The Forgotten Dragon Chapter 30 Green Dragon Gang

Ah! Ah! inside the room, there's a man who's been screaming with the pain!

beside him, there's a lady and teenager girl wiping the sweat from that man.

" Dear! please hold, I've already informed my father and his on his way now, they do have pills to lessen the pain." voice of the worried woman.

" Hexie, Don't worry about me I won't die until I exact my revenge." response by the Hou to his worried wife

" Please, stop thinking of revenge. For now, we will need to find a way to go to the upper realm and search Great Master Guangying." Hexie knows that it would be difficult to move to the upper realm, especially, Long Family is dominating some of the areas.

" Master Hou, Madam Hexie, your father is here." it was the voice of Lihao.

Old Yang quickly went to hug his daughter and granddaughter.

" Daughter, Er are you hurt? "

" No, grandpa, but grandpa Shui is dead!

Father also is..." Er tried to say about what happened, however, Old Yan hugs his granddaughter and comfort her.

" shh! shh! don't be afraid, Your grandpa Yang is still here, nothing bad will happen to your dad. Oh! I almost forgot, Hexie here are the pills that I'm talking to you. "

" Thank you, father. "She gets the pills and then she feeds one to Hou to lighten the pain. " Dear, how is it? " ask Hexie.

" Ha, ha, ha, This feels better, there's still a pain but I can deal with it." Hou was weary from the pain he suffered.

"Hmm" Old Yang nodded his head then he asks Hou " So what is your plan now?"

"I can't practice with a body like this, I need to find Great Master Guangying to kill this Damn Worm. And train to let them pay " His hatred is affecting his self, you can see now the murderous eyes of him.

" mm, just tell me if you need some help. Alright, I will be leaving first to avoid suspicion from the spy. " Old Yang bids his farewell after he knows the plan of Hou.

" Thank you so much, Father Yang. "

Reply by Hou.

Old Yang was on his out when he heard that word " Don't mention it, I know how you feel but don't think and act rashly. Don't put my Daughter and Granddaughter into a dangerous situation, I've already lost one, don't take another one out. " He gives warning to Hou.


" Hey brother Xiao! where did you go?

we've been looking for you. " It was Fatty Chu.

Long Yi scratch his head.

" Hahaha, I'm sorry everyone, I was too focused on my practiced and forgot the time. So are you all ready? let's go! "

response by Yi.


evening came, It should be a quiet night for this family, however, due to their happiness they were still awake.

" Yes, father! and he's so handsome! " A charming voice from Meilin

" Ptt, hahaha, Meilin is lying, that kind-hearted person is wearing a mask, how did you know he's handsome? " Banhen teasing his little sister but he's right, they didn't see his face.

" I just feel it! but more importantly, our father is already cured. Thanks to that man, right mom? " Then Meilin looks at her mom who is tidying his wife's bed.

" Sigh, your father is just recovered his strength yet you two are so noisy!

let's give your father a rest. " Response of Meilin mother.


Someone breaks their door.

Six persons came in and take Meilin by force. Meilin tries to fight, however, the leader of that team is too powerful.

She inhaled something from that man and she passed out.

" Put down, my daughter! damn you! "

Meilin's father holds the hands of the hooligan to release his daughter. However, he has been kicked too hard on his face.

"Men, you know what to do!" said by the hooligans' group leader, then brought out Meilin and just walk away, there are soldiers guarding on the post but it seems they don't say anything. No one tried to help the poor family. The remaining five hooligans are beating the Mother, Father, and brother of Meilin.


" Thank you, for accepting my request."

My name is Bojing Yongzheng Third son of King He Bojing.

" Glad to meet you Prince Yongzhen, I'm Xiao Long. "

" Greetings third Prince, "

" So Master Xiao, what do you think about our City? " A direct ask by Yongzheng to Yi

" Corruption everywhere. "A cold voice from Yi.

" Hahaha, I like your bold and honest answer. That's why I'm here, I also don't want my father's way of handling his power. The truth is, my father was not the one who decided it was all the Ling Clan decisions. It was a shame to say but even his a king he doesn't power against Ling Clan, I want to end that puppetry on my father. That's why I'm glad when I found you fight with those hooligans, I want you to know that I'm on your back whatever happens. I will do my best to help you out and end this biased law. " A determined voice of Yongzheng.

" Thank you, Prince Yongzeng, that's great to know. " Chunhua said these words.

" But why your father does whatever the Ling Clan wants? " asks by Fatty Chu.

" I wish I would know the reason. Sigh." Prince Yongzheng lamented. "Alright, let's eat! before the food gets cold."

Then after 30 minutes passed.

" Thank you again, everyone nice meeting you. I hope there are more warriors like you who had the heart of Justice. Until next time, goodbye everyone." He rides into the imperial carriage.

" Goodbye Prince Yongzheng "

Everyone said these words.

The five people, Fatty Chu, Jinjing, Chunhua, Fang, and Yi Rides on the Xin Clan carriage that Xin Patriarch provides for them. Then they were on the same crossroads again. " It seems this is the place we need to part, take care, everyone. " Long Yi blurted this out.

Jinjing, Chunhua, and Fang take a different route on their way home, except Fatty Chu and Yi who's walking towards the Gracious Inn.

In the Gracious Inn corner, there's a boy with clothes that were full of bloodstains face is hard to recognize due to black-eyed and bruises.

When the boy sees that Yi is coming it hurriedly runs to me him, sobbing and asking for help.

" Please help us! Master! My sister is been kidnapped by The Green Dragon Gang. Please help us! " Pleading by Banhen, he knows that Yi will not let them down helping his little sister.

( This is all my fault! damn, I should have put them in a safe place. ) Long Yi said these words on his mind. " Okay, I will help you but first, we need to treat you and your father. Where's your house? " asked Yi to Banhen.

" No, help my sister first! Please!."

Banhen response, he was afraid there would something bad happen to his little sister. That's why he didn't mind the pain, he wanted Yi to rescue her first.

" Don't worry, they will not touch your sister right away. We need to treat your wound fist! " Did you wait for me here for a long time? " Yi asked Banhen.

" It's about twenty minutes, Master. "

Banhen response.

" 20 minutes this could be troublesome, Why didn't you tell the guards, so that they can notify us? " ask by Yi.

" They didn't listen to me, they kicked me out instead, so that's why I'm just waiting here on the corner for your arrival. "

Explain by Banhen.

" I do apologize, Brother Xiao. It seems that even my employee has succumbed to Ling. Don't worry I will castrate that employee. " Comfort of Chu to Long Yi he notices the hatred on Yi's eyes.

" That does not matter. "A cold voice from Yi. " Let's go, lead us to your house as soon as possible. "

( Does Brother Xiao knows this family? he seems so care a lot. )Words on Fatty Chu's mind while he is following Yi.