The Forgotten Dragon Chapter 31 Exterminating the Green Dragon Gang

Inside the house, there are at least good people, they were helping Banhen Mother and Father by repairing the broken door, and the other is putting some cold water, on the face of the two poor people. If you see the situation of the two, I'm sure tears will fall down on your eyes. Is this the work of a human? they don't even have mercy for the two old persons!

He is acting like a robot, walk like a robot and sounds like a robot without any affection. He is doing this cause he is near his rage limit, he doesn't know what he can do if the meter is full.

Even though he's acting like that, Fatty Chu still noticed how very anger Yi is. Even he felt pity for the two old people, ( I've got to know why they didn't inform us right away, I guess I need to start changing my employee to avoid this same scenario. )

When the people saw the masked man appear they felt joy! they know that he will gonna provide justice for what happened. This will also prevent happen to their families in the future. They all walk out of the room.

Broken arms for both husband and wife.

James took out the healing pill then feed it to the three.

The broken arms, black and blue faces of the three miraculously return to normal.

( Even I experience the healing abilities of his pills it's still amazed me. Who really is Brother Xiao ) Fatty Chu keeps thinking while looking at Yi.

Hey! just relax Shan-Shan I will take it from here. A cold voice from Yi.

When he turns around and take a step to go out he heard a sobbing voice of the old man.

Please stop, a clear and gentle voice.

Yi stops but didn't turn around, he can't take it anymore, tears will fall from his eyes.

Thud! Thud! Thud! three kowtow from the old man.

Darling?... Father?... Huh?...

his wife, son, and Fatty Chu got confused about why the old man kowtows. Maybe it's just an appreciation.

" For all my life, only one person calls me that name. That person is so close to me as my own child, he is always kind to us and treated us as a real person. However, when the times he needs me, I've let him down. I didn't save him in the sea of flames, even though I do have time. Every night I keep dreaming of that day. I know I don't have the right to request this for you, but please! Young Master, please save my daughter. Thud! Thud! Thud! Please, save my daughter. Thud! Thud! Thud!.

Shan-Shan, even if you don't ask, I will still save her. I don't blame you on that incident, you need to prioritize the life of your family and I understand that.

Thank you, Young Master, Thank you,

Banhen! Mei! why don't you greet our Young Master!?

Darling is he really....?

The wife of Shan was confused, their Young Master is already dead, they saw it on their own eyes when the times he fells down in the raging sea of flame before they escape. How he still alive?

Damn! why are you two just standing?

are you doubting my words, even if it's more than two years has passed I can still remember his voice.

Oh! ( with his habit, smashing his left palm by his right hand.) I should adjust my voice then. Yi's reaction.

Greetings Young Master Yi

the two reveal his real name.

Ahem! Ahem! he cleared his throat so loud. Brother Chu, you did not hear anything right?

Fatty Chu gets what Yi wanted to say,

( Yi? I thought I heard that name, hmm? ah! Long Yi, Young Master of Long Clan! I see so that's why he has a mask on, and resentment on the Ling Clan. hehe)

No, I didn't hear anything, Brother Xiao.

Three also gets what is the meaning of his words, we do apologize, Young Master, we didn't know.

hmm, Alright, just don't tell anybody I'm alive. Especially the Ling Clan, who's the brain for the destruction of Long Clan in Deer City.

Yes! Young Master! you can count on us this time. reply by the three in unison.

Good, Brother Chu, would you like to come? asks by Yi.

Of course! let us exterminate that Green Lizard, hahaha. replied by Fatty Chu.

Young Master, I know where the camp of the Green Dragon Gang, I can guide you there!. It was the determine Banhen.

Great! that's a good thing to hear. come on let's go. A delightful voice of Fatty Chu they don't need to search, by using his Beast Form. He hates his Beast Form he opens bullies by that form.

There! that's their camp! everyone knows it where, but no one wants to pursue them because of the Ling Clan. Banhen was trembling not because of his afraid of that hooligans but for his rage.

Okay, you have to stay here, don't come out. It's too dangerous if you get close. okay? stay here. Fatty Chu's warning to Banhen.

The two ( Fatty Chu and Yi ) casually walking on the entrance.

Why they've been keeping telling this is a camp it's a mansion! I'm so pissed off Brother Yi, I Mean Brother Xiao, let me handle those two entrance guards. Fatty Chu needs some stretching to stress out his anger, from his two uncles.

Wait! Stop! don't come closer! do you have a Ling Crest? to enter into this Camp? if not you better run or we will kill you! warning by the two guards.

Sh*t! as if I'm afraid of your Ling Clan!

I'm gonna educate you fool! it is not a camp its a mansion!

Then Fatty Chu changes into his Beast Form.

Damn you Pig bloodline! your courting death! yell by the guard.

Fatty Chu, Jumps and dive beside them, his eyes are like santelmo.

Jumping Pig! I'm going to grill you! take this edge my sword! provoke by one of the guards. tink! the sword was broken by the toughness of Fatty Chu skin.

"Ahh!" his anger meter was full, the guards poke his sore spot!

His eyes are even more blazing than earlier. " I'm not a Pig! I'm a Boar! "

He killed the two guards brutally, by punching left and right without stopping.