The forgotten dragon Chapter 27 Choosing a manual

When the two came out from Gracious Inn, they've met Feng, Jinjing, and Chunhua.

" Brother Xiao are you alright? "Fang's question.

" Yeah, Brother Xiao, we've heard about what happened, killing those f*cking hooligans. Trying to kidnap a weak girl what a shameful people. " Jinjing added.

" Seems everything is settled already, and the prince wanted to talk to you tonight, is that right? " It was Chunhua's voice.

" Hahaha, I'm fine Brother Fang, yes that's was right sister Jinjing they were now six feet below the ground.

I'm would like to bring you all with me on Leaf Pavilion, would be that fine for you? Yi asks their permission.

" Yes, we agree! " everyone was agreed.

" Brother Xiao, Brother Chu you two seems off to somewhere, where are you going? " Chunhua ask.

" Since you're already here, we can quickly enter the Xin Mansion, you see sister Chunhua we were gonna come to your house to check about how to forge a weapon. " Yi's reply.

" Great! then everyone come on let's go,

Brother Xiao, you're an apothecary, right? I've told my father about the pill you provided me and he wants to talk to you personally. You see, Brother Xiao to forge a weapon, not only we needed physical strength but also spiritual energy. Once the spiritual energy is depleted we have to cease the work, but if we do have that pills then we can make more weapons. " Explain by Chunhua.

At the Xin's Residence

" Greetings Xin's Patriarch! "

They all cup their hands as a sign of their gratefulness meeting the highest authority of Xin Clan.

" Nice to meet you, everyone, thank you, Young man, for saving my beloved daughter. " Xin Patriarch cup his hand as an appreciation for saving his daughter.

" Hahaha, don't mention its normal for friends to help each other. " Yi reply to Xin Patriarch while scratching his head.

Head Xin Lin, cleared his throat, " Ahem, ahem, ahem. "

Chunhua gets what's his father wanted to do. " Alright, everyone let's go to the workshop! Brother Xiao will stay here for a moment. "

When the door was closed, Head Lin started to talk. " Young Master Xiao, I believe my daughter already stated to you about my purpose, right? "

" Yes, headmaster Lin, but what is the payment for that? if money then we don't have a deal. "

" Hahaha, I know, for a master like you money is nothing, don't worry I've already had my items, I'm sure you will gonna like it! " Head Lin took out beautiful swords, " this is the item that I'm telling you. " While stroking the beautiful sword.

" Wow! that's a nice sword, but I've already had a sword. How about manuals or techniques? my pills will make fifty gold each based on the market price. I can give you twenty pills for each manual I'm gonna choose. " Yi stated his demand to Xin Lin

" Alright, we have a deal! However, what if the manual is rare, does it have the same price? " Head Lin asks.

Long Yi retorts to Head Lin question.

" Of course not, I will add ten pills if that technique is a rare one. "

The two went inside the room where the manuals were kept.

Yi found a guide on how to fully utilize the Physical Energy and Spiritual Energy.

( This is awesome! I didn't know I can condense weapons and many more just using my Energy! this is what I'm lacking. ) He tried to look for more but nothing pinches his interest. "Alright, Head Lin, I'm gonna choose this one. I'm gonna give you thirty pills ( 1,500 golds)."

" Just one? alright, how about, the forging techniques from my family, and I will gonna show you the legacy memory of my great grandfather master. The renown God of Forging in the upper realm. How's that? " Head Lin knows that 30 pills are not enough for his Clan.

When Yi hears God of Forging it picks his interest. " Alright, let me see. "

" Come, follow me. " Yi and Head Lin went into the Secret Chamber, there Head Lin opened a Chest. There are three manuals and one Scroll.

" This scroll is the Legacy memory of my great grandfather, the two manuals, I'm not sure what's that for I can't understand the words written on it. But the other one had a picture on it and it's the same moves on the Legacy Memory." explain by Head Lin.

" That's the technique were teaching to our disciples in forging. " He added.

" It's not that good but, Ok, I'm going to offer you a hundred Pills plus 20 healing pills, how's that?"

" Hahaha! I know you will be interested in forging! ok, we have a deal but you need to return all the manuals for a month, ok? " Reply by Head Lin.

" Nothing to worry I know how important this manual to your family. I gonna return it before that time.

(I will finish this just for an hour or a day, hehehe)" response by Yi.

" Good, good, so how is it? would you want to join your friends or you want to stay here and study the manual? " Asks by Head Lin.

" I'm gonna choose to stay here, just let me know if they were leaving. Here's the payment, Yi took out 100 Energy Replenishing Pills and 20 Healing Pills. "

Long Yi took out the pills from his space ring and give it to Head Lin.

Head Lin receives the payments with a smile to his ears.

" Great! great! great! hahaha, ok, I'm going to leave you here, just study the manual I will gonna notify my daughter. "

" Thank you, Head Lin." Yi cups his hand to Head Lin. Long Yi was left alone inside the secret chamber. He just sits down and He went to the Mysterious Space.

" Welcome back snort! You've hit the jackpot today. Those two manuals are the original manuals The other one called Barbarian Strength While the other one is not a manual technique but a journal. " Explain by Red Eyes.

" How did you know? " Yi asks in confusion.

" I've told you, you have a blessing eye. Just used it wisely, and you can make a flame just using ice. " The voice feeds away.

" Weirdo " Yi study first the Proper Way to Utilize your Energy. "Gladly my spiritual energy leveled up, thanks to drinking the monkey wine every day. I can now hold my Demon Eyes till ten minutes without passing out."

Using his Energy his Biting Turtle Dragon he can feel damage had double up, and there's also an image of Turtle Dragon Head.

Same with his Leaping Tiger Fist, last time it was only a white aura but when the damaged is lethal it turns to the red aura. However, this time it has an image of the tiger and its damage also level up.