The forgotten Dragon Chapter 17

He was surprised about what he noticed, the wounds on his chest are now fully healed, leaving only the blood and slashed mark on his red robe.

Then he collected Wu Lei and Wu Shes' space ring. Yi found gold coins and rare herbs, such as Black Lemon Grass, and Green mushroom and many more.

He glanced at the remaining soldiers,

" Is there anyone else who wants to avenge their Lords?

hmm! since there is no wants to pursue this matter anymore, I will declare that the Wu family is no more"

All of the soldiers of Wu family, drop down their weapons.

" Young Master! Young Master! it was Lihao, " Sehei and other slaves he rescued at the forest.

They were astonished about what they saw, the body of Wu Lei and Wu She is lifeless on the ground." What could be the extent of the Young Master's strength? "

They all went to Yis' side, " Young Master, your strength is truly superb! even the Lords of a Wu clan are no match with your strength." Sehei complimenting Long Yi.

" Hahaha, I've just got lucky. By the way, since there's no Wu Clan anymore, you should go back to Long Family. "

Long Yi suggested.

" Huh? but Young Master, you will not come with us? Lihao was confused about Yi's words. I've already sent a signal to your father, he will be arriving here at any minute. "

" I'm sorry uncle Lihao, even though I miss everyone and loved to go back to Long Clan, I need something to do, I hope you'd understand uncle Lihao and uncle Sehei. Did you mention to my father that I was alive? " explain by Long Yi.

" ( sigh) I understand Young Master, this could be something about what happened to you within these past two years. Rest assured I did not tell him any information regarding you. I just want to surprise your father when he arrives here, but I guess that won't happen. Hahaha, what unfilial son. " Said by Lihao.

" Haha, I can't help it, uncle Lihao I have to be strong and help someone on my own strength. I guess I have to bid my farewell Uncle Lihao, Uncle Sehei. Please don't tell them about me. Thank you goodbye. "

" Good luck, Young Master. Rest assured we won't, right Sehei?. Yes, we promise that we will not divulge any information about you. " added by Sehei.

" Thank you, Uncle Lihao and Uncle Sehei. " Then he leaps again went back to Luse Forest and goes straight to the Earth's Ape Tribe.

After ten minutes passed, a man with a great demeanor and a beautiful Lady beside him which could be described as a fairy has appeared. They were curious about what they saw on this pitiful clan. The message on a letter from Lihao only stated that they needed assistance.

Then they noticed two people that quite familiar was approaching. When the two people already near to them, it kneels down and kowtow.

" We ask forgiveness, Master Hou and Lady Hexei about what happened on that day we are a failure as a protector for the young master. "

" Lihao? Sehei? are you really Lihao and Sehei? " Long Hou asks.

" Yes, Master, Hou I'm Lihao and his Sehie? "

" ( sigh) Lihao you've become too old, and Sehei what happened to your face? you look like a warrior came out from a fierce battle. These past few years would not be very good for you and your family, ( sigh) Please don't blame your self for what happened back then, we all know we don't want it to be goes that way. I know you since we've been young, you will not leave someone that easily even if the price is your life. "

" Thank you, Master Hou, and Lady Hexie for your understanding. "

" hmm, come bring your family and let's go back to the Long Family, by the way,

what happened here? why the Wu family has been killed? " Ask by Long Hou.

Lihao and Sehei explained to them what happened, however, they created a new version to avoid Yi's identity. They also tell what happened when they were trying to flee.

Long Hou and Hexei killing intent were out of their control due to their rage. To the extent that Lihao and Sehei have almost fainted.

" Damn, this Wu family they were also accountable on that day, serves them right! but the most hateful is, Brother Feng, why did you do that? you didn't even bother to help my son, is it because he is not a cultivator like your son? oh, my poor son. "

Long Hou was comforting his wife while it was crying.


Three months have passed since he destroyed the Wu family.


Shoo! shoo! ....

" Haha, I've succeeded! I've already learned the third move of sword wind techniques. Thank you, Grandpa Guangying, I hope you're still okay. Alright, it's time for me to leave. "

Yi came out from the cave and move to Earth's Ape Chieftain place then leave some pills that he created these past three months. " Thank you for allowing me to stay here and continue my training within these three months. " These are some pills that I've created, These green are for the poison, these red pills are for Energy Boost, it will increase your energy for a minute, but the aftermath it will weaken you for an hour. These White pills are the energy replenishing pill, but you can't use this one if you're still suffering the effect of consuming the Red pill. " Explain by Long Yi.

The Chief was glad but sad, glad for there are too many pills supplies that will last for 1 year if there's no emergency will occur. Sad they will miss him and no more apothecary that will create pills for them.

Yi already guessed what's the Cheif's thinking. " Hahaha, nothing to worry Chief if there's nothing wrong will happen to me on my journey, then I'm gonna come back here and visit your Tribe. "

The Tribe Chief was feeling delighted about Yi's promise. Then it conveys to him." Come follow me I will tell you a secret. "