Chapter 30: After Dressed

Rouzhen Gu hooks her slim waist and likes the feeling that she falls into his arms.

"It's not really high." He lowers his head and checks her shoes. "I think 3 to 4 centimeters, is that too high for you?"

"No, Sir! I won't wear this one!" When Xiaoxi Chen thinks about wearing high heels also part of her job, she is speechless. "I will change it into flat shoes!"

"Miss, evening gown must match with high heels!" the stylist said. "You look beautiful in this gown!"

Xiaoxi Chen's face turns red. "But I truly can't walk with this high heel shoes!"

"I help you!" Rouzhen Gu's smiles with mystery. "So tonight you need to rely on me."

"Move your hand." Xiaoxi Chen can't stop grinding her teeth.

God, how come will choose such a kind of dress? And his hands put on her waist, completely an overboard action.

He shrugs his shoulders and moves his hands. " Are you sure don't need my help?"

"I can walk myself!" Xiaoxi Chen gnashes teeth again.

She won't give a chance to let him take advantage of her. Without this kind of dress, she would probably feel better and she will not be worried about those eyes who will be going to look at her at the event. She wears a strapless bra on it and she feels afraid that the wardrobe will have a malfunction during the event, she will get embarrassed.

Xiaoxi Chen just walked a step and stagger. Rouzhen Gu stands one meter away from her. "Sure do not need my help?"

"I'm pretty sure" she keeps moving until she becomes at ease with her dress. "Let's go!"

When Rouzhen and Zion Ni appear with their partners, the party is in tumult. There are many Korean politicians come to greet them. She noticed that some women are beautiful and elegant.

Everyone's eyes were on Rouzhen mostly women, they are astonished and envious to her because she's with him. The girl next to Zion Ni wearing a purple gown. She doesn't recognize her, perhaps a celebrity from Korea based on her appearance. Her temperament looks like Zion Ni, beautiful and elegant.

Xiaoxi Chen suddenly looks like an angel on earth who captured men's eyes too. She has a pure and gentle temperament, smiles blushful as well as looking like a delicate one.

She pulls the sleeves of Rouzhen suit quietly and asks in a low voice, "Sir, Rouzhen when can we leave?" Listening to some kinds of stuff with Korean businessmen makes her dizzy.

Rouzhen Gu looks at her and speaks in a low voice. "The first opening dance hasn't yet started, you think we can leave easily here? People will gossip us if we immediately leave here. Wear your best smile and just go with the flow."

The first opening dance? Xiaoxi Chen aware her feet are starting to get soften. She doesn't know how to dance, what an awkward situation it would be!

"What is wrong?" When he saw her face suddenly becomes stiff. Rouzhen Gu asked.

"I have no idea how to dance!" She holds his arm and anxiously flushed with cheeks. "What should I do?"

He got surprised and raises his eyebrows after she finished talking. But after that, he calms down normally with a charming smile. "That is fine, you got me. Just follow my steps!"

"Sir CEO, I truly have no idea, you dance alone! I have to go!" She is not an important person after all, why take her to participate in this kind of business dinner?

"Don't you think you can run away!" Rouzhen Gu gives a puff into Xiaoxi ear. "You are too naive! Come and dance. The music is going to begin soon!"

"I'm gonna kill you." It might be the most embarrassing night of her life. She is not suitable for the upper society.

Everyone looks at them, especially Zion Ni's partner. When she saw Rouzhen Gu whispering to Xiaoxi Chen's ear, she pulls Zion Ni's arm. "Brother Ni, is that Brother Rouzhen's girlfriend?"

"Huh, you need to ask yourself!" Zion Ni said that on purpose. But he also not sure whether they have a relationship or not cause Rouzhen Gu doesn't tell him about it.

It seems that he is good at flirting with his partner, it can't hide that feeling. And also intimate with her. There might some words make Xiaoxi Chen's face blushed as they look at them.

When the music begins, all the visitors who participated in the party gather in the center and slowly started to dance with the lovely and melodious music being played.

Xiaoxi Chen feels nervous and depressed. She thinks that she is a doll played by him. She's completely can't relax.

"Relax, your body becomes stiff. Just follow my movement." Rouzhen whisper again

"I barely can dance!" She whispers and strained, which makes her can't move properly.

"Be with me!" he said.

She wants to but it is hard to try. "Follow my steps!"

"Oh sorry!" Xiaoxi Chen feels she steps at his foot. "Sir, please, let me go!"

"Continue!" He doesn't care at all

"Alright, if you want!" It is not her fault if he gets steps by her and hurt, who had forced her to dance. Once more, feels like his feet will 'swollen tomorrow.

Just a couple of minutes, she feels like a long time suffering. When the music stops, her heartbeat back to normal.

"Oh, god! This is not for human beings!" She even can not count how many times she steps Rouzhen Gu's feet.

"Mr. Gu, can I ask for a dance with your partner?" One Korean guy speaks with shoddy Chinese.

Xiaoxi Chen almost scared to death by this request.

"Sorry Manager Kim, she is not feeling well today. She tries her best in this party and I don't like to make her tired," Rouzhen Gu refuses politely.

"So sad, your partner is really good-looking!" Manager Kim said.

"Thanks for saying that!" When the conversion is done, Rouzhen Gu holds Xiaoxi Chen arm heading to the sofa at the corner.

"Hi! We are coming!" Zion Ni holds his partner's hand. "Xiaoxi, I would like to introduce to you. This is my sister, Samantha Ni."

Xiaoxi Chen is a little bit surprised because the woman even has an English name. "Oh, she is your younger sister, no wonder you look-alike with each other! Hehe, hello Miss Ni. I am Xiaoxi Chen!"

She stretches her hand politely and feels like that this little girl is kind. However, Samantha Ni suddenly smiles and says. "Sister Xiaoxi, you look like one of our family members!"

"Uh!" Xiaoxi Chen never thinks about it that makes her feel real happiness upon hearing it. "Oh, really?"

"Brother Zion, look, Sister Xiaoxi's nose resembles like you!" Samantha points at Xaioxi Chen's nose and speaks with Zion. "Look, Sister Xiaoxi's nose got a little red mole too same with you."

"Oh? That is true!" Zion Ni smile and says. "Yes, yes, I just realize when Samantha says about this. Recently got so many people's noses to look like me!" Zion Ni laughs eyes with glamorous and say. "But Dad loves mom deeply, otherwise I really think that Xiaoxi our father's child whose mother is another woman!"

Xiaoxi Chen also laughs and shakes her head. How is that possible, her dad surname is Chen! Rouzhen Gu looks at Samantha directly. "Samantha you are outrageous than your brother!"

Samantha Ni heard Rouzhen Gu's words, she pouted her mouth and come beside Rouzhen Gu after uttering her greetings to Xiaoxi Chen, and holds his arm, smiles, and asks. "Brother Rouzhen, is sister Xiaoxi your girlfriend?"

This word shock three of them and Xiaoxi Chen face blushed quickly. She denies it immediately. "Miss Ni, I think you misunderstand us, I am just a secretary of my boss!"

When Rouzhen heard what Xiaoxi said, he felt so unhappy. Zion Ni catches his facial expression. He smiles suddenly. "Samantha, you are asking too much, don't you see that Sister Xiaoxi is embarrassed by your joke?"

"I want to go to the washroom!" Xiaoxi Chen stands up and does not want to be bothered by this kind of joke.

But she slips and almost falls.

"Be careful!" Zion Ni holds her waist immediately. "Be careful Xaioxi!"

"Thank you Manager Ni!" She thanks him after and looks at Zion Ni's eyes. He is smiling brilliantly and wink his eyes deliberately. Such a short distance, Zion Ni's eyes flash a complicated thought. She is gorgeous tonight.

When Samantha saw Zion Ni flash a complicated thought, she stunned and her small hands can't help but clench her fists. Does his brother Zion fall in love with Xiaoxi?

"Xiaoxi, it is torture for you to wear high heels!" Zion Ni saw her uncomfortable movement.

She is nervous when he is looking at her, Her face is red and even can hear her heart beating, pit-a-pat. "Yeah, I quite not feeling well!"

Rouzhen Gu's vision still between them and Zion Ni's hands still on her waist. He just stands there and says nothing, but his eyes seem angry.

Samantha's face glowed with complicated thought too. She saw Zion Ni's hands still holding Xiaoxi's waist, she laughs. "Hahaha, brother, if you still holding her, Brother Rouzhen will kill you soon!" her sudden outburst makes everyone feel awkward.

"Uh!" Zion Ni wakes up suddenly. "I am sorry!"

Zion Ni is worried and looked at Rouzhen Gu who silently sits beside Samantha. His face was unpleasant, but Xiaoxi Chen smiles and says. "It is okay! Thank you Manager Ni!"

Xiaoxi Chen pretends nothing happened and looked at Rouzhen Gu, her heart beating again when looked at his eyes.

"Hmm! Secretary Chen, since Manager Ni cares you so much, you need to thank him so much!" He says in a lower deep voice, Rouzhen Gu move his eyes from Xiaoxi Chen's face to Zion Ni. Do not know what the meaning of his words in this situation.

Zion Ni smiles and stands up. He looks at Xiaoxi Chen. "Rou, I do care about Xiaoxi, just like Samantha said she's like a part of our family member, then I just do my best to help her. Xiaoxi, as your brother, I can accompany you going to comfort room, in case you slip again someone could catch you up!"

Samantha Ni stunned and laughs. "Hahaha, go ahead, brother! I like Sister Xiaoxi, if Sister Xiaoxi is not brother Rouzhen girlfriend, then be my sister in law!"

"I think it is okay, I can go myself!" Xiaoxi Chen faces turn red than before. The tension engulfs between them. These brother and sister have talent in joking and making someone feel shy. "I need to go first, I think it's better that Manager Ni does not follow!" she leaves quickly.

"Huh?" Zion Ni frowns and squeezes his nose.

Xiaoxi never looks back after she left. She will be crazy if stay with them. And when she left, Zion Ni talks in a lower voice. "Yes, I might not suitable to go, but I just want to send you until toilet door!"

At this moment, Rouzhen Gu stands up and stares at Zion Ni with his deep eyes. And feels like Zion Ni is an obstacle for his business trip. He raises his lips and says a couple of words."Stay away from her!"

"Hahaha!" Samantha Ni laughs suddenly. "I can't stop laughing!" It is the first time they saw Rouzhen overbearing reaction for a woman.

"Why do I need to do that, she is not your girlfriend!" Zion Ni keeps saying.

"Shut up!" Rouzhen Gu slit his eyes. Zion Ni laughs. "CEO Park is coming our way, you need to finish the job that needs your attention tonight rather than feeling bad towards me as if I had done something wrong for stealing your woman!"