The forgotten dragon Chapter 16

Lihao was left in a blank space thinking something. He just returned to the world when Sehei pokes him,

" Brother Lihao are you okay? "

He glanced at Sehei and then Lihao laughs out loud, like the thorn that pierced into his chest has been lifted that all of his worries and doubt in his heart have vanished.

" Brother Lihao! Sehei was crying,

Brother, why are you acting crazy too? our Young Master had gone crazy, please don't be the same. "

" You fool! " Lihao flick Sehei's head. " What our Young Master doing is not an act of craziness it's an act of sure win! I don't know what happened to our Young Master within these two years passed, but his strength is incredible. I felt shivering like I've seen a powerful monster when he looked at me directly into my eyes.

A felt of fear which I never felt from any warrior of the Wu Clan. "

" Did you felt shivered when our young master glances at you in your eyes? brother Lihao you're not gay, are you? "

Lihao kicked Sehei, " Damn you Sehei be serious! where did you even get that Idea? (sigh) well, never mind. "


" Hahaha! a boy with no hair down there trying to ignite the anger of a lion from its lair? haha, where did you get your courage from? " Then Lei spread his Master aura to intimidate him.

However, Yi is just remained standing there unaffected. " Brother Lei, what's the noise I'm hearing about? and who's that kid? " It was Wu She, that came out of her room. " Is he the one who shouted earlier? why he's still alive? silent him already, he's disturbing my nap. "

" I do apologize sister Wu She you've been disturb, I'm just playing with this twerp. No worries Sister She, I will end now this little twerp." Then he stares to Yi with his vicious eyes and uttered a cold voice. " So you're not afraid to die huh? alright, I will grant what you wish for. Guards! captured that little twerp and then torture him to death, that little he will beg for his quick death. " A vicious plan of Wu Lei.

" Hmm!" Long Yi just sneered and uttered " Don't say I didn't warn you all." It was Yi who said this by his cold voice.

He was now surrounded by Wu soldiers, however, he is not afraid at all. In fact, he is excited to test out the capabilities of his techniques. Yi takes out his sword from its sheath and places it on his left side just below the chest and his left hand is tapping the end of his sword by his two fingers. He also bent his knee then placed his left foot across to his right foot. And execute his move.


He turns around thirty-six degrees and his sword produces a ring of a blade that becoming wider and wider.

Wu Lei warned his soldiers. " Duck or Jump to avoid that ring, you idiots! "

However, most of the soldiers were not able to avoid the Ring of death, and their body has been cut into two.

Wu She prevents the ring from growing bigger so she dissolves the energy by breaking it with her Claw Technique.

" You little ant! I'll kill you my self! "Wu She leaps towards him. DEATH SWIPE! using her long sharp nail as a weapon, it produces a red aura then swipe her hand to where Yi is. Unfortunately, it misses its target.

Yi jumps backward and he used one of his techniques. " Die! LEAPING TIGER FIST! " however, He noticed Wu She face had a vicious smile. ( Oh, Sh*t! I forgot about him. ) he canceled his Technique and avoid the incoming attack.

" METEOR KICK! " It was Wu Lei who tried to sneak attack on him. Luckily he noticed it right away, if not then he would be badly hurt. Wu Lei meteor kick hit the ground and leaves a hole on it.


another sneak attack by Wu She.

Yi back dives three times to avoid the incoming attack from Wu She. However, he still hit by the Shadow Claw and leave three slashed wounds on his chest. Fortunately, he reacted quickly, thus, the wounds that he received are not too deep and fatal.

" Wahahaha, Kiddo you think you can defeat us? " Mock by Wu She then she licks his claw which Yis' blood is lingered on. " Wahaha, Die! DEATH SWIPE! " she leaps again towards him, aiming to cut his neck.

" This doesn't look good, their combination is too great, I don't have to careless. I guess I have to end this now or else I will be the one who's gonna die."

" Kiddo, don't move and let cut off your head! wahaha, " a sinister laugh from Wu She.

Yi saw the incoming Wu She.

He quickly moves forward towards her and used the legendary sword technique. " LIGHTNING SWORD STYLE- THUNDERSTRUCK! "

" METEOR KICK! " Wu Lei use the same combination tactics again and he was delighted with the result this time.

He thought he had hit the head of Yi while striding forward to Wu She.

However, he felt something odd.

" Sh*t! it's an illusion. Wu She! becare..."

Wu Lei was not able to finish his words, he notices a red line running down from her then Wu She body was divided into two. " Sister She! no! damn you twerp, you've killed my sister! I'll kill you!


" LIGHTNING SWORD STYLE-THUNDERSTRUCK! " he used again the Legendary technique of Hero Leishing.

" The same move again? hmm! I've already seen that! I know where you at! "

However, when Wu Lei wield his sword upward.

Yi strikes him directly and pierced Wu Lei's heart.

" How? " Wu Lei was surprised, he thought that the person striding forward was an illusion just like earlier.

Yi pulls his sword that pierced Wu Lei's heart. " Hmm! You will not be able to predict the movement of a Lightning."