The forgotten dragon Chapter 19

" Hello brother, My name is Chunhua, third daughter Xin Li the Xin family Patriarch. Yo! brother, I'm Chu you can call me fatty Chu son of Wung family.

I'm Fang from the Wei family, you can also call me brother Fang if you want Uhm, hello brother, I'm Jinjing of the Lei family. "

" Hmm! Why would I need to introduce my self to nobody? besides his wearing a Mask, probably his a lowly criminal trying to hide from the law. If that's the case then, " He is tried to unsheath his sword, however, he was stopped by Chunhua.

" Brother Fu, what are you trying to do?

if he's a criminal then he would quickly run away once he noticed us! " Explained by Chunhua.

" Hmm! " sneered by the name Fu, who's older than him for at least a year or two.

It crossed his hand and looked to his side.

Chunhua went to Long Yi, " brother I do apologize for his manners to you.

His name is Fu from the Ling Clan.

Yeah, brother, just don't mind him. It was Fang and fatty Chu. "

" I think, bother Mask is so cool! " Jinjing gentle voice.

" You..! " Fu stops his words when he sees Chunhua is glaring at him ferociously.

" Really? thank you Miss Jinjing.

Hahaha, no worries everyone, by the way, my name Xiaolong, you can call me Xiao. Nice to meet you all, then he cups his hand. How can I help you?"

Fatty Chu began to summarize the problem. " You see, brother Xiao, we are hunting the Three tailed leopards, however, we've met a strong beast along the way, someone left all our food behind. "

" What? are you blaming me for what happened back then? it's just a food compared to my life! and besides, I should be the one who's upset. It was my belongings that's been left behind. "

It was Fu's response to fatty Chu story.

" Alright, you two, you better stop now, let's forget those incidents okay? we have hope now to get off here! " Chunhua was meddling the two.

" Okay, brother Xiao, I'm gonna continue, " said by Chunhua. " It's not only the food that was left behind he also left the Map of Luse Forest, you know how vast this forest is right? even though that is not a complete Map, it can guide us back safe. We've been searching for our way out for two days now but we still stuck in here. If by the chance brother would help us out here? and also... "

He was not able to finish his words their tummies are complaining at the same time.

Yi already guessed what they want.

" Hahaha, I see, no worries go ahead and eat! it's too much for me, go! don't be shy! "

Fu literally did not shy himself, he took the big and best part of the pork." I'm the powerful most to all of you, I need more energy in order for me to help you all from the strong beast, especially there's an additional burden. He took another best part that's been left then move to a different place to eat. "

Leaving them head, belly and foot parts.

" F*ck!... " fatty Chu wanted to stand up and confronted Fu, but Chunhua holds his robe and pulls him down.

" Brother Chu, don't, brother Fu is right he is the only powerful among us. He needs more energy in case of an emergency. "

They think Yi is weak base on his aura, they did not know that he already knows to control his aura. "( I see, so that's why you're acting like that. Do you think that you are the strongest? hehe. But.. hmm? what do they want? why they were just hiding? ) "

" hahaha brother Xiao I do apologize for that but he's right we need his strength. We can eat the remaining parts." said by Chunhua. Even though she's smiling saying these words, Yi knows that she was upset and frustrated, however, she needs to be calm to avoid any trouble.

" Don't worry, beautiful Sister Chunhua there's another one, let me get it. "

Yi acts to get the Fire Boar behind the bushes, however, it came out from his Space Ring.

Hahaha! Fatty Chu's other was so delighted. They will no longer be needed to be patience eating the bone parts that are left.

" Come, brother Xiao, let us help you. "

Fang and Chu are chopping the body parts while Chunhua and Jinjing are grilling meat.

Fu come went back and cleaning his teeth with a toothpick. " Alright, you can eat the belly, foot, and head parts leave the best part for me, I'll eat it when I'm hungry. "

Fatty Chu and Fang were not able to hold back their anger. " F*ck you! what do you think of us? a dog? even you are the strongest among us, you don't have the authority to dictate us. In fact, it's all your stupid decision that leads us to nowhere! "

" And so? if you had a problem come let's settle this! a puny Wung family member trying to defy the Ling family? wahahaha what a joke. "

Yi noticed the hesitation on fatty Chu's face, ( Ling family has leveled up so much since the fall down of Long family in the Deer City. )

" Would you want your Wung Family to suffer the same faith that happened to Long Family? Don't you know that my sister is the King's Mistress? and we will not bound to be overshadowed by those lizard families. With the help of the king's power, Ling Family overthrew the powerful Long Family.

The most laughable part is they thought they already exact their revenge. Wahahaha. And We! the Ling Clan will... "

Shoo.. shoo.. shoo...

three people came in When Fu sees who's that persons are, he felt shivered.

" Big brother Fung. I do apo..."

PAK! PAK! a loud slap on Fu's face, " You Big Mouth! it's okay to brag about the destruction we've done to those Lizards. But trying to divulge the... " Fung did not continue his words.