeling of revenge is noticeable on its eyes however he did not mind that.

Then Lihao said, " Don't let them live. The Wu family is also accountable by aiding the Fenghuang that causes the destruction of the Long family. "

When Yi heard what the man said, his mood change,

"come to think of it that appointment is canceled."( then he smashed his left palm by his right hand )

when Lihao and Sehei saw this there's no more doubt in their heart. The young man on their front is none other than their Young Master Yi.

While smiling, tears are flowing down from their eyes while recalling a naughty child they were protecting.

They invented numerous stories about Hero Leisheng just to stop Yi and listen to them and when his expressing, Smashing his left palm by his right hand with odd facial expressions they began to laugh.

His face is full copy from his father and his eyes get from his mother.

When they were fleeing they tried to return back to his room but Feng stops them and said that Masted Yi is already saved by the patriarch.

They were also shocked when Yi change his form into a White Tiger, a useless boy dreaming to become a hero was now at their sight saving their lives.

" Don't, don't come, please don't kill us! "

they tried to run however Yi use his

Tiger Roar the 14 soldiers who are weaker than him get stunned

" Wind Sword Style - One Sword! "

he performed a hacking stance then a red glow flows out from the sword and moves like a stone that releases from the sling, then cut what's on its path.

Just like that, all the soldiers have been slain by on strike of the sword.