The forgotten Dragon Chapter 29 The Death of Old Shui


Hou swords edge was glowing with a silver light, he cut the three with one fell swoop!

" Sh*t! it's an illusion! " Hou blurted out!

" CLOUD DRAGON TECHNIQUE - IMAGE!" Yun and Yu appear in another spot, crossing there hands,

" Huh? where's Yan? " Hou noticed that Yan was not among them.

" I'm here you maggots!

DRAGON PUNCH! " Yan is descending with his arm like a dragon.

" Damn, I don't have time to avoid the attack! " Then Hou use one of his best defense technique.


" Is that your best defense? so weak! break for me! hah! " Mock by Yan, he knows that puny technique will not hold against his punch.


the golden turtle shell was broken and vanished, leaving Hou vulnerable. then he was hit on his back! fell flat on the ground blood was spurts from his mouth.

"Dear! I'm going to help you! "

words of worried Hexie.

" Stop! " shout by Hou, ptt!, he spurt blood by forcing himself to move.

"Yan Stop! don't touch my son with your dirty hand! " Old Shui shouts.

He tried to go to Hou's location but the Yellow eyes demon, keep blocking him.

" Hahaha," a vicious laugh from Yan.

" Oh, fool Brother, this scene is familiar with you? " He took out a small transparent container, you can see small worms inside on it.

" This is the improve Life Eating Worm, you only live a year when I place this one to a host. hehahaahah! "

" No, don't do it, Yan! don't do it, please! I'm begging you! " Old Shui knell to Yan.

" Hahaha, that's why I say you really are a fool! " he holds Hou's face and feeds the worm to Hou's mouth.

" Ah! Ah! Ah! Ahhhhhh! " Shouts by Hou, due to unbearable pain. In his eyes, tears are falling down. " This is the pain, my mother, been suffering for five years! even I wasn't able to hold out the pain how about my mother who is only a mortal. Damn! you! you've let my mother suffered this so much, because of your lust! if I'm able to get out of here alive! I will promise to heaven I will hunt you down! ahh! ah! ah!. " Curse by Hou to Yan.

"Son! I'm so sorry I'm too weak, I'm so sorry. sob, sob. But I can promise I can make you all here alive. " Old Shui pain memories about his wife came back again when he sees his son suffering from the same problem. "LIFE SACRIFICE! " Old Shui unless a forbidden technique.

( life sacrifice is a forbidden technique, Yes, it will triple your strengths for a minute but the exchange is your life. So most of the sect ban this technique, but there are still some sects who teach this technique. )

" BIND! "

all the people within 200 meters were not able to move not included Hou, Hexie and Er and of him. It was his technique and he can choose who will be restraint.

" Hurry! there's no time, " Old Shui blurted. He took off a Portal Scroll and open it. " Hurry get in, there is no time! this technique will over soon " Hexie and Er help Huo to stand up.

" How about you father? " Hou asks.

" Don't worry about this dying old man. Keep this space ring! there's still a chance to cure you!

you need to travel to the upper realm and Find Great Guangying! he can cure you. " cough! Old Shui coughs blood.

" I'm going to be with your mom and my poor grandson I hope he could forgive me for what I've done. "

" Don't worry, Father I'm sure he will."

Hou reply to his father.

The three escape leaving Old Shui, blood is leaking from his mouth, nose, ears, and eyes. Then before he fell down lifeless on the ground he said

"Thank You", Old Shui died with a smile on his face.


Long Yi was passed out by using his Demon Eyes more than ten minutes threshold.

While Yi was passed in he dreams of his grandpa and in his dream, he sees the spirit of Grandpa Shui.

" Grandson Yi, before I fade into this world, I would like to apologize for what happened that day. "

" Grandpa Shui, I understand your decision at that time, I know its too hard for you to choose. You're worrying yourself on nothing, Even if you choose me, I would refuse. Be at ease Grandpa I don't have a grudge with you. " A nice words said by Long Yi to his grandpa.

"Hahaha, you're right, I'm worrying my self for nothing. It's a blessing to have a good grandson like you. THANK YOU. "

" Hah! " he was awakened from his dream with his grandpa, in his hearts, there's a heavy feeling. " Grandpa is that you saying goodbye to me? " sob, sob, sob, " I don't even see you before your last breath. " tears are falling down from his face.


" Son Fu quick! go to the Hu's and take out those fools! order by Feng to his son.

"Hmm? you are the fool uncle Feng if you are escaping would you stay on the place you're easy to be caught? "

It was Yu's reasoning.

" Yu! he's your uncle! I do apologize, Brother Feng, for the rude words but I think, Yu has a point about hiding to a place where we could be easy to be caught. " Explain by Yun to his brother.

" hahaha, it all my fault, because I'm associated with the old fool sometimes I think rashly." Alibi by Feng.

" Alright, stop that, don't worry everyone we will gonna see them just be patient. Come on let's go back to the upper realm! as a promise, Fu, and Feng you can come with us. I don't want my grandson to be a weakling." Yan's voice.

" Goodbye Big Brother Yan, Feng, Fu, Yun, and Yu." Huan cup his hand, when the six silhouettes were gone he shouts to the guards to throw away the body of Old Shui.