The forgotten dragon Chapter 18

He followed the Earth Ape Chief until they stop onto the waterfalls.

ho, ho, ho, ha, ha, ha, it's the Tribes Chief telling him that there's a hidden cave behind it.


" The Tribe's Chief was right! there's also a cave behind this falls"

The structures inside are the same as the other cave that has a stone table made from a rock boulder.

" Huh? there are some writings on the table. Spiritual Defense Technique - Golden Bell! a defense technique! hahaha! I can summon a Golden Bell to protect me from a Spiritual Attack, this is a great technique! oh ho ho! awesome! it's a mask! that covers up half of my face, from my forehead down to my nose. Hahaha, cool, this is what I wanted. Hmm? there's also an illustration beside of it, let me see. "

[ Congrats to you my friend!

By reaching this secret place means that you're able to obtain the complete trust of the Earth's Ape, please take care of that trust. That mask that you hold onto is only a replica of mine.

Don't be discouraged, even though, it is a replica, it is still a high tier tool. It helps you block some Bewitching or some other Spiritual Techniques. ]

Before he left, he cups his fist as expressing his appreciation.

When he got out, the Tribes Chief is already left leaving a jug of Monkey Wine.

He took the jug full of Monkey Wine and put it into his space ring then strode out of the forest.

" Hmm? Where should I go?

well, I should go straight. hehe. "

While dashing out from the forest his tummy complaint to him.

" well, change plan, I should hunt for food first. Oh! a fire boar, haha, you'll be a Grilled Boar now, haha! huh? "

However, he was been noticed right away by the Fire Boar then it runs so fast.

" ( Sigh ) what a shame, I thought would be grilling boar meat. Well, never mind, there's should be another one.

Oh! nice a Cloud Deer! " The same thing happened for Cloud Deer, it runs away when it sensed his presence. " F*CK! what's happening? why I can't get closed to them? "

" Hahaha! Snort! it is because they've felt your presence before you've reached them within your attack range. Let me explain this to you. By using your Leaping Tiger First and Sword Techniques your attack can range reaching eighty meters, however, your normal attack would only range ten to twenty meters away from your target. Meantime your target can senses you a hundred meters away. Did it answer your questions in your mind? " it was Red Eyes' voice.

" Isee, there's a huge gap of my attack range ( sigh) if I'd only had a bow.

How could I get my meal then? think, think. Alright, ( with his expression, smashing his left palm by his right first )

I need to make a trap, what brilliant idea, sometimes I do amaze of my self. hehe. "

" pptt, wahahaha! you're really are snort!

you can make a trap but it takes days or years to captured one. Alright, alright, I will teach you one of the well-known techniques of the tiger bloodline. Wielding this technique, you'll be able to close as Ten meters from your target.

As long as you've not been spotted yet cause if they do you can't get close as fifty meters to your target or failed. "

Then information regarding the technique flows into his mind.

" Alright, I will be sleeping again to conserve my energy. Snort, take care. "

" Yes, I will, thank you, Red Eyes " He studies the new technique he learned from Red Eyes.

" I see, so this is called Hunt. Every predator has this technique, concealing their presence. Keep calm the same as water, stand like a rock then move like the wind. In short, be one with nature."

He was at the very top of the tree, His spirits are concentrating and practicing the real essence of the Hunt Technique at the Mysterious Space. After a moment, his spirit returned from Mysterious Space. He opened his eyes and giggle, " hehe, let me test my new skill"

While he's still at the very top, he was scanning the area using his senses.

Utilizing his senses, Yi can hear voices or smell scents within 100 meters.

" Oh! it's a Fire Boar again. Haha, this time you won't be able to scape. "

He growls, then he seems like disappeared but he's still there.

" I'd only have three minutes duration to use this ability, I should move within that time. Animals have an instinct or mindset the same as human, they also have a Fight or Flight system when facing a strong enemy. That could be the reason why it runs when it sensed my energy. "

The Fire Boar has been alerted earlier it senses a predator, it rises Its head, looked, and checked within the area its range. When it did not discover any threats to him it lies down again.

Yi is just simply striding towards the lying Fire boar. Lying on the ground is the routine of the Fire Boar. After eating its meal, it will lie down and beating the heat of the sun, to gather energy and speed up the digestion. With the help of the heat of the sun, their body will become as hot as the fire so they can easily digest the food, less energy consumption, and double the energy it can get from its diet.

Yi was now five meters away from his target, " ( Mysterious Space is so heaven-defying! it can guide me in the right way of executing my techniques. Since my target awareness is to low, I can get near to it without hassle. ) "

He was now one meter away from his target. However, the boar is still lying on the ground without any worries, Yi hits the Fire Boar to its head. Thud! it did not even have a chance to wail before its death.

"Hahaha! awesome! I've successfully got my first Hunt! let's find another one. Oh, there he is. You like to lie down huh, I will grant that, however, you will be a lifeless, hehe."

He successfully killed three Fire Boar. He stored the two on his Space Ring and chopped the other one. He applies some herbs for better taste, while he's eating and grilling the meat, a group of people came by.