The forgotten dragon Chapter 25 Meeting the Prince

The Forgotten Dragon Chapter 25

meeting the prince.

" Damn! Brother Xiao that's f*cking awesome! the way you kill them is too brutal! no need worries Brother Xiao we've got your back, let's see if they do have guts to take revenge. "

" Thank you, Brother Chu. Could you please help me to take care of these two." Yi's response.

" Ok, If by the chance brother Xiao, did you know who are these two? seems your anger erupts when you hear the name Banhen. " Curious ask by Fatty Chu. Fatty Chu was carrying Banhein while Yi his carrying the girl.

Head Chen was looking at Fatty Chu and Yi while walking and carrying the two people that's lost consciousness.

When Yi tried to make an alibi, and they just step four meters from the scene when the soldiers came in shouted.

" Halt! You! red robe boy! you're under arrests by breaking the law of the city. Men take that man and put him to prison! " It was the captain of that ten soldiers.

"Huh? breaking the rules? Yi's asks.

Who's been I killed? is that the notorious Green Dragon Gang right? who covets rapes, murders, kidnapping and many more. Instead of giving me a reward, yet here you are, trying to arrest me? " question by Long Yi he can't believe about the influence of Ling Clan even the royal soldiers are useless Blind.

" That's right captain! my brother here is helping these two! you see they were trying to kidnap this poor girl." Added by Fatty Chu.

" Hmm! well, unfortunately we didn't see anything! we've only seen that you're so-called brother, murdered those innocent people! and atay out of this young man, if you don't want also to get into the prison. " Warn by the captain of the squad.

" Hmm! Innocent people? wahahaha.

How could you don't even see what happened? in fact you were all just standing thirty meters away while they were making havoc, yet no one from your group tried to stop them. Is it okay to beat real innocent people? kidnap a girl then do whatever they want, than to slay evil people? huh! is that the rules of this city? " Yi was upset they were really shameless.

" Damn you! you don't have the right to questions the rules of the king! men kill this brat! " Ordered by the captain.

Then Wung Chen came in,

" Captain my partner and my son are right! why don't you stop those hooligans right away? we saw you just standing there, but we will not pursue this matter anymore we will not report this to the higher up. " It was Head Chen.

" Hmm! sneered by the captain. As if they're something you could do, hahaha.

Head of the Wung family, stay out of this if you don't want your clan to demolish by the Ling Clan. " Overbaring tone of soldier captain.

" Courting death! who do you think you are? a mere pawn of Ling Clan trying to scare me? " Head Chen was enraged by the disrespectful captain.

Then a young man, around nineteen years old came in, he also has soldiers beside him.

" What's happening here? who killed these people? " it asks.

" Greetings Prince Yongzheng," everyone greets the prince except Fatty Chu and Yi.

" You disrespectful mongrels, you didn't even greet the prince! "

It doesn't matter, the prince response. " Tell me, are you the one who killed these people? " he asks directly to Yi.

" Yes, your highness, They're the notorious Green Dragon Gang. They wreaking havoc the small store of these people and tried to kidnap this girl, yet I'm the one being apprehended. "Yi reply.

" Hmm, Alright, are you not afraid that you're going against a wall? " question by the prince it seem that his probing Yi.

"Yes, I'm afraid, not for me but for the people around me." Long Yi retorts to prince.

" Haha, I like your answer. Meet me at the Leaf Pavillion tonight, you can bring anyone you want. Men! bring these rotten soldiers to the prison! "

" Young Prince why us? we're just following the order!" defense by the captain .

"Hmm! the order you follow is the order Ling Clan, not the order of this city. "

The people on the street cheering the prince and Yi. Just like that both of them wins the heart of these weary people.

Long live Prince Yongzhen!

Long live Mask Man!

Long live Prince Yongzheng!

Long live Mask Man!....

At the Gracious Inn.

" Brother Banhen where are we? "

" I don't know little sister? " Banhen retort.

Then Yi and Fatty Chu came in, " oh! you two are awake now, that's great. He helps you against those hooligans, ( while pointing his fingers on Yi ) then we carry you here to take some rest, we don't know where you live. "

Banhen tried to get up to kowtow, however, his body is agonizing by the pain.

" It's okay, don't push your self, here take this. " Yi took out the Healing Pill then give it to Banhen.

" Thank you, for your kindness but I can't accept this, we don't have money to pay you, " reply by Banhen.

" Hahaha, who said you need to pay for that? go take it, it will reduce its effectiveness if it's exposed to long in the air. " Yi, reaction.

Then Banhen take the pill, he found a big bowl, there he vomits black blood that he gets when his body is badly hurt.

He feels brand new, the pain miraculously lifted, then two kowtow multiple times.

" Alright, you said your father is sick, right? " probe by Yi.

" Yes, our father gets sick after he came back looking for herbs. " Reply by Meilin

" Ok, here's a green pill, let your father take this and the poison will dissolve then he'll be alright. Your father was bitten by the snake, I can see there is a snake grass on the herbs that you've displayed. " explained by Long Yi.

The two were very glad by the kindness of the young man they meet.

While the two are walking outside, Yi looks up seems like reminiscing something.

" Hey, hey, Shan-Shan, how long you've been driving carriages? " ( the voice of a curious child )

" Young Master, it's only Shan, not

Shan-Shan, ahehehe, well I've been driving carriages since I was young. "

" Wow! that's awesome! could you tell me a story about the strongest hero? "

" No worries, alright, listen carefully. "

While Shan is telling a story his wife came in, there's also a young boy and girl.

" Who's that boy? there's a big Scar on its head. " Yi ask Shan

" Oh! my family is here, come on you two greets our young master! "

" Greetings young master. greeting young master. "

" Haha, the boy name Banhen, thanks to your father he was saved, that's why he had a big scar on his head.

The cute little girl is called Meilin."

" Hello, Banhen and Meilin, I'm Yi. Next time uncle Shan-Shan brings Banhen and Meilin so that we can play. "

" It's not right young master we are just workers, we not equal to you. "

" It doesn't matter, we are both kids."

simple but logic response by Yi.

" haha, I'm glad I was here at Long Clan." Shan-Shan's delighted voices.

" Brother Xiao, Brother Xiao! Brother Xiao!! " Then he snaps back and returns to reality. " Brother Xiao, what are you thinking? it's so deep! " ask by Fatty Chu.

" Haha, nothing just thinking something."