The forgotten dragon Chapter 24 Yi's Rage

" Hahaha, May I know the name of the respectable master? " Wung Clan Patriarch wanted to know more about the person his son recommend.

Yi cups his hands and reply to Wung's Patriarch." My name is Xiao Long, just call me Xiao."

" Oh, nice to meet you, Master Xiao, my name is Chen the head if Wung Clan and also the father of Chu. Thank you for saving my son. "

Head Chen, also cup his hand, while saying these words, then he asks to confirm about the pill.

" I believe Master Xiao was able to create a miraculous healing pill? "

" Don't mention it, it's normal for friends to help each other.

Yes, I'm the one who concocted that pill, Head Master Chen." Yi replies.

" Hahaha, what a respectful child, you can call me Chen. By the way, are you not afraid that we may capture you and forced you to spit out all the information about the pill? " Wung Chen was trying to probe if there is a powerful figure protecting Long Yi.

" Hahaha, I'm aware of that thread Head Master Chen. Hence, I will not reveal my secrets to anyone if I'm not confident in my strength. "

" Hahaha, my guess was right, Master Xiao is not an ordinary cultivator. Could you please sell or auction that to our Money and Goods House? We will only take 10% of your profit and we will provide you the best room at our Gracious Inn, without any fees. We will also back you up and protect you from any enemy.

I'm sure my son already offered that to you, right? "

" Yes, Head Master Chen, Brother Chu already offered that great benefits. "

Long Yi's reply to Chen while staring at Fatty Chu.

" Hahaha, so what do you think? would accept the offer?. " It seems that Head Chen is decided to pull Long Yi into their allies it friend, to get a hold of his pills and boost their profit and power.

Long Yi took out Five healing pills and then toss it to Head Chen, " these are the same pills I've been given to Brother Chu. Nothing to worry there are no side effects if you consume this pill. However, you can only take four times a day, only King Stage below can take this pill. This pill can only heal any injuries, but it can't restore any missing parts. "

He also took out five green pills.

" These pills are for the poison it can cure even the very potent poison in just seconds."

" Hahaha, that's awesome! Thank you, Master Xiao, this is a pleasure doing business to you. We will gonna auction your pills, here's my crest you can enter on Money and Goods House without an entrance fee. "

Head Chen toss his crest to Long Yi as a privilege on doing big business.

Yi catches the crest, and look at it.

" Thank you, Head Chen, for your generosity."

"Hmmm" Head Chen nodded his head, then stares to elders and any high authorities on their clan.

" Alright, everyone since the issue has been settled, this meeting ends now.

Master Xiao allow me to guide you to our Gracious Inn, do you need a maid to help you out some works? "

" Thank you, Head Chief but I'll pass on that offer." He didn't need a helper, he can manage to do some works.

" Ok, but I will still guide you personally. "

Head Chen already decided to send Long Yi into Gracious Inn.

Three walking on the street, (Fatty Chu, Yi, and Head Chen) then pass into the street vendors.

"Please stop! we don't have money this time, my father got sick while searching medical herbs. How do we pay you if you will ruin our herbs! " A boy and a girl had the same as the age of him, pleading on five people not to ruin their items.

" hmmm! That's not our problem! men, you all know what to do. "

A hurtless replied by one of the hooligans. Then they stepped down and crushed all the herbs. The two were crying, they tried to save some of it, however, the five people were not satisfied by crushing the herbs they all kicking the poor boy until the boy passed out.

" Brother Banhen! please stop! don't kill my brother! " Pleaded by the girl.

" Hehehe, you're quite beautiful. Hehehe, come let your body would be the payments, hehehe. " That gangster took out something from its pocket and forced it to the girl's nose then the girl passed out.

" Brother Xiao don't, that's a green dragon gang! no one wants to fight that gang. There's a rumor that their back up is the Ling Clan." Fatty Chu tried to warn Long Yi but Yi was decided to kill those bastards.

" I see, don't worry head Chen, Brother Chu, I will make this quick. "

A cold voice from him, while walking towards the hooligans.

" Sigh, do you need help? Fatty Chu asks." He knows that there is nothing he could do to stop him.

" No need, I can handle this. "

Long Yi reply. Then he blocked the way of that gangsters,

" Hey! boy, do you want to die!

I will count to three if you don't move don't blame me for cutting your head, little hero! wahahaha. One! "

That gangster did not finish counting to three it tried to cut Yi's head right away, " I don't know how count! wahaha. "

Puchi! " what..? " it wasn't able to finish its word its vision turns dim, he can still see his headless body standing while blood is spurting.

" Put the girl down or you'll suffer the same faith. " Yi is on rage, his killing aura is fermented in the air.

" You have some guts to kill one of our brothers, then threatened us? who do you think you are? don't you know our group name? " intimidate by one of the hooligans.

" Yes, I know your group is a green lizard." Yi with reply while yawning.

" Damn you! Sh*t! kill him quick! "

Long Yi returned his sword to its sheath. ting! ting! ting! sounds of metal while slashing Long Yi's body.

There's no wound on his body when he received that sword slash.

" Damn! even though there's no wound, it still hurts! " He blurted this out to the hooligans. " Here take this! "


Crack! Crack! he crushed the heads of the two gangsters by his hand.

Then he quickly dashed to the two remaining and grips their neck by his hands. And use again his technique.


He separates the head and body by cutting the neck using his bare hands.