Meeting Lei Dingxiang

The Forgotten Dragon Chapter 41 Meeting Lei Dingxiang

Firebirds are known for being bold, most of the locals called it as 'Do or Die bird,' once they've set its eyes on their prey, it will not leave its target until its lifeless. Firebird killing move is called ' Flaming Arrow ', It will fly up to get distance and dive down quickly to its target. Using its energy it will breathe fire, not for its foe but for its beak, that had a 10 inches long seems a short blade. Firebird beaks will be heated up that can melt iron for a minute, to help it pierce its enemy easily.

Long Yi measures the activity of the Firebird that speeding up towards him, like a meteor falling to the ground. He just stands to anticipate for his counter-attack, when the firebird is at his attack range. Long Yi executed " LIGHTNING MOVES " then he steps his left foot forward right. " DRAGON TAIL! ", it was a quick back roundhouse kick that hits like a bullet train bang anything on its way, his kick strike directly to the firebird's head.

When Long Yi tried to pick up the carcass of the firebird, another enemy was shoving on its way towards him. It was Lanced Rhino, its body is the same as regular Rhino, but this family of rhino has an ability to grow a bone on their forehead like a lance, not on the top of its mouth but on its forehead. Then run towards its foe and pierced its bone lance to its adversary.

Long Yi condensed his energy into bow and arrow, he knows the weakness of this beast. Its attack pattern is forward-only, when the beast is already three meters from him he executes his 'Lightning Move' and jumps to his left side. " WIND ARROW TECHNIQUE - PIERCING ARROW " He execute the techniques Guangying left for him, Shoo! like a red flash that pierced to rhino's head. Using his Great Demon Eyes, he aims at the hole of Rhino's ear, and it pierced to its small brain.

" Great! with this lance bone, I can try to forge a short blade. " Yi, cut out the bone lance and took the beast core then put it on his space ring, he was also naked right now, he showered the blood of firebird and drinks its especial blood. He continued to hunt like a break free killer maniac, and if the beast that he killed was a fire beast, he will drink and rubs the blood. However, it was not as effective as before, It seems his body is demanding for a quite big to be satisfied.

A month and fifteen days have passed, it was a fine morning the king of the light just show up from the clouds. There's a young man walking in the peak of the mountains, his long black and bouncy hair, white and flawless skin that could be envied by the prominent girls. And that man was Long Yi, he already decided to go up here. However, he was surprised that no beast intercept him, not the same from the bottom and middle part of the mountain.

Using his upgraded ' Naked Vision ', he can see within 800 meters without a problem of any obstacles. From a distance, he can clearly see ancient characters, written as ' Lei Dingxiang ' on the entrance. " That must be the name of the ancestor of the Lei Clan ", Long Yi quickly moves towards the cave and enter, inside the cave was so wide and ahead, there are three another entrance but it was a decoy. The right entrance is a hole that fits a person to slide down, located on the side of the cave. If you look closely, anyone would afraid to go through on the hole, they don't know what's waiting down there. If it's not due to the ancient characters saying 'Here' he will not go through that hole, it has been more than 200 years there should be a beast living on it.

Long Yi was now at the bottom, he was amazed by the place, there's a pond of white liquid emits pure energy that came from a drop of stalactite. He can see a bed made from a boulder and a water river, " Damn! this place is too great! there's also a practice area nearby. " He can see an unknown small round machine which has various ancient characters around on it, placed at the top of the stone bed. When he touches the unknown machine it was unexpectedly activated, The round machine consists of two parts outer and inner parts. The outer part rotates clockwise while the inner part rotates counterclockwise.

An image of an old person, it seems like a spirit appears from an unknown machine then it speaks to him, " Greetings my descendant! how many years have passed since I'm... " it did not continue its words he can perceive that the man in front of him is not a part of Lei Clan, his face turn sad and glance to Long Yi.

Long Yi knows why the man was sad, he was expecting to leave his legacy to his Clan member, even his only a spirit it still thinks the benefits of his clan. "Greetings Senior! I do apologize to break your expectations but my name is Long Yi from a Long Clan. " Long Yi cups his hand and reveals his real name to the old man spirits.

" Oh, a Long Clan member, are you related to Long Dong? " The face of the man became delighted when he heard that the man in front of him was a member of a Long Clan especially when he asks about the name Long Dong.

" I do apologize, senior, but this man does not know the name, Long Dong, My mother is Hu Hexie, from Hu clan daughter of Grandpa Yang, and my father is Long Hou, son of Grandpa Long Shui. " He didn't really know the man name Long Dong, that's why he told the name of his grandpa maybe the man knows them. It seems his right the man knows about my grandfather because it laughs when he hears it.

" Ahahaha, heavens are really mysterious it can create a great coincidence. Long Yi right? just a call me Grandpa Dingxiang, I'm Long Dong sworn brother. Long Dong is the Heads of Long Clans your grandpa Shui father supposedly you know your ancestors, that little runny nose he already had a grandson. Hahaha, I could remember that little kid sitting on Brother Dong's laugh while his runny nose coming back and forth, wahaha! but why are you here at the lower realm?. A very curious ask by Dingxiang.

Long Yi was confused about Dingxiang's question, he didn't know that they have originated from the upper realm. " This one was confused, Grandpa Dingxiang, I didn't know about the information on the upper realm. I was born here at Deer City, Caterpillar Town also Grandpa Shui is recently... " He. did not continue his words his tears fall on his eye then Long Yi told the story of what happened that day except for the name of the man who saved him.

When Dingxiang hears Long Yi words, he was enraged. He already perceives what happened, he can see the jealous eyes of Long Yan at that time, his words at that time came true. 'This man's aura is so evil, he will kill whoever it was just to get what he desired. ' " Alright, even I was amazed why you able to get in here, now I see this is the heaven's will. Come show me first your Beast Form. "

Long Yi, did what Dingxiang ask, he changes his form to a tiger. He is just like a standing tiger, except he had arms and feet.

" Great! you can change your form into a tiger but you didn't get what I said, show me your Beast Form. " Said by Dingxiang.

Long Yi was confused he didn't know what his Grandpa Dingxiang mean 'Beast Form' he's already at his beast form.