Evolution of Form

The Forgotten Dragon Chapter 42 The Evolution of Form

" Alright, I guess that's the disadvantage of standing alone in this world. Fortunately, you've reached me, I can help you out and convey my insights to you. The reason why I ask you to change to your Beast Form is to know how deep your understanding with your bloodline. Yes, you were able to change your form into a tiger but it's only a form, I bet you also opened your Dragon Bloodline, however, you can't use some moves of it, right?"

Long Yi was surprised, Dingxiang was right, he can't use some of the Dragon Techniques without turning into a Dragon Form. This is a big difficulty to him due to its size, he will be spotted easily. "Senior is right, I do have opened up my Dragon Bloodline and able to change my form but, some of the moves are unable to use in my Human Form since senior knows about it I bet seniors know what to do." He has been curios for so many months about this concern, Red Eyes didn't even answer his call it will show up and fades away.

"Alright, I will tell you based on my knowledge by wandering in these realms. Whenever you change to your Beast Form, you are like a balloon that's nothing inside. When we say Bloodline Opening not only its form that you need to unlock but also your blood of the beast. I've been dealing with so many bloodline warriors but your form is the lowest, this era instead of growing it's been declining. The evolution of form is what lacking from you, but of course to unlock the evolution of form you need to unlock the blood of the beast inside of you first." Explained by Dingxiang.

"I see, thank you, Grandpa Dingxiang, for the information, now I understand that my wisdom about Bloodline is just a tip of an iceberg. Did Grandpa Dingxiang knows how to unlock pureblood?" This chance is a big opportunity for him, luckily he went to this cave.

"Yes, I do, but I can only guide you it depends on your luck if you can succeed or not." Reply by Dingxiang.

By Dingxiang's order, he needs to experience being on a sea of fire, Tigers are afraid of fire but most of all they were afraid of their master who had a fire. By doing that he can easily let out his pure blood of beasts.

Long Yi, also wanted to forget that day but since it's needed this time, he has to endure it. Dingxiang order Long Yi to create a circle of fire and he needs to cultivate in the middle of the flame, however, Yi declined. He already has an experience like that.

Long Yi sits in a lotus position and recalls his self being in that sea of flame. His concentration was successful he was now inside the belly of flame, similar when he was 10 years old. From that, he realizes how worthless he is and swears to himself that he will become dominant, overcome his imperfection and never let this occurred again.

His red aura is swirling around him identical to a red dragon boosting the power of his master. When Dingxiang saw this there was a smile on its face "What a demonic ability, not only he accomplished opening his pure beast blood but also he achieved another aspect of his Beast Form."

Long Yi was not similar to a standing Tiger anymore, from his shoulders down to its feet is already a human. However, he still got a tail and his head is still a tiger but the horn is no more. His tiger roar also replaced with a growl, when he attacks using this form he can growl to add his damage and there's no time limit. He can also leap towards his enemy within 200 meters, without using his Great Demon Eyes he can locate, hear, or smell his enemy within 250 meters. His speed is also leveled up not comparable to 'Lightning Move' but still, this is really superb, also his strength increased, he felt his casual fist and kick force has 10 thousand kilos, what more if he adds his energy, and growl.

And most of all is his aura are now similar to a tiger beast and his 'Ripping Tiger Claw' can rip any hard metal even Ling Chao Horn Beatle form is just like tofu for him. Then he reverted back to his human form, his Tiger Beast aura has vanished and by utilizing his 'Energy Restraint Technique' he was now like a normal person without cultivation.

Long Yi, kowtowed to Dingxiang Spirit, then Dingxiang nodded and said. "Great! your comprehension is outstanding, but I'm afraid about your Dragon Blood. You need to drink the pure blood of real Phoenix or Real Dragon at the bottom of the volcano since I can see that you have a fire dragon. Also, you were after on my technique but you need first to have a 'Lightning Physique'". Explained by Dingxiang he knows that nowadays real Dragon and Phoenix are so hard to find.

Then Long Yi cups his hand and explained to Dingxiang that he already has a 'Lightning Physique' when he eats the Energy Pill. Nonetheless, Long Yi surprised to know that it's only a first step on acquiring 'Lightning Physique' the second step is to continue receiving a hit from a lightning strike, similar to forging a sword that needs to be hammered to be sharp and durable.

" Am I going to die? " Long Yi asks Dingxiang, he knows how dominant lightning strikes are, that could be his final day if he had a bad day.

"Don't ask me, it depends on you" A straight reply to Long Yi, he is really right it depends on Long Yi whether he can survive or not. "But you have a 'Dragon Physique' right? lucky for you it will reduce the damage of the lightning, what more if you sit down on that white liquid, it will sip inside then nurture you inside and out. It will quite painful though." Explained by Dingxiang, however, he was surprised Long Yi sat on the pond and began to cultivate.

That white liquid is like a slime, it crawled and filled in into his body. He feels thousands of needles pricking all over his body at the same time. After minutes of enduring the pain, the white liquid turns black due to his impurities. Even though he had a mask he felt that his face looks younger and his skin becomes so smooth, if he wears a women's dress, no one can tell if that he is a man.

"Alright, below this bed there's a manual also there's a sword if you want you can take that but you can only train here for those manuals. I'm still hoping that my descendants would come here." A sadness face by Dingxiang, he's been waiting for a long time for his descendants to arrive.

"Don't worry, Grandpa Dingxiang, I will obey your request, also I do have a friend from your Clan her name is Jinjing, she was recently living at your rest house, however, the main branch forced her to someone she doesn't love as a sacrifice. Once I've been through here I will make a visit to her. " Yes, Long Yi already know the situation of Jinjing, when they were walking home Meilin secretly give a paper to Yi, about what she heard at that time, she's already awake when they were imprisoned. So Yi decided to train himself right away.

"How presumptuous they are!" Dingxiang was enraged about what he heard making his descendants a sacrifice especially she got the same name with his wife, which means that Jinjing is really his descendants, not a clan member. "I'm counting on you young man" Ask by Dingxiang.