Fruits of Suffering

The Forgotten Dragon Chapter 44 Fruits of suffering

One fine morning came, sunlight gives its blessings to anyone in this world. There's a young man lying in on the grass with torn and ragged clothes and body with burnt flesh, cough! cough! the young man coughs with blood and tried to move his agonizing body. It was Long Yi he's having a hard time to get up but he still makes it, he grilled the carcass of the beast he killed.

He was surprised his body regenerating so fast after he finished eating the body of Cloud Leopard his energy replenish and all his injuries are healed without consuming pills. He takes the core and the body if the Black Jaguar and Black Armored Rhino then stored it to his space ring. " There are still 14 days left before 2 months, but I should go back now it's better to be early than late" Long Yi did not hide his Pure Tiger Energy, he can smell their scents and hear within 150 meters the all the best was shivering by his aura, there's a smile on his face while walking down, "Hmm, sufferings have been paid off."

Abruptly, he heard the voice that goes in and out, it was Red Eyes' voice, "Right, snort, your hardship already bears its fruit. You have unlocked the 'Eyes of Truth' it's a passive ability to discern the truth from illusion and able to see the weakness of enemy attack." explained by the Red Eyes.

"Wait, before you leave, would you tell me how to activate my Demon Bloodline?" Long Yi quickly asks Red Eyes he knows It will fade again.

"Just kill, don't regret your decisions, killing Badass gives you malevolent once it's enough, an ordeal will automatically activate. Don't regret your decisions that's the only way to overcome it." The voice of Red Eyes fades again, however, Long Yi was delighted this time he knows what to do to activate his bloodline.

When he went back to the Antler Town main town of Deer City, he was stunned not only he can see a big statue of him standing while crossing its arms, but also some of the people are wearing masks and red robe like him. ("What's going on?") He asks himself. He did not go to Wung's, Xin's or Lei's mansion he directly goes to the nearest restaurants when the waiter saw him, he quickly entertained him and he gives the seats nearby the window.

It was a fine morning, there are no customers yet aside from him.

He was quietly eating and enjoying his meals while staring at the people outside when the waiter suddenly flew near to him, Bang! it landed on one of the tables. "Damn you! lowly servant! why did you give the seat of Young Master Rao to that psycho supporter? hey you!" while pointing his finger to Long Yi. "Move to a different location that's Young Master Rao seats!" Long Yi stood up and checked the table and chair. "Yep! there's nothing written by the name Rao, so you are mistaken this is not his seat" literally replied by Yi to an overbearing bodyguard.

"Courting Death! how many psycho followers like you do I need to kill just to be afraid to Rao family? now die!" that bodyguards unsheath it swords and leaps towards him. Long Yi was enraged by the man's words, it only means that he killed too many people for the reputation of Rao Clan. However, he is holding now his sword on the table before the man slashes him, Swish! a quick slash to the man's body. It was too quick that the eyes weren't able to see, the man's body has been cut and separated diagonally.

The Rao young master and one of its guards were escaped. Cough! cough! "Hurry young man, they will not let this matter off, run, they will come any minute." Warning by the waiter to him, the waiter is also one of his supporters for the fair justice they named it Red Robes followers. The big statue is erected for the people to remind them not to afraid of the evildoers and fight them just like he enacted.

Then after a minute, Rao soldiers and patriarch arrive, all the soldiers wait outside Rao Patriarch and Young Master Rao enters the restaurants, Rao Bingwen pointed his finger to Yi who is still eating like there's nothing going on. Then the Rao Aigou nodded its head and the two overbearing sits in front of him. The manager of the restaurants can't stand steady, its been shaking by its scared to Rao Aigou.

"Pa.Patriach wa.what is your o.o.order?" it can't speak clearly also.

Rao Aigou glanced at the manager and said: "Leave!", the manager quickly run away to save his life. Then Rao Aigou glanced at Yi with murderous eyes. "Young man, you've killed one of my soldiers and failed to kill my grandson? who do you think you are?" a cold voice of Rao Aigou then its aura gush out it, then when it moves his hand and tried to strangle Yi, it stops.

Long Yi's Beast Aura gush out just one-third of his aura and it's already suffocating what more if he unleashed it. Rao Aigou and Rao Bingwen was now trembling by fear, "It seems people like you who used their power to kill, don't learn their lessons, I've just eradicated the Ling Clan here at Antler Town, yet, another fool trying to mess me? haha, I should go and slain your clan in front of your eyes then, would that great for you two?" He is now like a god speaking to them and deciding their fate.

"Don't please! mighty Xiao, don't do that it's our fault, we will not do it again, we will not do it again, just please give us a chance to live." Rao Aigou was now under the table and kissing Long Yi's feet, then he stared at his grandson "What are you doing? you filial grandson! it's because of your mess you've put many lives in danger! come here and beg for mercy!" Rao Aigou was very angry with his grandson messing with different people he already warns him not to act rashly, yet now they were in this dangerous situation. This could be a shame for them but people will forget it, but their lives were most important.

"Please, Mighty Warrior Xiao, please forgive this lowly fool, I promised I won't do it again" Bingwen was also kissing Long Yi Feet. "Alright, unlike you, I will let this slipt but I need compensations. First, you must do what you said earlier you will not be overbearing again and a 1,000 gold coins, would be that fine?"

"Yes, yes, yes that's fine we will gonna leave now and get the money" Even though Rao Aigou is aching for a thousand gold they don't have a choice, thousand gold is their income for five months. They will now have to save for the next five months it's because of his useless grandson.