Shen Tu Gouzhi

The Forgotten Dragon Chapter 43 Shen Tu Gouzhi.

Long Yi sees all the manuals are very fascinating, 'Smashing Mountain Fist', a collection of fist it looks like a normal fist but its explosive power is very terrifying. 'Invincible Kick' also a compilation of kicks with proper stance and energy distribution. Both techniques are great especially for a body cultivator like him.

'A Guide to Inscriptions' Long Yi was curious so he asks Dingxiang about it.

" Inscriptionists are another type of career, same with, Apothecary for Pill, Smith for forging, they are the one who creates Space Ring, teleportation Scrolls, and many more, just read it, will you?" Explain by Dingxiang.

Long Yi checked another one 'Basic Swords Movement' ( Damn! all the items are just basic but the power content to it is so destructive! ), 'Lightning Physique' and 'Swallowing Lightning'.

'Swallowing Lightning' helps you to gulp lightning and it will convert as your own lightning, but of course in order for you to achieve that you need to cultivate the 'Lightning Physique' to reduce the high risks. And the secrets of his armor penetration lightning is eating the Thunder Tribulation, sounds pretty easy. Nevertheless, it was not, that's why Dingxiang lied to Yi about the steps in acquiring the 'Lightning Physique'.

In truth, Long Yi already has a 'lightning Physique' when the time he eats the Energy Pill, but it is so brittle, too easy to break, that's why he needs to practice himself getting hit continuously by the real thunder strike to prepare himself for his incoming tribulation.

Long Yi is already at 'King Stage' next would be 'Emperor Stage'. However, before someone advances to 'Emperor Stage', you will first face the Tribulations, during that time the heaven will give you an ordeal, better make sure you have to avoid getting hit by that penetrating lightning to survive. Nonetheless, the instruction of 'Swallowing Lightning' is to being hit and devour the lightning, which is so very dangerous.

Dingxiang notice the hesitation of Long Yi's face about the 'Swallowing Lightning' "Kid, crazy people did exist, you called us crazy because of our undying determination, which some people don't have that's why they don't feel and understand. So kid, are ready to be crazy? if not then go home and just dream" Dingxiang was right undying determination is what you need, don't think your self inside the box.

Long Yi face return to normal, "Yes, Grandpa Dingxiang, I'm ready to be crazy." Long Yi understands what his grandpa Dingxiang wanted to say, this cultivation era only powerful people can make the rules, to be most powerful you must perform people can't imagine. And that's craziness.

Then Long Yi began to cultivate the techniques, he was sitting for an hour in the real world but in the mysterious space he was already been training for 2 and a half days, it is because of the different time flows, a minute in a real-world equivalent to an hour in the mysterious space. Dingxiang was stupefied, Long Yi has been sitting for only two hours yet he can saw the profundity of his knowledge about the techniques. "Monster" that's the only word he mumbled to describe Long Yi.

"Before you leave, kid, I will teach you some of my techniques, also heed the request of this friend of mine. You think I'm the one who carved this, do you? well, you're mistaken, I also found this place by accident. The man who did this is Shen Tu Gouzhi, he was badly hurt by the dark sect, the 'Dark Blood Sect'. By wandering at the upper realm I've known his identity the Great Inscriptionist, he leaves me with his crest and helps me completed the 'Swallowing Lightning Technique'."

Then Dingxiang points his finger on the river and a crest flew to me. Then he continued his story. "Shen Tu Gouzhi is the Heads of all Shen Tu's Clan just like Long Dong, by that high position, of course, many high authorities wanted his position that's why they collaborated with the dark sect to snatch it. I've managed to locate their main branch and made a big mistake, it seems most of the elders are working with Shen Tu Guiren Big Brother of Gouzhi. They tried to kill me with the help of dark sect and including the so-called 'Shrine Sect', however, they always failed to kill me until one day I was badly hurt by the demons of the dark sect, Black Eyes Demons, they are one rank higher than Yellow Eyes Demon. I was forced to flee and return here then leave some of my spirits in this disk and hide the crest, until my last breath on my residence. You have to give that crest to his wife or daughter Mingzhu, I bet she is a little bit older than you for a year." Explained by Dingxiang on why he received his mishaps.

Then Dingxiang finger glowing white and point to Long Yi's forehead and then the information has been transferred, 'Lightning Finger' lightning will fly out from caster index finger like a bullet of a machine gun that will pierce including someone behind him. 'Lightning Chain' lightning that will electrocute all the nearby people, the stronger the lightning the more people will be electrocuted. 'Lightning Palm' a very powerful attack, just a touch of a palm to the enemy it will be electrocuted.

Long Yi kowtowed to Dingxiang then before Dingxiang went back inside the disk he gives him 3 inscriptions, Long Yi knows what it is, it is an inscription to attract lightning. He already knows how to creates Inscriptions he just doesn't have materials. It was already night when he came out, he can only see a big black sky like the anger of heavens will pour down to this word. " I see, so that's why there is no beast found on that day most of them are nocturnal."

He can see, Cloud Leopard big as a lion, Bat-ear Fang Fox, Black Armored Rhino and White-tailed Black Jaguar and others staring at him and drooling.

Kaboom! the like a bomb exploded in heaven, then the heavy rain drips down, "Do or Die" he mumbled and chuckled then he took out one of the inscriptions and activated it. Lightning hit him, Long Yi forced to kneel down blood sprays from his mouth, he now activated the 'Swallowing Lightning'. ("Damn! my body is still unable to take it, What would I do?") His body scented burnt flesh that makes the beast drive crazy, Black Armored Rhino is dashing straight towards him, Long Yi change his shape to his Beast Form (second form).

"Smashing Mountain Fist" a straight punch from him connected to the head of a black-armored rhino, Boom! the upper part of black-armored rhino's head was missing. The 'Blood Sacrifice' was activated it heals his injuries right away, yet, another lightning hits him, the same thing happened to him from the first hit. This time there are two aurae swirling around him, silver and red aurae like a white and red dragon swirling around him.

The Jaguar leaps towards him, he quickly stood up, "Invincible Butterfly Kick" the head of the jaguar almost flew up only the skin was attached to its neck. However, seems the heavens love to torture him, three lightning hit him at the same time. The Cloud Leopard was now fleeing, growl! he growls and leaps towards the Cloud Leopard, "Leaping Tiger Fist" he directly punches the beast Boom! he smashed the head of that beast and it's been deformed.

The Lightning strike is hitting him nonstop, "Hahh! come on bring it on!" he shouts due to his annoyance by the lightning.