Fang And Fatty Chu New Techniques

The Forgotten Dragon Chapter 47 Fang and Fatty Chu new techniques

Killing intent is poisoning the air and spreading fast like a wildfire, 15 people whose wearing yellow robe have been blown away, looks like a bowling pin that been struck by the ravaging ball.

Same as Long Yi they also glimpse a little mystery of their bloodline but differ from Yi. Fang and Fatty Chu's first evolution are the same sizes as they are standing with two feet and with a hand but their second evolutions are were like a beast itself that doesn't have hands, only has four feet.

Fang changes also into his second form which is a real bull, he taps his right hoof thrice then suddenly charged to the elder of Shrine Sect.

"Bull Charge!" A very fast dash of Fang that you will only see his shadow and a red aura around it, one of the elders did not able to react and avoid the incoming beast as big as a regular bull. Fang horns penetrated the body of that elder, it pierced to its chest directly to its heart which is the cause of its death right away.

While Fatty Chu crushes the body of his opponents using one of his learned moves the 'Body Slam' with the help of his height of 1.5 meters, length 5.2 meters and weight of 2000 kilos, he can easily kill his opponent.

"Damn you Pig! You killed my friend now die!" A booming voice of the Shrine Sect student.

A happy and exciting world of Fatty Chu was replaced by hate and anger, someone touches his inverted scale. " You! Are you blind can't you see that I'm a boar! Because of your foolishness now die! 'Boar Fang!' his tusks grow long seem like daggers now and infiltrates the body of that poor person. Tossed in the air and catch by his tusks.

"Hmph! I'm not going to lose from you Brother Chu!" Yell by Fang then he moves his head up and clamor, MOOO! "Berserk!" Fang dashed twice the speed he had earlier, the two remaining elder was not able to refrain the attack they were pierced by horns of Fang that match the high tier weapon.

The pungent smell of blood was drenched in the restaurant before the two elder die they glanced at the man called Mighty Zhu, why it didn't even do a single thing to help them. They were shocked when they saw that Mighty Zhu is kneeling and pleading for his life. (! Mighty my ass!) That's the last thought it had before it became lifeless.

Earlier Mighty Zhu let out his aura to intimidate Long Yi then kill him slowly, that was his plan but sometimes things don't turn out the same as what we wanted to be. His aura has been eaten by Long Yi's pure and solid intent like a small wind that bangs into a tornado. Long Yi let out his pure beast aura that intimidates Mighty Zhu like he is alone in the dangerous forest and the eyes of King of the forest is glaring at him with just one wrong move and it will strike.

Mighty Zhu also wanted to run for his life and stay away from this monster, however, he knows he can't outrun this beast so he kneeled and pleaded for his life. Long Yi wanted to forgive this man, after all, it didn't do anything. But when he turns around, a pair of poisonous needles flew out from Mighty Zhu directly to the head of Long Yi, unfortunately, for Mighty Zhu, it pierced to Long Yi's image then he heard crisps and crackling sounds behind.

Long Yi used his 'Lightning Move' and position at the back of Mighty Zhu then he used his 'Lightning Palm' a million volts of a lightning surge in on Mighty Zhu body it ravaged inside of his body and vomits blood including his intestine, even his body is so tough and able to withstand the tribulation with the 'Lightning Palm' of Long Yi he died immediately.

After the storm, everything will calm and the destruction that it caused will visible to anyone, just like right now dead bodies of Shrine Sects elders and students including Mighty Zhu was lifeless on the ground, they immediately walk out and continued their journey they also took the horses of the elders of Shrine Sect. That breed of horse called Cheehorse a horse with speed like a cheetah and can carry 500kg of weight.

With these horses, they were able to get reach the next town called Smooth town. Run by three Emperor Stage and the Xin Clan, when they were in the entrance they perceive that this town is much peaceful than a Larva Town, people are fall inline neatly and more merchants are wanting to go in.

The three unmounted their horses and follow the line, it is already 5:00 Pm and they need to stay here till tomorrow, Smooth town is the nearest town to Lamb City that's why there are too many travelers to stop by here to avoid the danger at night.

When they were already in the entrance and Long Yi handed the money the soldier refuses to accept the money when it saw the bracelet he wears. "No need, young master, you are all friend of Young Miss you can enter" the guard voice was so gentle that can't break even a brittle glass, also his action was so respectful towards them, that's why the three are confused about Chunhua real identity.

It seems the guard reported about the bracelet when they were walking on the street and mesmerizing the scene a silhouette with 5 soldiers at Master Stage appear that 5 soldiers aura is more solid than Mighty Zhu, it is like they were really experiencing a life and death battle.

"Hey, you all lowly warrior! Follow me!" An annoyed voice of a man the same as their age suddenly rang like the sounds of thunder. When the trio noticed that they are the ones who meant on those words they were enraged but still to avoid causing trouble the suppress their anger.

"Brother, could you please tell us why we need to follow you" A gentle voice and respectful action of Fatty Chu, he seems accustomed to this changing face for the benefits of a business.

Then a young man becomes disgusted to them "Brother? Pui! Who do you think you are a puny warrior? Pui! Pui!, no more questions servants just follow me!" Fang wanting leap and give that young man a lesson but he was held down by Long Yi, "Just relax a can will only noisy if it is empty." Long Yi also suppressing his annoyance to this braggart.

"What did you say! Let see who is empty! 'Spirit Snake!'" A snake big a thigh appear on that braggart's arm and when he tried to unleased it, a man looks around 16 years old came in and stop the braggart technique. "Changpu! What do you think you're doing? father states that you need to warm welcome sister Chunhua's friends not to harass them, I will tell father about this.

" Hmph! mind your own business Chuanli" sneered and reply by that braggart Changpu.

"Hmph! I know why you're doing this because you were jealous of that man who had a bracelet of sister Chunhua, accept it you were just a friend of her and will never be more than that!" A harsh and direct voice of Chuanli to his brother Changpu who is now full of rage if it doesn't for another man came in Chanpu would attack his brother.

The man name Bao a top warrior of Xin clan in this Smooth town. Zhao Bao his full name is at King Stage and his intimidating aura will tell that he is survived many life and death battle. "I was sent by your father here he knows what's going on, you three our master is inviting you to dinner and he is the current patriarch of Xin clan here in Smooth Town."

Since they know the truth about why they need to follow him, there's no reason to refuse. They stop in grandeur and entrance of a mansion you could tell that this is a very powerful clan just by looking at its mansion. In the of the mansion, there is a man around 45+ years old waiting for them like a celebrity. They show their courtesy and greets the patriarch, "Haha, welcome, welcome, I do apologize for my son's behavior earlier, come the food is already in serve"