Inside the Black Box

The Forgotten Dragon Chapter 40

" Uncle Chang! we must avenge Father, Uncle Chonglin and Little Brother Fu, they died brutally by the hands of that masked man, sob, sob, sob... We are forced to run away from the Palace, like a rat afraid of the cat. King He committed suicide and the one who governs now the Deer City is that Brat Yongzheng. " There's a girl kneeling and sobbing, it was Fu's Big Sister, Ling Changying, who said to be the mistress of the late King He of Deer City.

" Big Sister is Right! Uncle Chang, we have to avenge them! Damn! I shouldn't have left Deer City. If you don't then I will. " It was Fung, Second Young Master of Ling Clan. He left Deer City to visit the Cat City, he didn't know it would turn this way. When he strides out, he was blown away by the energy of the incoming person.

" Big Brother Gen, Why? don't tell me you don't want to avenge our family?" Fung questions his older brother because he was stopped by him.

" We will avenge our family, Don't act rashly we have to think before we move. First, we have to wait for King Delun, we will use his power to get a hold of that brat. Once we got him, I will make him beg for mercy to kill him right away. " The eyes of hatred evident in him. Gen was the First Young Master of Ling Clan the fist son of Ling Chao.

" Gen was right! " Said by Chang while stroking his white beard. Chang was an adviser of King Delun, the current king of Cat City. " We must ask for help on King Delun, with his power and connection we can effortlessly get a hold of that brat. Big Brother Changming also lamenting right now, He also posts a mission on Shrine Sects, he can't come down from the upper realm there's something important thing he's doing as an elder of Main Branch of Shrine Sect. I'm sure you heard how fearsome their students are, not only in the upper realm but also here in the lower realm.


15 Days have passed since Long Yi enters Death Mountain. You can see now a topless young man fighting the 10foot Stone Arm Ape. Due to his constantly hunting and showering the blood of every Fire Beast, his muscles and tendons become tough and flexible.

The Apes arms are just a regular arm, but when they were hunting or fighting that was the time that their arms will turn to stone.

The ape swings its stone arms, Yi dodges the attack then jumps towards the Stone Arm Ape body. " RIPPING TIGER CLAW! " Puchi! Yi right claw hits the chest straight to its ribs. Thanks to his strengths and sharpness of his claw it wounded the hard body of the ape.

" ( sigh) Unfortunately, you are not a fire beast, still, you will a good meal and also you will a good exercise of my newly created technique. " Then Long Yi very fierce aura gushed out and his killing intent so fearsome similar to the ferocious beast killing its victim.


He combines the ripping tiger claw and the 8-slash. Long Yi storm his claw to Stone Arm Ape and then his last hit is a quick back kick " DRAGON TAIL " woosh! Boom! it hits the head of the poor ape whose body is full of wounds from Yi's Claw and his head burst by his kick.

" 20 hits for the claw, not bad " Yi was so very delighted he came into this mountain. Although his cultivation base is still at King Stage, he attained this when he killed Ling Chao. However, his aura, toughness, strength, speed and awareness leaps and bounds so much. He is not a King Stage by his aura anymore or a King in paper only. He does have now a power that can prove his dominance.

Long Yi, condensed his energy into a blade and cut the carcass of the ape and took out the core. " Wait, to acquire the Barbarian Strength is to train lifting heavy objects to practice your muscles. What if? I drink the especial blood of this Ape? it has barbarian blood flows after all. "

He grilled the meat and eats it, with his small tummy. He was surprised that he was able to finish eating the meat for only an hour. Then he drinks the especial blood of Stone Arm Ape that contained with Barbarian Blood. After he drinks the blood, his red aura rises and swirling around him like a dragon nurturing its master, After a minute the aura dispersed.

" Yes! hahaha, My strength! " ' SWOOSH!'

just a casual punch by him it creates a big reaction on air. Then he thinks of the block box he found from Lei Clan.

" If I'm lucky, the things that inside in this black box is the one I'm thinking now. "

Inside the same cave, he opened the black box and very delighted about what he saw. " Even so, I already guessed what's inside it's still amazed me. Pill Energy only a God Stage Apothecary can create this pill. You will get the aura of a people and put it inside the pill, sounds easy but it requires a lot of concentration, making sure that it has the same amount of energy, and make sure that it is pure energy. You will get the energy, not on one person but six individuals, you will mix their energy into one, imagine you are mixing an atomic bomb that one misstep, Boom!

There are two items stored inside the Pill Energy contain with Lightning Aura and a manual ' Lightning Move '. This movement technique is superb you can use it at the same time with your attack.

But to make that happened I need to take the pill, however, 8 out of 10 died if you are not from Lei clan, there's no bloodline of Lightning that nullifies the Lightning Aura inside.

He forced himself to swallow the pill, thanks to 'Dragon Physique' there are not many injuries that cause aside from minor internal injuries. " Fortunately, I cultivated the Dragon Physique first " then he spits blood from his mouth.

"Alright, time to train " he quickly read the manuals and his soul moved to Mysterious Space. 48 minutes passed in the real world but its already 2 days inside the mysterious space, then Yi opened his eyes.

" ( sigh ) I've already mastered the techniques but why I can't use some of my techniques while I'm in human form? even dragon claw won't work either. Even Red Eyes won't answer me. Alright, time to unveil what's on the top of this mountain. " Long Yi stood up and move outside of the cave heading to the top.

A Dragon Snake stood on his way and swing its tail towards him. Long Yi just stands there and stopped the tail using only his pure strength, he holds the tail and slammed left and right until its dead. He took out the beast core and leave the body as food for another beast, he is walking towards the peak but no beast stops him. When he's in the middle part of the mountain a firebird size of an ostrich intercepts him. " Hehe seems like I've stepped into another level, hehe. "