Chapter 14: Lunch Together

Old memories flashback in her mind. At the age of nineteen years old she able to experience a dark moment in her life. She loses two important loved ones, her mom and her biological son.

"Let's eat together!" Jenny Smith has strange good feelings to Xiaoxi Chen. "I treat you," she said.

"Is it suitable?" Xiaoxi Chen never thought that the world-class designer of AVL will treat her for a meal.

"Why is it not suitable? Aren't you hungry?" Jenny Smith raised her fine, trimmed eyebrows and look at Xiaoxi Chen. "Or you don't want to eat with me?"

"How come? Then thank you!" Xiaoxi Chen accepts politely.

Jenny Smith is a person that she admired, she had much classic design and Xiaoxi Chen never thought that this woman is such an approachable person.

"That day you said that my design has some defects, I was really surprised!"

"Sorry, I just simply expressed my opinion."

"But there is really one defect in it!" Jenny Smith has no intention to cover it. "The clothes were torn when it was on the stage, I used the pin to attach it back!"

"How would it was torn?" Xiaoxi Chen was confused, no wonder she saw the clothes are not fit, it looks different from those other clothes Jenny Smith previously design.

"Competition and cunning happened in any runway event. You cannot trust your competitors during such a huge fashion show. Only weak people do such kind of action to get a higher spot. The world is full of wicked opponents, that's why you need to be strong all the time". She did not understand what Jenny means.

Two of them walk out of Jenny Smith's office while talking.

"Rouzhen! I and Xiaoxi are planning to have lunch together" Suddenly they saw Rouzhen coming into their way. "Since you're here and you're the boss care to join us? Jenny invited him.

Xiaoxi Chen was stunned and bowed down her head. What is Rouzhen doing in AVL? She didn't expect this devil would dare to follow her along the way to the AVL. Rouzhen arrival clearly caused a lot of noise because some of the employees begin to talk and admiring this cunning evil.

"Sister Jenny what about me? Care to invite me for lunch?" Zion Ni voice who is standing behind Rouzhen.

"Of course you go with us, perfect timing to have lunch together!" Jenny said. Zion Ni responded with his most pleasant smile. "Thanks, sister Jenny!"

There is a lot of AVL's staff come out from their working station to have a look at the GU Corp CEO. It is the first time Rouzhen visited AVL, they are looking at him only at his perfect cold face, making him feel like a king. If they know this man is bullying his secretary would they still admire him? Xiaoxi says in her mind.

A straight suit, still without a trace of drape, shoes shine like a mirror, a pair of eyes like an eagle, congealed. And around him, there seems to be a strong current of air, walking down the corridor, immediately luring the women in the office with his natural charm while men on the other side felt his cold deterrent.

After all, he exudes that unique charm that makes people scared and obsessed at the same time. Zion Ni's face is full of smiles, looks approachable but Rouzhen Gu is like a piece of ice, two different people stand together giving different descriptions of how a young bachelor must be. Since Rouzhen Gu come, even AVL President has come out personally to meet him.

The best of men, no doubt these people showed the world their excellent performance in terms of business. Xiaoxi Chen deflated her mouth, wisely move a big step behind Jenny. Her head lowers down that it shrank like a small ostrich.

Instinct, a strong sense of danger...because she seemed to feel that a terrible sight was coming over the crowd, shooting towards her. Jenny Smith looks at Xiaoxi Chen. "Xiaoxi, let's go over!"

"Alright," she immediately responding and followed Jenny Smith down to the other side of the corridor. "Are you okay? You look like you're very afraid of your boss!" Jenny Smith laughs and said on her while they were walking on the staircase.

"Uhm! No! I am just not feeling better today!" Xiaoxi replied her with a surprised reaction.

Jenny Smith only smiled a little meaningful. "You know what, Rouzhen Gu is only a little fickle in love but his working ability is really amazing!"

Yes, he is fickle in love and she already saw him twice at least kissed two different women! Xiaoxi Chen thinks for a while, better not to gossip about it, her job is not to gossip about Rouzhen's life but to work for her future.

Jenny Smith looked at Xiaoxi Chen in silence. "How about going to Si Chuan restaurant. It is a few blocks away from AVL. They serve tasty Chinese spicy foods. You don't hate small restaurant, do you?

Xiaoxi Chen was surprised, designer Smith would ever go to the small places, she thought that a popular designer like her would prepare to eat in a western restaurant. "No, I love Si Chuan dishes the most!"

"That's good!" Jenny Smith said happily. "Let's go! We should not wait for them, I am sure they will follow us in a couple of minutes."

They walked along with the sideways but they heard a sudden commotion at the main entrance of AVL. Both of them turned around only to find out Zion Ni and Rouzhen Gu came out together, two figures of high personality attracting people.

"Xiaoxi, why do you walk so fast?" Zion Ni's loud voice was heard. Xiaoxi walked even faster leaving Jenny Smith behind. She doesn't like to see Rouzhen but she had no choice because he suddenly came along.

When they come near her, Rouzhen glanced at Jenny Smith, slightly nodded his head, somewhat inattentive, it was considered as a greeting.

"I am going to eat at Si Chuan restaurant with Xiaoxi, I'm sure CEO Rouzhen and manager Ni will not go to that kind of place, so, I think we can separate our way from here!" Jenny Smith's elegantly speak. "Xiaoxi let's go!"

"Yes!" Xiaoxi Chen secretly happy, quickly walk fast.

"No! How is not possible?" Zion Ni whispered softly, secretly took a glimpse of Rouzhen Gu's reaction, loudly shout to the two ladies who walked over: "I like small place of course, dishes at the small restaurant is tasty and I heard Si Chuan foods are delicious! Dear Jenny, I'll go too, wait for me…."

Jenny Smith was surprised and turned her back, Xiaoxi Chen rolled her eyes, she thinks Zion Ni really wanted to have more fun. "Rou, how about you, don't you want to join us? It is fun dining together and it's lunchtime already". Zion telling him to go with them.

Initially, she thought Rouzhen would refuse Zion invitation but she never thought he would agree. "Why not?"

Xiaoxi and Jenny both astonished. What's wrong with Rouzhen today acting so weird. "Gosh, is this still the Rouzhen Gu that I knew? Jenny Smith looking at him with confusion.

She secretly asked Jenny. "How long did you know our CEO Rouzhen?"

"Ah, Rouzhen Gu? it's been ten years already!"

"Huh, really?"

"What kind of reaction is that? He is younger than me, but we've been friends for a very long time."

"Younger than you?" Xiaoxi Chen shocked, seems like Jenny Smith and Rouzhen are almost at the same age, CEO Rouzhen should be thirty years old now. She's been thinking about it.

"Confused? That means that I didn't really look so old!" Jenny Smith sighed. Time makes people getting older."

"No, Miss Smith, you are not old at all!" Xiaoxi Chen shook her head.

"Can you remove the word Miss every time you address me. It's too formal. Just call me sister Jenny!" Jenny Smith looks at her.

"Yes, sister Jenny!" she smiled.

"Hurry up! Dear Jenny, don't you want to treat us?" Zion Ni shouted at them.

"Walk faster, the clown is rushing already" Jenny grinned and referring to Zion Ni.

"Then you have known manager Ni for many years already, right?

"Yeah of course. I've been working in AVL for how many years. And I've met them both. Just that I never thought that a person's characteristics would change, after ten years both of their personalities changed. There are so many secrets Rouzhen and Zion had but I don't want to gossip about them to other people. I respect their private lives."

Xiaoxi Chen is trying to think about what does Jenny Smith means personalities change? They said a person's personality will never easily changed. When they arrived at Si Chuan restaurant she saw the owner's eyes almost dropped when the two handsome men in stiff suits walked in.

"Hi! Lady boss, give us a private room!" Zion Ni tells the lady boss once he stepped in.

"Sorry, sir we don't have a private room!" Lady boss apologizes, she never thought that a person with such status will come to her small restaurant to dine!

Jenny Smith comes in at that moment along with Xiaoxi.

"Ah Miss Smith, you are here!"

"Still the old place!" Jenny Smith tells the lady boss: " these three are my friends, you go on with your stuff I can manage to treat them well".

Jenny Smith walked to the table near a window, although this restaurant has no private rooms they use the traditional black brick yo separate all tables to give privacy with all their customers.

"Two of you doesn't like this kind of place?" Jenny Smith reserve one set for Xiaoxi. Rouzhen Gu followed them and sit opposite to Xiaoxi. He is silently observing the entire restaurant. The ambiance is cool and it gives a cozy atmosphere.

Xiaoxi Chen looked up to his deep eyes and feel a little worried because her heart beats faster. He is staring at her without a word, there seems to be no hint of timidity. Zion Ni and Jenny are busy ordering for their foods. It seems the two together enjoying each other company.