Fighting Changpu

The Forgotten Dragon Chapter 48 Fighting Changpu

The essence of delicious food was in the eyes of Fatty Chu he can see the most expensive meat, like the meat of Winged Lion, that will cost 100,000 to 300,000 gold per kilo, the Winged Ox that can vary 400,000 gold per kilo.

"Hey, hey, brother Fang, look over there maybe it's your uncle winged ox." Said by a playful tone of Fatty Chu teasing Fang.

"Probably, but look over there, that fire pig with an apple on its mouth is he related to you?" The reaction by Fang while smiling on Fatty Chu.

"Ok we're even now, so let's ignore this" Still Fatty Chu can't take that words, he tapping Fang shoulder while saying that words.

The three were happily eating and laughing while making a joke, even Chuanli and Patriarch Xin Tie Re were laughing also, except Changpu who is very disgusted to Long Yi. "Father, why don't we invite them to our annual competition tomorrow maybe they can broaden the horizons of our fellow clan members" Said by Changpu with a dark plan on his mind ('let's see, If you take it then prepare for tomorrow for that was the day you will be cripple or die, hahaha!').

"Yeah! That's a good idea, please you three watch our annual competition and make do some moves to raise the morale of our young blood." Pleaded by Tie Re, unaware of his son's motive.

"Since Patriarch was so kind to us, we will delay our departure tomorrow" Said by Long Yi while glaring at Changpu wearing Dog Smile(Fake smile, just like an enrage dog that's ready to bite.)

At night using his naked eye Long Yi was staring at Changpu with a man cover with black clothes, Yi can see the pill and it was the forbidden pill, 'Burst Energy Pill' will boost your strength and energy third times than what you have.

But the side effects are if your body can't handle the pressure then your body will explode, even you avoid that scenario you can't avoid the suffering from sudden energy surge. You will lie on your bed for a month or your dantian will explode and you will become useless in cultivation.

Morning comes and a new hope rises for everyone, this is the time to showcase their ability in front of their patriarch to become his warrior or send to the main branch to study. The three are sitting right next to Patriarch Tie Re, every warrior of Xin Clan was looking at the trio, it is a big honor to be able to sit right next to the patriarch.

"Good morning everyone!" Boisterous sounds of the Xin clan elder.

"This is our annual competition to showcase your ability! Also as you already noticed we do have visitors watching us so don't put a shame on our Xin Clan!" The clear and loud voice of the elder to raise the morale of their warrior.

"But before that, we will watch some of their moves to inspire us not to enclosed our selves to what strength we have now! Keep growing! Bring the honor to your self, to your parents!, To your ancestors!, And to your Clan!."

('Haha! What a word) Long Yi was amazed by the Elder smooth words.

Abruptly, Changpu climbs in the stage and challenge Long Yi to a duel. Just when Long Yi landed on the stage, a big white spirit snake was coming.

"That's a quite sneak attack but I'm sorry you will not able to hit me" Long Yi was just standing on the same spot unafraid of the incoming danger.

[ Whoah! That's a quite big spirit snake! the bigger the snake the more damage it has Young Master Changpu is really a genius!]

The crowd was amazed by the ability shown by Changpu.

When the snake opens its mouth and bites Long Yi.


A sound of the bell rang and the approaching spirit snake has crumbled, A Golden Bell appears and covers on Long Yi that protects him from every spirit technique attack.

[ That young man wearing a mask was so strong! He was able to crush Changpu invincible attack, I thought Changpu is the best but there are better than him.] The crowd was murmuring and praising Long Yi for his defensive ability.

The rage of Changpu has risen to exceed the limit, like a volcano that's ready to erupt.

"Hmph! don't think you've already won just because you have a Spiritual Defense technique!"

Changpu was blinded by his hate and consumed the burst energy pill, his power surged and a tower of aura gushing out.

[Changpu is really a genius he has been concealing his true energy all along, now that he unleashed it I feel sorry for the man in a mask] The crowd was awed by Changpu, unaware of the truth.

But Changpu can't fool his father and elders, they know what he did. Still, they did not stop the fight, like Long Yi's expecting that's why he did not counter-attack Changpu. He was anticipating that if Patriarch Tie Re and elders noticed it then they will stop the Battle, however, they still acting like there's nothing wrong.

("Hmm, just to avoid the shame of your son's actions, you all act like it is normal. Shameful people.") Long Yi was laughing inwardly about the Xin Clan shameful act.

"Die!" shouts by Changpu, "Dragonhead Spirit!" Monstrous spirits of Dragonhead come forth and tried to kill Long Yi by opening its big mouth and the sharp fangs and teeth like a sword like a hungry human that will bite an apple.

The crowd was startled that's the highest technique of Xin Clan and only the emperor stage can able to activate that attack it's because of energy consumption. It is clear that by using this attack Changpu wanted to kill his opponent.

Long Y is still smiling inwardly and he let out half of his Pure Beast Aura, ("You want to kill me? then so do I") a strong gust of solid wind produced around him and blown everyone within 200 meters.

Patriarch Tie Re who's an Emperor Stage forced to defend and even staggered back 4 steps. Zhao Bao, Chuanli and the others except for Fang and Fatty Chu was blown away.

Changpu was blown 30 meters away then leap and he will use his bare hand to punch Long Yi.

Long Yi prepares one of Mighty Kicks attack, the Butterfly Kick, his kick was already locked in on Changpu's head. But Patriarch Tie Re shielded his son and received the attack instead.

PU! He was forced to kneel and his blood sprayed on the floor, he was so shocked since he's already an Emperor Stage his body toughness would double up even he doesn't use any defensive ability. But even so, he also used the 'Steel Body' however, he still receives an internal injury.

PU! He tried to get up but he vomits blood again, everyone was on panic and rage embodied them. They were glaring at Long Yi viciously, and when they tried to attack him, the voice seems thunder boom from Patriarch Tie Re.


Then he kowtows to Long Yi, "I do apologize, mighty warrior, I should have stopped the fight earlier and punish the shameful action of my son by breaking the rules of consuming Bursting Energy Pill and even wanted to kill you, we beg for your benevolence." Patriarch Tie Re was saying that words while his face is facing the floor. He knows that if Long Yi did not hold back his strength when he knows that it is not Changpu, he would be dead by now. He also knows that he is no match for this young man even his an Emperor Stage.


[What! Changpu consumed the forbidden pill yet no one stops them? He deserved that strike before, I'm so dumb to idolized that kind of person Pui! Pui!]

The voice of the crowd was clamoring due to Changpu's action.

"Hmph! If it's not for your kindness shown yesterday, I will not heed your request. This family is so shameless, what if I don't have strengths to oppose him? probably I will be dead now and you will tell that it was an accident." Long Yi was so annoyed he did not kill that braggart, then he withdrew his aura.

"To think that I was so gratified by your kindness, not knowing the true color of this family. Probably there are more innocent people he killed, that this family covers up. Brother Chu, Brother Fang let's get out of here."

Patriarch Tie Re did not even slightly move on his position, his face was still kissing the floor. Moreover, everything he said was true that Changpu kills whoever he wanted, and he covers up everything.