Chapter 31: Her Obligation

"Okay!" Zion Ni felt he doesn't need to make another joke. He left in chic, but turning around, his eyes glowed in the dark light. He was a little bit lonely when he looked at the figure who was going to the washroom.

Samantha Ni bright smile disappears when she looked at Zion Ni back who was left. "Brother Rouzhen, do you like Sister Xiaoxi?"

Rouzhen Gu raised his eyebrows.

"If you like her, you have to pick her up!" Samantha said it seriously then she continued to smile.

"Samantha, why don't you going back after graduation?" Rouzhen Gu changed the topic.

Samantha Ni gaze looked at the banquet hall but her gaze always fell to the man in the suit and smiled a little brightly with a pair of peach eyes. "Going back for what?"

Rouzhen Gu looked down at her sight and frowned. "Samantha, he is your brother!"

"Not biological!" Samantha pouted her mouth and whispered.

Rouzhen Gu got shocked, as she fell in love with Zion Ni?

The halls are fall of clash of toasts. Everyone seems to wonder why all of a sudden Rouzhen Gu changed his female companion this time. All females look thrown towards Xaioxi Chen because for three consecutive years Rouzhen brings his fiancee in this event, that woman portrays an enchanting beauty that suits his personality. Then heard that they broke up.

For how many events Rouzhen participated he never brought any woman but this time around a new face appears to be his partner. A girl who doesn't seem to have a good family background yet had an innocent look that other men can't move their eyes and makes other women felt envious. She might be the new fiancee of Rouzhen Gu that will represent as GU family new mistress?

Inexplicable being regarded as zoo's ornamental animals, Xiaoxi Chen couldn't help have a trace of boredom. When she came back from the washroom she saw many people looking at her.

She was a low-key woman, so it was really weird to let her appear under the light and accept everyone's attention.

Just entering the hall, she saw Rouzhen Gu was standing in a pile of people. She only saw his handsome face shining brightly, he was so glaring.

Zion Ni smoking on the other side of the corridor. This is the first time Xiaoxi Chen saw he was smoking.

"Xiaoxi?" Zion Ni looked up when he saw the figure coming, then he immediately laughed. "Why are you here, outside?"

He stepped on the cigarette butt on the ground because didn't like to let others exposed to second-hand smoke.

"You stay here too?" Xiaoxi Chen saw he had been irritated and exhausted, seemingly unusual. The ground was already a place of ash and cigarette butts and the entire corridor was full of smoke. "Are you tired?"

Zion Ni had a smile on his face tired face, looking at Xiaoxi Chen and wink. "No, how can I be tired?"

Xiaoxi Chen nod of enlightenment. Everyone has a secret. She knows, just inexplicably seeing a person standing in the corridor smoking. She just thinks that he is different from usual maybe as she guessed at first, that he was hiding everything behind his smile.

She turned to look at the sky outside the corridor, the neon lights flashing, the strange country, strangers, she doesn't know how was Chao, who stay in school tonight.

"Let's go in!" Zion Ni smiled.

"Okay!" Both of them entered the hall.

Zion Ni a little absent-minded. Although Xiaoxi Chen didn't know what happened, he looked a little tired.

Rouzhen Gu looked at them walked in together, his face turned cold and stern. The eagle-eyed looked at Xiaoxi Chen's face. He could not find the damn woman just now, but actually, she was with Zion Ni.

At this time, Xiaoxi Chen had no idea where Samantha Ni had gone. A woman comes over to them, Zion Ni sight was looking for someone and did not notice the woman who was coming.

Xiaoxi Chen saw that the woman eyes glowed with rancor. She stunned, then she saw something behind the woman's handbag-dagger.


"Be careful!" Instantly, Xiaoxi Chen instinct pushed Zion Ni away.

"Uh!" When Zion Ni reacted, Xiaoxi Chen has been stabbed in the arm.

The woman was going to stab Zion Ni.

"Xiaoxi!" Zion Ni shouted, shocked and quickly lifted his foot to kick the woman out a meter away, he saw a lot of blood flow out, Xiaoxi Chen's face instantly turns pale.

Rouzhen Gu was far away. When he realizes, Xiaoxi Chen was already sitting on the ground.

It hurts!

At the moment, the woman has stood up, glaring at Xiaoxi Chen with anger. If weren't this woman interrupted, she would have stabbed Zion Ni and kill him.

"Be careful!" Xiaoxi Chen saw the woman rushing over again. Zion Ni kick the woman again, and she falls on the ground. All guests at the banquet uproar and get nervous when seeing what happened. How could there be a woman commit a crime at the dinner party?

The blood on Xiaoxi Chen arm made Zion Ni scream with low voice but a tall figure quickly comes along and hugged Xiaoxi Chen.

"Xiaoxi!" Rouzhen Gu hugging her that time after he rushed towards her. He saw the blood flowing from her arm, the roar of anger made everyone in the room horrified and shivered.

Xiaoxi Chen pale face was permeated with sweat, cold sweat flowing down her cheeks, moistening the hair in front of her forehead and seeing Rouzhen Gu stunned and looking at her, she felt dizzy, whispered: "it hurts!"

"You dare, you dare to …" Rouzhen Gu was too angry that he can't speak a single word, then he quickly grabbed her hand, "Let's go to the hospital!"

The security guards had caught the woman who committed the crime. Zion Ni also shocked! For a moment, he never had such gratitude, why did Xiaoxi Chen save him and dare to sacrifice herself.

"I'm fine!" The only word Xiaoxi Chen uttered then all her senses collapse. Her body can't support and she falls in Rouzhen Gu arm.

"Zion Ni, hurry up, let's go to the hospital!" Rouzhen Gu face looked cold and indifferent hugged the petite figure in his arms, suddenly turned his gaze, saw the woman who was restrained, his gaze sank, "the woman who commits the crime was handed to the police!"

Rouzhen Gu hugged Xiaoxi Chen along the way, and his face was cold.

In the hospital bed, Xiaoxi Chen was still fainting and revealing a pale and lifeless face.

Rouzhen Gu eyes are full of gloomy, damn woman, she went to save Zion and sacrifice herself at the dangerous moment. She makes such an action without thinking of the result.

The wound of her shoulder was quite deep and the doctor had to stitch it.

"Doctor, why she's still unconscious?" Rouzhen Gu asked with anger.

"Sir, this lady has been malnourished for a long time and has been seriously injured. She is exhausted. Don't worry, she will wake up soon!"

"She is malnourished?" Rouzhen Gu stunned, his eyes flashed and fell on Xiaoxi Chen's face. "No wonder she is so thin!"

It was the first time Zion Ni, saw Rouzhen Gu so angry, even though that incident made him change his mood but he did not see him so angry. He is so angry, why?

He and Xiaoxi must have mutual feelings? Zion Ni asked it into his mind then sighed, he never also knew that she would do such kind of risky activities that might take her life. Instantly Zion Ni felt so guilty and even so sad for her.

Zion Ni witnessed for the first time that his best friend was so mad and irritated. It was not like the coldness of those past events he showed, but this time is the most direct fury, his eyes widened by anger, staring at Xiaoxi Chen who still faint, he looks like being affected.

"This silly woman!" The roar of him echoed the entire hospital room. Rouzhen Gu gasped, sitting on the edge of the bed with a cold voice said to Zion Ni, "You better check whom you offended, I don't want this to happen again!"

"I will go right now!" Zion Ni was also inexplicably surprised. In a strange country, South Korea, who he can be offended?

"Okay!" Rouzhen Gu nodded and looked out the window, "Take ten bodyguards!"

Zion Ni was really in deep thinking, now he knows that Xiaoxi Chen is very important to him. Although he doesn't have any idea who is behind the incident he opted to bring more people to go with him to investigate it. He doesn't want also that Rouzhen will get mad at him without any basis. It is seen that Xiaoxi Chen is important to him that's why he feels a little sourish

Timepass little by little. In the darkness, Xiaoxi Chen's anesthetic has faded. A heat burns, like a fiery fire from her shoulders and the chaos consciousness, gradually wakes her up. White walls, where is this? She asked in her mind.

"Are you awake?" Rouzhen Gu cold face glowed a touch of gentle complexity.

"Is Manager Zion Ni is fine?" Xiaoxi Chen asked him after she thought of someone whom she tried to save from danger and she's so worried about him.

"Damn!" Rouzhen Gu roared. She just worried about Zion Ni when she wakes up. He was mad at her, was Zion Ni is so important for her?

"Why are roaring so loud?" Xiaoxi Chen looked at her arm, so hurt, but she saved Zion life. She felt she is a worthy person. If the dagger penetrated to Zion body, then he will …?

He was angry and shocked when he saw Xiaoxi Chen calm and innocent expression, Rouzhen Gu finally got mad, frustrated and looked at her, ran out like the wind, few minutes the doctor came back.

After examining Xiaoxi Chen's body, the doctor said: "She has to be hospitalized for three days and need to remove the stitches then and that would be the time she can be discharged from the hospital!"

She saw him in anger and frustration. After Rouzhen heard the doctors advice, he seems to be relieved.

"Where was Manager Zion Ni went?" Xiaoxi Chen continued to ask him.

"He is in good condition, left for a while and still alive!" Rouzhen Gu did not have a good tone. "Who ask you to block the criminal, who supposed to stab Zion? Are you stupid, you risk your life for him?"

Xiaoxi Chen get shocked yet she finally at ease when hearing it, looking at Rouzhen Gu cold and handsome face immediately she softened and said insincere tone, "Thank you, Sir! It is good to hear it as long as Manager Ni is fine!"

"You are pissing me off!" Rouzhen Gu is still wearing a cold and ruthless face, he is about to get mad again. This woman cares about other people, risked her life to save his best friend from any harm.

Later on…

"Rou is Xiaoxi Chen waking up?" He is rushing back to the hospital after he finished giving his statement to the local Police station, his loud voice can be heard all around the hospital room when he entered the door.

Rouzhen Gu sharp eyes looked at Zion Ni coldly, who run in panic.

"Manager Ni, I am so grateful you are fine, it's good to see you again!" A smile appeared on her pale face.

"Xiaoxi! You woke up! Are you in pain?" Zion Ni has been rushing into her bed just like the wind passing by along Rouzhen and able to grab Xiaoxi's hand immediately.

Looking at Zion Ni flustered, Xiaoxi Chen's lips squirmed, but her voice was weak because of the injury she got.

"I'm fine!" she smiled

"Sister Xiaoxi you are so kind." This is the first time that Zion Ni felt sad. "Your face is pale but still you're saying fine. How can you be so stupid? Why you block that criminal? You got stabbed. Don't you know that my skin is thick? It's okay if I get stabbed by the knife. You don't need to risk your life for me!" He said it seriously.

Zion Ni looked at Xiaoxi Chen, her face was as pale as a white paper. He never expected that someone like her could do such kind of act that will save others yet could harm herself. He is been into some trouble before but no one ever stands on his side. No one tried to saved him during danger.

It's enough!" Rouzhen Gu suddenly said it. "She should sleep, she needs more rest!"

"Uh!" Zion Ni turns his head to Rouzhen. "Okay, Xiaoxi gets some rest, I am going out now!"

Zion Ni thought that Rouzhen Gu would also come out but he actually drove him out and then he closed the door. Ten bodyguards are standing outside the door wearing black suit who saw what Rouzhen had done.