The forgotten dragon Chapter 28 The Truth

" FENG! what's going on with you! "

Old Shui shouts.

" Hmm! you old fool! you really are useless. You don't even have a clue what's going on with your surroundings " Feng's retorts.

" Brother FENG! I didn't pursue you on why you did not help my son, but I can't take it anymore saying those inappropriate words to our father! " Hou prepares his sword and ready to attack anytime.

Then a white light flashed up and three people suddenly appear.

" t's been a long time old fool Shui. "

One of the three people the same age as Old Shui or older says that word.

" Greetings Big Brother Yan, Nephew Yun, and Yu. " It was Huan.

" Greetings Father, Big Brother Yun, and nephew Yu. " It was Feng he was greetings the person who came in.

"Greetings Grandpa, Uncle Yun, and cousin Yu. " Long Fu greets the three people.

Hou was surprised about what he heard and saw " Big Brother Feng what's the..."

However, Old Shui stops him.

" That's why you never stepped your foot on Deer City, Fu it turns out you know the truth about what's going on. " A calm voice of Old Shui, however deep inside is starting to boil.

" Yeah right, old fool. I'm disgusted with your clan." No respect response by Fu "

" Hahaha, " Yan wicked laugh.

" Of course, because you're a fool, you just know that truth today. Jia is so great keeping secrets, hahaha, I want you to know that all child on her is mine.

She's my plaything wahahaha!

Don't you know why I didn't kill your lovely wife right away, I was giving her a chance to become my cumdump but she's so hard-headed and choose to die by loving you unconditionally than to become my plaything. That could be a great scene if you find out, that you don't have a legitimate child. Hahaha, " Mocking of Yan to Old Shui.

" By the way, let me have your granddaughter he could be the best plaything for my grandson he just turns fifteen today, that could be a nice gift."


Old Shui was not able to hold back his anger that he kept holding for a long time. Now he knows why his wife telling him " I don't have regrets choosing you "

whenever she wakes up from unbearable pain.


Tears are falling down from his eyes.

" I will swear by the heavens! you will pay for what you've done! "

A shadow came in and stop the Tornado by smashing his fist into the ground.

" We've met again! "

a hoarse voice, every part of the body is wrapped only eyes that you can see, a yellow eyes.

" You vile! yellow eyes demon! "


"Next is to condense spiritual energy to create matter. Hmm? what could be the item I need to condense first'?

Right! I forgot I need a Bow and Arrow! this could be a great opportunity "

He extended his left hand forward, concentrate his Spiritual Energy on his left palm. After a few seconds, a white aura is solidifying right on his palm then he closes his fist to hold that solidify aura, that's more likely a Bow. However, the Bow got cracked then vanished into thin air.

" Damn! almost, I'm almost succeeded! I just need to focus to solidify my aura."

He then concentrates his aura into his left palm again. Not yet, not yet. crack! ( a sounds like tree or tree branch that's been cut down) "Sh*t! I overdid condensing my Spiritual Energy, this time I won't fail. "

" Oh, I see. So in order for the Bow to steady solidify, I still need to sustain a minimum amount of Spiritual Energy. If I stop nourishing the Bow then it will be distorted and vanished. Does it have the same principles on condensing an Arrow? " He tried to test out by condensing an arrow using his spiritual energy.

The arrow lasted for a minute then banished. " A minute is fine, I just have to level up my strength and spiritual energy. " He also creates swords, however, it is not as strong as the sword forged in iron. " My Spiritual energy is not enough " he also coated his sword with his energy the results were so surprising.

He also watches the Legacy Memory and Forging techniques.

" My theory is right! I need to coat my weapon with energy, for a normal person will take a year to fully utilized his energy. Fortunately, I do have a mysterious space. "

While watching the videos of a man forging a beautiful sword, he feels like he is that man. The man on the memory and him combine into one.

" No, this is not how to forge it feel like there's missing! Ah! the Barbarian Strength Manuals! " He uses his Demon Eyes the unfamiliar writings have automatically transmitted into his brain. Which means every word and symbol on the manual was changed to something he will understand.

" So that was it the missing part is my strength it is not dominating enough. The method of exercising my strength is to wear heavy items and to gain a tough body I need to pressure my body."

Yi condenses bracelets for his hands and foot also a belt for his waist. Weighing 400 kilos each but for his hands, he added an extra 200 kilos.

He was practicing inside the Mysterious Space. He can barely move, he is carrying 2,400 kilos on his body. He is just doing a basic exercise such as jumping jack, squatting, push-ups after an hour he felt fatigued.

" Fortunately, I've created hundreds of pills in the Apes Tribe, " he swallowed one and his energy restored but the pain still there. After a couple of hours, his body cope up, hey! Red Eyes! can you hear me!?

" Yes, I'm here I can hear you clearly! what is it? you're disturbing my nap! "

complain by Res Eyes.

"Does it have the same time here in Mysterious Space? " Yi was curious about the mysterious space.

" Oh! I see that's a great question, the answer is no, definitely no. The time here is much faster than the outside, every minute outside is an hour here inside. I have to go, I need to recover my energy. " Red Eyes voice faded Yi tried to call him multiple times but no avail.

" Wait! Red Eyes! are you still there? Sigh, Alright, continue my training every, so in every minute pass outside is equivalent to one hour here. That's good to know. "