Fighting Lei You

The Forgotten Dragon Chapter 45 Fighting Lei You

Inside the Rao residence, Rao Ping was sitting in an exquisite chair and sipping a tea, abruptly, his father Rao Aigou and son Rao Bingwen came including Yi.

Rao Ping did not notice Long Yi right away cause Yi was at their back.

"Greetings father, so what happened? why you two were shivering? I know, it must be because of your anger on that mother fu..." SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP!... Rao Ping was not able to finish his words a thick sounds from Rao Aigou's palm touches his face. Rao Aigou was not able to hold back his anger, he poured it down to his poor son, whose face is swelling right now.

When his anger subsides he recalled the condition, he hurriedly goes to Long Yi and makes an apology. "Ahahaha, please excuse the behavior of my son earlier, please sit and I'll go get the money." He cleans his favorite chair that no one should sit except him and offer it to Long Yi. ("I need to be quick or else those fools make something that irritates him, Damn! it's not by the assistance of Wung Clan why he eradicates the Ling Clan, Damn those Ling's just to cover up their embarrassment they will accuse other Clan")

Rao Ping just standing now along with his son, he did not know why his father and son are so afraid of this young man that doesn't even have an aura. Long Yi detected the fluctuations of Rao Ping aura, he knows it's trying to test him out, then he decided to play with this family, his plan is when Rao Aigou came back he will unsheath slightly his sword to scare Rao Aigou. ("Let's see his reaction") what's on Long Yi mind.

Rao Bingwen also detected his father aura instead to stop him, he trembled too intense. He can't move or say a word, his mind his trying to stop his father but his body won't listen to him.

Rao Aigou was wearing a smile on his face when suddenly he sees Long Yi's sword slightly unsheath waiting for the right time to strike then he noticed his son aura, he quickly shouts "YOU IDIOT!"

Then Rao Ping blew away by his father's fist that connects to Ping's chest. Boom! ("Haha, Perfect") Long Yi chuckled on his mind, ("so this is what it feels like if you do have a strength"). Then he stops Rao Aigou to execute another attack, he seems already decided to kill his son for the safety of their clan. "Stop that, he already gets his lesson, nothing to worry I will follow my words as long as you follow yours"

"Thank you, Mighty Xiao, for your benevolence" Even his heart was aching for what he had done to his son this is the only way to protect their clan. He was glad Long Yi stops him from killing his own son, he handed the gold then Long Yi walkout while they were kneeling and faces are kissing the floor.

Beneath of Long Yi statue, there is a boy and girl having a conversation.

"I already told you Meilin I'm not lying, he's already comeback"

" Shut up! there are still 14 days left before he came back, what nonsense are you talking about?" It seems that the young man was the waiter earlier and he's talking to Meilin to report. It appears that Meilin and Banhen are the founders of the Red Robes follower with the help of King Bojing Yongzheng, Fang and Fatty Chu.

Meilin saw a young man wearing a red robe and a mask walking towards them. "Young Master Xiao!" yell by Meilin then run towards him. After a minute Fang, Fatty Chu, and King Yongzheng arrived.

"Haha, Brother Xiao just came back yet you stop the Rao Clan" A delighted voice from Yongzheng, they can't touch the Rao Clan because of they're too strong.

"Haha, don't mention it, brother Zheng it's just coincidence." reply by Yi.

Meilin, Yi, Fang, and Fatty Chu are the only left in the restaurant, King Yongzheng needs to go back to the palace. "Oh! brother Xiao, I almost forgot Sister Chunhua left this for you, she said don't look for her" Fatty Chu handed the bracelet. "Thank you, Brother Chu, she seems fine so I will be visiting Jinjing only" reply by Long Yi.

"Brother Xiao you're too dumb! You will not be visiting Sister Chunhua, do you?"

Blurted out by Meilin.

"But she said..." He did not even finish his words yet Meilin reply to him.

"What makes you think she gives the bracelets? She cared for you, why she cared for you? cause she Loves you! she already gives you a hint not look for her, means you must visit her! boys are too dumb" Explained by Meilin while pursing her lips.

"Damn, brother Xiao! you're too lucky! not just Sister Jinjing but Sister Chunhua too. Damn! I'm too jealous!" Fatty Chu blurted out.

Tomorrow Long Yi decided to leave the city and started his journey, Fang and Fatty Chu decided to join him, while Shan-Shan Family was protected by the king and Wung Clan.

But for the meantime, Long Yi went to Lei Mansion, and while they were happily talking to each other they heard a loud noise outside. Boom! they quickly move outside and saw poor soldiers lying lifeless on the ground. "Who did these?" the angry voice of Lei Peng, then he saw two people floating in the air. There are also some techniques to help you out float in the air, furthermore, if you reach 'Emperor Stage' you can fly in the air like a bird.

"Hello, Brother Peng," greets by the person in the air.

"Lei Ye! what do think you're doing killing my soldiers?" Ask by enraging Lei Peng, that man is the elder of their clan, son of their current patriarch. Age is not a problem in this as long as you can breakthrough or have a longevity Pill to extend your life.

"Hmph! I guess their manners are getting from you! you don't even respect me as an elder. You are really useless as a descendant of Lei Dingxian" retorts by the man name Lei Ye.

"Hmph! why would I knell to a paper elder, you just got that title because of your father! and don't really say I'm useless your father is the one who's useless he even sacrifices the life of a precious girl just save all your assess!" reacts by Old Peng.

"Hmph! don't be too proud old Peng! here's my student he is more than enough for you! go Lei You teach him some lessons" Ordered by Lei Ye to a young man beside him.

Lei You descends and unsheath his sword, "Come, Old man," Mocks by him.

"I will teach you some manner, arrogant kid" Old Peng quickly strides forward "Lightning Kick" executed by Old Peng.

Long Yi saw the evil smile of Lei You it appears that he will really kill old Peng. Lei You avoided the attack and he is instantly goest to Old Peng. (Shit! I can't avoid it!) Said by old Peng on his mind.

"Father No!" yell by Lei Peizhi he was too far away he won't make it, to cease the attack.

Swish! Lei You and others were surprised his sword hit the wind, Long Yi used his 'Lightning Move' to save Lei Peng. "Thank You, kid Xiao, for saving me." Old Peng tap Long Yi's shoulder twice, "but let me fight him" added by Old Peng.

"No senior Peng, you are no match for him. Let me fight instead I can handle him." Confident words from Long Yi's mouth.