The Forgotten Dragon Chapter 39 Death Mountain

Long Yi and the others happily walking on their way home. Suddenly Yi stopped.

" I'm sorry guys but I can't return back in the meantime, I need to go someplace to train. " Long Yi needed to temper his strength, he knows that if it's weren't for unlocking the 'Blood Sacrifice' then he would be dead right now. His physique is so fragile and he doesn't have sets of techniques, now that he acquired what he yearned there's no time should be wasted, ' Suffer, for now, Enjoy later'.

" I understand your urgency brother Xiao, even I also think of that idea, in this world that powers talk, we have to be strong to live and protect our loved ones. " Fang was also encouraged by Yi words.

" If that's what Brother Xiao wish then we won't force you to return to the City. Now that I think of it, I'm only depending too much on my tough skin. I should have studied extra on the offensive as well. " Fatty Chu thinks that he didn't help Yi too much, he has to train also to be a strong cultivator.

" We will wait for the Young Master to return back. " Shan-Shan response.

" Alright, I will be back after two months" then Yi was standing and watching his friends until they're nowhere to be seen. then dashed right to the Death Mountain.

Death Mountain is where the fierce beast is dwelling. When Yi steps into the Mountain, he knows this could be his graveyard if he made a misstep. The sentiment of killing intent that came from numerous vicious beasts fermented in the air and if you don't possess ample courage, then even you withstand in this nightmare Mountain, you can't avoid from Panphobia, Fearing of Anything.

He barely warmed up his foot from standing when a Stone Arm Giant Ape shoving its way to attack him. Long Yi saw the 10 footer Giant Ape with the hand is made up of stone, fortunately, he moves from his spot when the Fire Fang Lion leaps and tried to pound him.

" Sh*t that's a close one I didn't even detect its presence. "

He tried to evade, but he didn't see through the Dragon Snake tail that swipes him.

Thud! Ptt! he was hit on his back and blown 10 meters away then vomit blood.

Even so, he tried to flee inside the cave, nonetheless, for an unknown reason, they were able to discern his whereabouts. So he tried to run again to a different place, using his Great Demon Eyes he tried to discern why they able to follow him. That's the only time he found out that his aura is leaking, he is just like a bait to hook the fish.

Because of his leaking aura, he was easily detected by the beast, A feel like he is hiding in an invisible wall. The problem is, he didn't know how to restrain his energy, he only knows is to use it for the offensive moves.

Then he checked the gift, Old Peng given to him. ' Energy Restraint '

" hahaha, great! " Then his soul went to mysterious space to hastily comprehend the technique.

This technique enables you to fully control and restraint your energy, you can be an ordinary individual or lower your cultivation based and the most essential aspect is that it helps him regulates his energy inside, to avoid ruining energy. Glady it works. Still, the Fire Fang Lion did not move to a different location, it just rests in front of the cave.

Long Yi, was now able to regulate his energy, he tried to used HUNT to kill the Fire Fang Lion who's big as a hippo.

50 meters away from the Fire Fang Lion his presence has been detected, without a second thought, it quickly jumps and pounds to him. Even it has a big body its agility is superb.

Long Yi's knee is bent, the left foot one step to the front and then on his right fist a red aura. " LEAPING TIGER FIST! "

he throws a right straight punch and the image of a white tiger came out and clashed with the Fire Fang Lion.

That gives him an opportunity to create a surprise attack. " RIPPING TIGER CLAW! " His sharp claws grown 5 inches long, like a 10 sharp short knives.

When the white tiger image shattered, his claws suddenly appears, then swipes into the neck of Fire Fang Lion. It connects both his left and right, with it sharps it pierced and cut its throat.

Thud! The Fire Fang Lion drops to the ground lifeless. Then he quickly undresses all of his clothes, then he lifts the carcass of Fire Fang Lion and poured the gushing blood from its wound to his head down to every part of his body. Long Yi is showering the blood of a Fire Fang Lion. When there's no more blood gushing out from the body, he put down the carcass and rubs the blood to every part of his body.

This is the intense rules in cultivating the ' Dragon Physique ' you need to bath with the blood of every Fire Beast and drink the especial blood stored inside the spine. It will provide you a tremendous amount of physical strength and a tough body.

Long Yi now cultivates the ' Dragon Physique ' all the blood on his body is sipping through his pores and nourishing his flesh and skin. However, since it has properties of Yang or Fire he felt very hot all over, just like he rubs a menthol ointment all over his body.

After a minute a boy coated with blood earlier was now coated with a sticky substance that has a very foul odor. Then he stores the carcass to his space ring and using his ' Naked Vision ' he found a river within 360 meters away from him. Then he quickly strides towards the river. 'SPLASH! ' he quickly dives and scrubs all over.

In the same cave he hides before, he dissects all the body parts and separates the especial blood on Fire Fang Lion spines. He created fire and barbecued the meat, then after he eats the meat, he must drink the especial blood and that's what he did. He drinks the blood more like a rum that has 100 percent alcohol content, the intense hot of the blood is spreading inside his body and this time it strengthening his internal parts including the bones. Sweat and sticky substances are gushing out from inside his body, after a minute, the process has finished.

" Damn! this smells again? I should do this at the same time. Now I need to take a bath again. " Long Yi moves towards the river, however, he was surprised to know that his strength has improved a lot.