Chapter 15: Common Taste of Food

A few foods have been served. A clear big eyes looking at Rouzhen Gu, trying to warn him: "Sir I think food is too hot to eat it immediately." Xiaoxi's voice came out.

"Is it?" Rouzhen Gu looking at her in a cute manner, then suddenly pressed his lips together without a sign. The cool handsome face has no expression but has a pleasant feeling. "I love to eat spicy food!" He looked at Xiaoxi Chen when he said these words, she didn't know what he meant!

Then, he took out a very small silver lighter. It was worth a lot of money, lit a cigarette, and elegantly sprayed a smog toward Xiaoxi Chen. " Cough…." She was choked and cough. Xiaoxi Chen mouth pouted, she thought that he would go out for a while, but he didn't do it.

"CEO Gu, go outside to smoke!" Jenny Smith frowned. "This is a public area, please mind your behavior and remember there are two ladies in front of you, we don't want to be exposed to secondhand smoke!"

"Dear Jenny, why don't you smoke together? So everyone is exposed to secondhand smoke, it is not a loss!" Said by Zion Ni with grinning mischievously, then he took out a cigarette and was about to lit it,

"You both go outside to smoke not here!" Jenny grabbed the cigarette in his hand and threw it away.

"Sister Jenny! You are not fair! Why don't you dare to take his cigarette too?"

"Extinguished yourself or I do it? Jenny Smith asked Rouzhen Gu.

Then he actually extinguished the cigarette.

"This is not fair!" Zion Ni continued to scream.

Jenny looked at Zion with disgust. "Unfair? then why you come with us, no one is forcing you!"

"Jenny Smith!" Zion Ni was gnashing his teeth and snorted, why does this woman always bully him? Why she doesn't bully Rouzhen Gu. He began to feel upset.

"Are we really friends? You always make fun of me and bully me in front of others?"

"So you think we are not friends? Whatever! Stop your nonsense drama. Xiaoxi please do order additional food you like if you're not satisfied with these foods." Jenny Smith ignore Zion and smiled, then she asked Xiaoxi.

"I think grilled duck blood taste good! Xiaoxi Chen replied.

"Oh gosh! I can't imagine that you also love to eat that kind of food."

Zion Ni was screaming again. "Rouzhen! I remember that you also like grilled duck blood very much! I did not expect you and sister Xiaoxi have a common taste of food!"

Rouzhen Gu pressed his lips together and remain silent. The cold and handsome appearance, eyes were blazing like torches while looking directly to Xiaoxi Chen who is sitting in front of him. "Interesting woman, I didn't expect she loves that kind of food" he's telling into his mind.

Xiaoxi was shocked upon hearing it and looked at the man in front of her with an awkward reaction. She couldn't believe that this person would like to eat grilled duck blood too.

"Rouzhen, I ordered an additional plate of fish fillet in hot chili oil! I remember you seem to like it." Zion Ni ignores Jenny Smith, smiled and seriously waiting for his response. "As long as I came here to have a meal, I remembered the time when I'm studying, dear Rouzhen I didn't expect you are so nostalgic!"

"How does it is related to the past memories of our college days? Jenny Smith stunned and jeering. She looked at Zion Ni and said: "I remember too, you're crying hard at that time after you eat the food with chili sauce!" she's grinning.

"Jenny Smith, you are vicious!" When Zion Ni heard Jenny blurted the past experience he immediately changed his face giving her a warning, "Who cried? Xiaoxi doesn't listen to her, your brother is heroic and invincible, just spicy food, of course, I am not afraid to eat but honestly, during that time it had so much chili sauce."

Jenny Smith smiled, patted Xiaoxi Chen which was in a daze and whispered, "Xiaoxi, Zion Ni is a playboy, don't attract by his sloe-eyed. If you really want to choose one of them, I suggest you choose Rouzhen!"

"Talking of my bad? Don't say bad things about me in front of Xiaoxi, give me a little image. How can this woman so treacherous!"

"Now you know? But it is too late!" Jenny Smith smiled and pour the tea in all cups in front of them while they are waiting for their additional ordered food.

Zion Ni been staring at Jenny Smith with an annoyed reaction. "Jenny Smith, you are really hateful. Only praise Rouzhen every time the three of us have been together!" He acted like being so affected but Jenny knew he is like a cunning fox.

"Oh, the dishes are coming! Xiaoxi spoke in a timely manner, change the topic and looked at Rouzhen Gu who had never spoken.

Under the handsome face, Rouzhen looks so perfect, although giving people a good impression, but when she thinks about his kissed and not allowing her to resign from his company she was a champ with rage.

"The grilled duck blood that you both like much looks tasty, plated onto a large plate." Whoa, sister Xiaoxi and Rouzhen really have a common taste of food. I am so curious how the two of you look like when one day you end up together." Zion Ni said those words without thinking. Xiaoxi Chen gasping for breath when she heard it while Rouzhen throwing a murderous look to Zion.

"Oh, I didn't mean to say something out of the blue!" he smiled foolishly.

Rouzhen Gu gracefully picked up his spoon, slightly frowning, then take a piece of grilled duck blood, placed into his plate and slowly tasted it. His posture was elegant. He continued eating without a word.

He eats like a gentleman. Why does he act un-gentleman last time? Xiaoxi Chen thinking about that kissed again and she keeps observing him silently. She turned her attention to the food in front of them, some of them are her favorite but she did not move her chopsticks.

Zion Ni didn't yet start to pick his food and said: "Xiaoxi, why you didn't choose your foods yet?

"Uh!, Just go ahead I will pick my food now." Xiaoxi Chen just didn't want to share the dish she likes a lot with Rouzhen but unfortunately, they have the same favorite dish that now Rouzhen enjoyed eating. She can't mention her thoughts instead she said: "I am not very hungry!" Rouzhen banter to Xiaoxi Chen. "Really? But why I heard someone stomach is growling!"

She felt bad because suddenly her stomach growling loudly enough that let the three people heard it.

Zion and Jenny who started eating couldn't help but look at Xiaoxi's direction and they burst into laughter. Xiaoxi Chen's face blushed, it is very embarrassing.

"Hurry up and eat now! Don't mind them both! Jenny Smith smiled faintly. "Why do you treat yourself badly? Don't be like Zion Ni, who he is afraid of eating chili!".

Looking up and distressed, she glanced at Rouzhen Gu, and she couldn't help but shrink.

"Who afraid of eating spicy or chili? I have been encountered inflammation recently so I dare not eat too much. Boss, give me a little of stir-fry vegetables." Zion Ni said it to Rouzhen.

"Vanity!" Rouzhen Gu said this word and continue eating the food on his plate.

"Uh! Xiaoxi Chen frowned, don't care about what did he say, pick up her chopsticks and start eating. Grilled duck blood is her favorite, why would she let him eat it all? Xiaoxi took a few pieces of it and put into her plate then she began to eat it as if she was piqued at someone.

Seeing the expression of Xiaoxi at this moment, Zion Ni let loose with a loud guffaw. Rouzhen Gu who next to him, showed a gloomy face at this time.

Especially when he saw Xiaoxi Chen's provocative eyes, he has even more frowned and his sharp eyes were staring at him giving a warning because Zion never stops laughing.

Zion Ni stops quickly. This moment some of the ordered food is coming. When Zion saw the garlic prawns, he immediately grabbed a few of it. Jenny and Rouzhen both laughed hard.

"Oh my god! What kind of reaction is that? Do I look funny? Zion asked them.

"What's wrong?" Xiaoxi was bewildered and looked at Jenny, who is laughing, she asked strangely.

Turning her head and seeing the corner of Rouzhen lips are also hooked up, she even more puzzled.

"Nothing just eat." Jenny Smith keeps a straight face and said.

Rouzhen instantly restored his cold look, and Xiaoxi looks at Jenny with suspicious and then turn her look to Rouzhen again. She didn't understand what is going on.

"Manager Ni are you okay?" Xiaoxi asked with concern.

"Oh! Nothing! I am okay!" Zion Ni saw Xiaoxi Chen was concerned about him, he was a little embarrassed.

"Then why don't you eat?"

"Because there is also chili in the stir-fry vegetables and prawns!" Jenny answered quickly.

"You shut up! You really did this on purpose! Zion Ni glare at Jenny Smith who in front of him. "Jenny Smith, no wonder you can't get married, you are really bad to a man like me!"

Jenny Smith's face changed and did not say anything, then laughed. "Yes, I am very bad at a playboy like you!"

Zion Ni pouts his lips. "Well, today in order not to let Xiaoxi look down, I will fight it out!"

He started to pick up his chopsticks and tried to eat the food.

Xiaoxi Chen absorbed what is really going on, she was shocked and her eyes wide opened when she saw Zion quick reaction upon tasting the spicy food. Now she knew that this guy has fear of something.

"Cough...So spicy!" Zion Ni started to cough when he took a few veggies bite.

"Oh! Don't eat it if you can't!" Xiaoxi Chen looked at him and immediately stood up and poured water into his glass and handed it over.

"Drink some water!"

"Xiaoxi sister still the best unlike these two cunning people here!" Zion Ni took a sip of water.

When Rouzhen Gu saw that she was concerned about Zion Ni, he feels inexplicably upset.

"Drink more! Cool water hydrolysis spicy!" said Xiaoxi Chen.

"Ah! I feel a lot better!" Zion Ni shook his head, his face turn red, but his strong voice was like a thunderous roar, causing countless sight looking towards them.

Xiaoxi Chen saw that he couldn't really eat spicy foods. She quickly stood up and ordered another dish without chili. "Manager Ni, I ordered food without chili for you, you can eat it when served!"

"Thank you so much sister Xiaoxi! Zion Ni feels grateful to her.

When she sat down again, Rouzhen slender fingers lifted the cup and shook the teacup in his hand, take a sip with elegant and when done said: "Pour some tea!"

"What?" Xiaoxi Chen knew that he was talking to her. Ordering to pour tea on his cup. What's wrong with this man. So demanding she said into her mind.

"Pour tea!" Rouzhen Gu spits out his words again.

Taking a deep breath, Xiaoxi Chen's face with no expression said: "Yes!"

She stood up again and pour some tea into his cup and because she felt bad the way he gave order she accidentally poured the tea in his silver lighter which is on the table.

"Damned! Rouzhen Gu suddenly screamed and pulled Xiaoxi Chen.

"Ah!" Xiaoxi Chen was frightened, her hand trembled and the teapot fell all over the lighter and sook it.

Rouzhen released her and rushed to pick up his lighter. Zion and Jenny reaction was shocked but said no words. Although the hot tea splashed on his hand, he did not care. He was holding the lighter and wipe it on his expensive suit until it dried. He hurriedly opened but it had no flame, obviously, it was damaged.

"Sorry, Sorry sir Rouzhen! Your hand got burned? Xiaoxi Chen was so worried and apologized to him.

"Damn! Why are you so careless?" Rouzhen was pissed off. He shouted and stood up, his eagle-eyed looks thrown to Xiaoxi's scared face.

And his handsome face was full of anger at that moment, the people around him did not dare to breathe. Even giving any words they become cautious.

Xiaoxi was so scared by his reaction. She feels grievances and her eyes turn red when he yells at her.

"Rouzhen, you scared Xiaoxi!" Zion Ni expresses his opinion. He saw the lighter in his hand that already been damaged but he felt bad for her too, the way Rouzhen treated her. "It is only a lighter you can even buy a new one!"

Jenny did not say any words at all. They stopped eating. People around them started to gossip. Xiaoxi was dumbfounded when she saw Rouzhen Gu was full of disdain look at her. At this moment, he is like an evil ready to devour her. His hand was scaled by the hot tea, but he only cares about the lighter.

Her beautiful eyes gradually filled by the tears, opened her mouth but couldn't say a word again, and her lips were bitten hard. She really didn't mean it but accidentally happened so she could understand his feelings too. The lighter must be very important for him.

Rouzhen Gu eyes are like a knife. His voice was deep and cold that wake up her fear. A dangerous sound of his voice coming out: "You are really damn!"