Chapter 77: His Tears

To hide the sudden inexplicable shyness in her heart she looked down and quickly said, "You won't hide him will you?"

He stared at her face. Why did her face suddenly turn red? The redness of her cheek had once more implicated some nerve in his heart and he did not like his own throbbing sensation which only happens for Jiangfei before. Jiangfei left all of a sudden and chose another man over him. He took a sharp breath and suddenly a vulnerable feeling took over his heart, he wanted to ask her if she will do the same. Leaving him without saying any words and hurting him for how many years. All of a sudden a tension build in his heart and he wanted to smoke to release it.

In a low voice, he said, "I will not hide him. He is your own flesh and blood too, even one day you will decide not to accept me. Honestly, I only wanted to have my own family, to live a simple life where every day I can see my children and wife waiting for me at home." he said in a firm tone.

Hearing Rouzhen saying those words, Xiaoxi feels his sadness deep in his heart but she's afraid to tell him how much she cares for him. "Thank you!" she stared at him and sincerely thanked him.

The light smile broke in her beautiful face after a few minutes of silence. She felt calm and satisfied hearing Rouzhen assurance. She began to cook their favorite dishes.

He looked at her and said nothing. He knew Xiaoxi is a different woman, weak outside but have a strong determination when doing something. He knew his love for her is incomparable with his ex-fiance.

After a few minutes, she handed him the plates and utensils. "Take them to the table."

"Oh! Sure!" He obediently put it over. They called their children and have a happy dinner together

Next day.

Early in the morning, Rouzhen Gu sent his two children to school and Xiaoxi Chen went to work. Rouzhen still remembers that last night he slept alone in Chao's small bed while Xiaoxi rested with their children. He had seen how happy she was when she woke up the next day. She happily prepared their breakfast and it makes him feel happy too. While on the way to work the TV on the bus is showing the country latest news. Xiaoxi Chen was sitting right near the TV, she didn't care about it at first but suddenly her attention was caught when the NEWS talked about GU Corp. According to the NEWS "GU Corp chairman, Lui Gu removed Rouzhen Gu as the CEO of their company. It said that yesterday, the GU Corp management emergency meeting is all about the change of position. Watching the news, she suddenly remembers Rouzhen and confused for a moment.

"Why does Rouzhen has been removed as the CEO of GU Corp?" she asked silently.

Yesterday's event ran down into her mind, which explains why his suit was crumpled and he looked tired when he came to her house. Another news pop-up and this time is Rouzhen's interview with some reporters. He calmly answered their question and his handsome face was cold and emotionless. His eyebrows furrowed tight and his deep eyes showed strong aura. At the end of the interview, he clearly said: "I will not give more comments about the sudden change of management. My father had decided to remove me as the CEO, so let it be!"

Xiaoxi was shocked.

Another news came out again and some speculation from the commentators saying the reason for the sudden removal of Rouzhen's position is his refusal to marry the daughter of Woods Chemical Company, Amy Wood. It said the Rouzhen's father got angry after the failed marriage engagement between Rouzhen and Amy. The old man took back his son's inheritance and power. Rouzhen Gu is facing media criticism and business world gossip.

Xiaoxi Chen's brain hums and felt like exploding. Looking at Rouzhen's face that appeared on the TV screen she suddenly felt sad for him. She thought that the reason why Rouzhen refuses to marry Amy was her. She knew Rouzhen proposed her to be his woman.

She remembered last night, Rouzhen said he wanted to have a family. His words alone suddenly cause her so much pain. No wonder when she saw him last night he looked exhausted and there's seemed to have a huge problem he hides.

Xiaoxi Chen is digesting the whole news. Suddenly Chairman Lui Gu appeared on the screen, his face was serious, standing in front of the reporters and his whole appearance was showing an intimidating aura.

"Chairman Gu, do you really intend to have another successor of your business empire? What about your grandchild, CEO Gu's son. Is he also being removed as an heir of your business?" The reporters fired their questions to him.

Lui Gu did not say any words, his thin lips pressed tightly and the reporters were blocked by his bodyguards and he directly disappeared in front of them. The GU Corp press conference become the talk of the town and seemed to be chaotic.

She felt tired and exhausted after what she saw. Several questions lingered in her mind. "Rouzhen was removed as an heir and all his power was taken aback by his father." Their son, Han Gu is now in a critical situation after Rouzhen's father decided to throw them both.

Xiaoxi's mind was lost at the moment. She was surprised and did not realize that the bus had arrived at the last bus stop station.

"Miss, we are here at the last bus stop station. Are you not going to step out?" the driver called her attention.

Xiaoxi immediately look at her surroundings and said: "I'm sorry, I will step out now!"

Looking around she felt annoyed by herself. She had lost her way to work.

She quickly got her phone from her bag and dialed Rouzhen's number. The other end just keeps ringing and Rouzhen did not answer.

She immediately felt nervous and several bad thoughts flooded her mind. She is thinking about him and his whereabouts. After several attempts, she finally decided to send a text message hoping he will reply.

Xiaoxi's message to him: "Rouzhen, where are you? And how are you?"

After she sent her message her heart feel a sudden pang of pain. And anxiety started to attack her heart. It turns out that what happened yesterday was too serious. She knew Rouzhen would not dare to tell her but she saw it in the news. The reason for his sudden problem was her. Rouzhen declined the marriage because he had proposed to Xiaoxi.

She remembered his words that he can't grant her a title of Mrs. Gu this time for some reason. Rouzhen promised her to fulfill his obligation as a married man to her but she didn't take it seriously. She's so worried and frustrated right at this moment mostly when she knew he was somewhere else alone.

Thinking all the mess Rouzhen had face right now, Xiaoxi suddenly wanted to find him to give comfort and hug. She's holding her cellphone tightly waiting for Rouzhen's message. All their memories together flooded into her mind. From the first night, she spent with him until the current time. She realized how Rouzhen had chased her and begged her several times.

She decided not to come to work. She then again called Weicheng and asked another leave at work. Although she knew it was not good to ask another leave, she begged Weicheng and told him about Rouzhen's current situation. She told Weicheng that she wanted to find Rouzhen. Weicheng gives his approval and sympathized with them.

"Sister Xiaoxi, just let him feel that you will stay beside him. I heard the news and it happened yesterday that's why I expect your call today!" Weicheng said.

"Thank you brother Weicheng, I'm sorry if I asked another leave today!" she said in a low voice.

"It's okay, I understand!"

After her conversation with Weicheng, she decided to call Rouzhen's number but it just kept ringing and he didn't answer.

She wanted to tell Rouzhen to obey his father's order. She was worried about him and Han, now that Rouzhen's father was angry.

Since Rouzhen did not answer her call she decided to dial Zion's number. Zion immediately answered his phone. "Brother Zion, did GU Corp really remove Rouzhen as the CEO of the company?"

When she asked it she realized that her voice trembled a little.

"Sister Xiaoxi, whatever you have seen in the news was true. Yesterday, Chairman Gu, called an emergency meeting and announced that Rouzhen was no longer a part of the company," Zion said.

"Is it finally? Or just for temporary?" her voice sounds a little tired and worried. Her mind was full of Rouzhen's face.

"Yes it is final and he is not allowed to come to work anymore! He was fired by his own father!" Zion confirmed.

"Rou Rou is facing a difficult problem right now. I know you are so concerned about him but he didn't answer my call. I tried to call his number several times but he didn't take it!" Zion told her. He knew that Rouzhen and Xiaoxi have a special relationship even though they didn't show it to anybody. He felt that there was a deep connection between his best friend and this woman but he dare not to ask her directly.

"Thank you, brother Zion. I will hang up now!" In a hurry, Xiaoxi Chen did not wait for Zion's response and hung up her call. Immediately her phone vibrates and she saw Rouzhen's message pop-up.

Her heart shivers and quickly she opened the message. It's only a short replied coming from Rouzhen Gu.

"I'm good!"

She felt relieved when she read his message but still, she's not convinced of it. She called him again but he still didn't pick up his phone.

Xiaoxi Chen feels bad "Why he did not answer his phone? Rouzhen Gu, please, please answer your phone!" she silently prayed.

She sent another message to him: "Where are you? I'll find you!"

Half a day later, he replied to her message: "No need!"

She's being rejected by him.

Xiaoxi's heart trembled and she wondered why she was so worried about him when he rejected her. Still, she's being bothered by his current situation and she wanted to see him immediately and stay with him.

But where he is right now?

Xiaoxi Chen suddenly realized that she knows nothing about Rouzhen, although she gave birth to his son it seems like they are in a relationship between employer and employee. She's being Rouzhen's son surrogate mother but why did he chase her and proposed her to be his woman? Her mind went blank.

She thought to find him. "Is he at Azure Villa or at Villa number 15? This man really annoying. He kept making me insane right now. Rouzhen Gu, you are really a stubborn person!" she wanted to scream.

She took a taxi and it stopped in front of Azure Villa, it was not easy to get into the main gate as it was an exclusive villa for rich people. She needs to beg the guards and told them that she's in a hurry. After several minutes the guard let her passed. Hoping that Rouzhen was inside, she knocked several times but no one answered. She decided to leave after she realized might he was not in this villa.

She held another cab and went straight to Villa number 15. At the courtyard, Rouzhen's Bugatti and Bently were parked.

Well, finally she thought Rouzhen was inside. She felt nervous and she swallowed a small lamp in her throat. She quickly ran to open the door. The door opened immediately. She saw that the ashtray in the living room is full of cigarette butts. She knew Rouzhen is in his room.

"Rouzhen! Rouzhen! Where are you?" she asked softly.

Such a huge space, her voice echoed everywhere and she suddenly felt the cold atmosphere. At this large villa without any warm feelings, their memories remain.

"Why are you here?" suddenly a deep and tired voice comes from behind.

She turned around and saw his tall figure standing in front of the huge floor to ceiling windows. The sun was shining through the glass and his handsome face was very clear with a drooping smile. He looks so charming in her eyes.

Xiaoxi Chen stood still next to him, staring him seriously. Even though his handsome face wears a smile she could feel his pain. She suddenly felt the moist of tears welled up in her eyes. She knew she loved this man silently.

Rouzhen Gu strides over and gaze at her, covered the loneliness from the bottom of his heart, he doesn't want to show his weakness to anybody, mostly to Xiaoxi.

He didn't expect that she will come over but when he saw her, his heart was a little surprised. He had rejected her. He moved his lips and tried to open his mouth but in the end, he didn't do it. He just looked at her with a calm mood.

For a couple of minutes, they stared at each other. Xiaoxi felt her heart was beating violently. He walked over slowly and saw the tears in her eyes, stood in front of her then said: "Why are you crying? What's wrong?"

With a blurred vision because of tears, Xiaoxi wanted to run into his arms but she needs to control her emotions.

She knew that she was being a little too emotional that she seemed overreacting and worrying him too much. She thought that their relationship wasn't that too strong for her to cry in front of him. She was embarrassed at this moment and a little shocked.

He stretched out his hand and lifted her chin. He asked again, "Hey what's wrong? Hmm, why you are being so emotional today?"

Xiaoxi couldn't find the words to say. She opened her mouth but her words were trapped inside her throat.

Rouzhen's lips landed into her soft lips. He had kissed her thoroughly like it was an antidote of his loneliness. They ran out of the air when he let go of her mouth. He smiled at her and his eyes look like a torch. The tears that flickered in her bright eyes were gone when Rouzhen wiped it out with his fingers.

He wondered why she's shedding tears when she saw him. He actually feels touched seeing her tears. He thought that he then again was tricked with this little woman but he can't resist her charm.

"Are you okay?" she finally opened her mouth and her voice trembled.

Rouzhen pulled her inside his arms. She looked up to him immediately and wait for his answer. He did not answer but he buried his head on her shoulder. His sudden action made her heart beat faster.

Rouzhen Gu knew that she might have heard or watched the news. He was happy that she looks for him and come to comfort him.

"Rouzhen, what exactly had happened?" she spoke in a trembling voice. "Please, please, tell what happened?"

"Are you worried that I can't afford to keep you and our children?" he asked.

Her heart was pounding. A slight pain builds up in her throat and she didn't know what would be the appropriate words to tell him. At this time, she thought that Rouzhen still wanted to crack a joke out of a bad situation. She felt annoyed with him. "Rouzhen Gu! You… Stop joking, tell me the truth!"

Rouzhen raised his head and look at her eyes directly. "I'm fine. I didn't expect you to be so worried about me. I'm a little flattered, honey!"

"Rouzhen stops playing like everything was okay!" she told him. "Why did you look so happy even your father removed you as the CEO of your company?"

"Xiaoxi!" His word was so tender that makes her anger meltdown. She wanted to cry again while looking at him. "It is good to be a simple person. I would have my free time and I will never bother to think about how to manage his business!"

He said it so lightly but the tears in her eyes started to build up again. She hugged him tightly and said, "Why?"

"You wanted me to marry Amy Woods? Find another stepmother for Han? Do you really don't care about me and our son?" He asked sadly.

"I--" she was in a daze.

"Honey, please don't push me away. I only want you, not another woman! I can't marry another woman. I can't sleep with another woman! You want me to kneel in front of you? I will do it. If I need to beg you then I'll beg you!" His tears fell down in his handsome face.

Seeing him crying and begging her whole body becomes stiff. His face seemed to be in a pool of autumn water, so sad and distant.