Chapter 78: With Him

He shook his head. Looking at her tearful gaze and sighed. " Are you worried that I lost my status as the CEO and I can't afford to support you?"

"I don't care about your status as being a CEO!" She said quickly, suddenly she feels that she was wrong for saying those words that probably hurt him. Seh slightly pushes him. "Aren't you worried people will mock you?"

"Why should I be worried about other people's remarks against me? I am happy that my father is now willing to come out again and work for the GU Corp!" Rouzhen Gu walked towards the sofa then sat down. He lit a cigarette and began to smoke while staring at her.

"Stop smoking it is not good for your health. You said you are not worried but you consumed a lot of cigarettes. Every time you felt pressured or tensed you smoke so much," she's looking at the ashtray in front of him that full of cigarette butts. She surely knew that he has been bothered but keep on hiding his real emotions.

"I am not worried!" He looks away.

"You are lying!" she went on in a huff, took his cigarette and put it out into the ashtray. "I said, stop smoking, you are very stubborn!"

He was surprised when she grabbed his cigarette. She looks like his little wife who nagged his wrongdoings. A smile showed in his handsome face and his feelings were happy.

"Are you worried about my status or you are worried if I get sick then we can't get married in the future?" He teases her. He raised his eyebrows and look at her beautiful face that gives a stern look at him. He looks so handsome in her eyes but she's so annoyed the way he reacted.

For a moment she had lost her mind. Why she's not brave enough to tell him how she loves him?

He drew her swiftly into his arms and seizing the fragrance from her rosy lips. He kissed her again. Xiaoxi couldn't move and she blushed immediately.

"Little wife I am so happy you care about me!" he talks beneath her soft lips.

"You! Rouzhen Gu, why you keep---" her words trapped in her mouth when Rouzhen kissed her again.

"This is your punishment! Hahaha! I love you!" he laughed. "It's useless to be worried about your entire life, we stay with each other even though I am no longer the CEO of the GU Corp. You can be Mrs. Xiaoxi Gu forever!"

"I didn't want to marry you!" She blurted out immediately her words even she knew she lied to him. Her heart beating faster, her face is burning and struggling to escape from his hands. Rouzhen held her waist tightly and kissing her again. "Rou--- Rouzhen, let me go!"

"No. I won't. Even you will keep telling me that you don't want to marry me, your eyes showed different meaning. I know you love me otherwise you won't find me today. Who gave you permission to remove my cigarette?" He pretended to be a little angry.

"Now as compensation of what you've done, kiss me for ten minutes or I won't let you go!" He looked at her seriously.

"Are you crazy? Stop acting like a child," Xiaoxi is angry at him. She thought why does he still have the mood to make a joke at this moment? Looking at his handsome face and her luscious mouth, a sudden sensation make her spine shivered. She can't really stand the way he treated her.

"What? Are you angry? You are the mother of my children, should I feel ashamed? We slept together and last night you just let me sleep alone at Chao's room. You are being unfair!" His sweet and sexy voice came out but Xiaoxi Chen looked at him angrily. She pretends to be angry because she can't resist his charm.

Her face blushed under his rustling gaze, and now she was caught in his arms that makes her heart beat faster. "Let me go!"

"No. I will not do it!" He tightened his arms around her waist. "Kiss me, kiss me willingly and I will let you go!" He pouted his lips immediately.

"Rouzhen Gu, you're such a rascal!" she groaned in embarrassment.

"Hmmm! A rascal? Well, I'll show you how rascal I am!" He said and pulled her neck, facing him at a close, their nose touched each other and his warm breath slowly engulfs into her senses.

"You...What do you want?" Xiaoxi Chen was very nervous, although she knew that she's his woman but it's still the first time he stared at her seriously.

Rouzhen Gu suddenly opened his mouth and bit her lip fiercely. She screamed with pain, "You are really annoying, why you bite my lip? Let me go now!"

"Hahaha! You like a teenager that caught in the act of kissing her boyfriend. Since you care so much about me, you call and send messages to me then suddenly came to my villa to look for me, I will declare you as my wife. Can't I still kiss once? I want a kiss from my little wife!" He plays like a little rascal. When Xiaoxi looks at his handsome face she could now confirm that Rouzhen and Chao have a big resemblance.

"Stop this kind of playful game. We aren't a teenager. You are not worried that your father gets mad at you and Han would be affected too? Rouzhen, your father seems so very angry. I saw it on the news. You dare to go against his will!" She snapped at him.

"If I don't fight him and make him angry, I can't marry you! He is against you! He doesn't want you to step at the Gu mansion. He told me not to bring you in front of him!" He said slightly. " Before I proposed you to be my woman only because I can't marry you immediately, you look so upset. Do you really think I am that bad to just make you my woman without marrying you? Without giving you the title of being Mrs. Gu for the rest of our lives?"

She was shocked. She knew the exact reason why he is very hesitant but she still wants to hear it from his mouth.

"Rest assured since you and I have a mutual understanding and we both don't want to find another stepmother for Han then be ready to be my woman, you must promise me to stay by my side until that old man allows me to marry you. We will get married no matter what happened. If he is against us then be prepared that we will fight him together,"

"I didn't say I'd marry you!" she said immediately, she felt so sad hearing the truth. She is such a naive woman who never dreams of picking a rich man to be her husband. She knew Rouzhen loved her so much but she can't afford to see Rouzhen and his father hurt each other.

"Xiaoxi, I know you love me. Don't you want to marry this handsome guy? I am the father of your child, how could you be so cruel to let Han grow without a complete family," Rouzhen's voice suddenly became gentle.

"I don't want to be the cause of your father's cruelty to you and to Han!" She shook her head.

"It's not your problem anymore. Let me handle it!" He said and hugged her tightly.

"No!" Her mouth was a little bitter. "All the time, the rich family is not simple! I don't want to cause any resentment between you and Chairman Gu. Why do you want to provoke your father? You live a good life, being with me makes him angry. I only want Chao and Han to be with me!"

Rouzhen Gu's eyes squinted and suddenly flash fierce light, looking at her in a cold manner, she felt nervous seeing his reaction.

She tried to comfort him, "Rouzhen just follow what he asked you! And I am so thankful to you!"

Suddenly she felt drained and it seems everything was over. Gone her hatred towards him for hiding their son because she remembered that Rouzhen promised not to run away with their child. What more could she ask for?

He was shocked and raised his eyebrows. "Thank me for what?"

"Rouzhen Gu, you're not that bad. I thought…" she looked down but did not dare to say what was behind her thoughts, she had forgiven him and that's enough.

"Bad little wife!" He intertwined their hands and he could feel that she was a little nervous. She never struggles anymore and she let him held her tiny hands and watched him without words. She knew that he was bothered but with her beside him, he becomes strong and calm. She sat on his lap and stared at him quietly.

"Xiaoxi will you be my woman now?" He whispered.

She stared at him, her eyes wide open and her lips pursed.

"No!" Her voice was very low.

"Xiaoxi!" His voice sounds serious. "I'm serious!"

She still stared at him and a slight frown.

"Be my woman!" He spoke again. "Is it that hard to say yes?"

She blinked several times. She saw him so excited like a little boy waiting for her answer.

He raised his hand and touched her face gently. "Little wife, your heart and mind betrayed you and your action was obvious yet your mouth said differently. Do you really want me to get angry and punish you again?"

"I.." Her heart was pounding. There was a tremor in her voice. "Are you serious?"

Rouzhen Gu eyebrows wrinkled, "Woman, look at my eyes!"

She felt so nervous and she just stared at him, all the words trapped in her throat. She found his eyes were so deep and waiting for her final answer.

"Xiaoxi Chen, you listen to me clearly, I am serious! How can I let you go? Why don't you believe me?" He peered at her, her little face blushed, her eyes blinked, she so nervous, so shy and her delicate lips tempting him to pluck like a peach. "Shall I need to kneel in front of you?"

Xiaoxi Chen was stunned, his eyes were shining and her silent heart was trembling violently with his words. "I believe you, just that I don't want to be your lifetime lover. I also don't want to live without dignity but if it is for the sake of my children, I am willing to sacrifice myself. As long as Han and Chao be in good hands! To tell you honestly, I felt hesitant because I knew your father will not going to accept me!"

"Stay as my woman for now. I will figure out the best solution for us!" He sounds negotiating something like his normal business tone.

His words so easily hit her trembling heart, Xiaoxi Chen was surprised. She can't go against him because she knew he will not let her go. Tears began to well up in her eyes, "Do I have another choice? Saying yes to you is what you are waiting for,"

Rouzhen Gu saw her the massive tears fell down in her cheeks, he quickly wipes it out.

Xiaoxi was stunned after she realized that she shed tears while she sat down at Rouzhen's lap. His warm hands that wiped her tears made her feel uncomfortable. She can't leave Rouzhen anymore, no matter how she resisted him.

And his strong arms wrapped her waist again and pressed her face against his chest, He felt her shoulders trembled and her tears started to fall again.

The faint smell of tobacco enveloped her, so close and it lingered into her nose trail. She heard his husky and low voice, ringing in her ear, "silly girl, really a silly girl that easily cried,"

"What do you mean?" She murmured in his arms, her voice choking. "Why is it I am silly?"

"You still want to deny it? It's all so clear that you love me but you pretended to get mad at me. Push me away. Refused me." He sighed, shook his head and smiled wider. She could not tell whether it was a joke or just trying to bully her again.

"If you don't want to marry me then be my woman!"

"Hmmm! Are you crazy?" Xiaoxi Chen sneered at him.

He whispered in her ear. "What about being a mother to my children. Be my loyal woman! How is it?"

His breath was warm that bring sensation down to Xiaoxi's spine. She felt her ears turn red. Her whole body shivered, this cunning fox really wanted to tease her. She buried her face even more into his chest. She can't win over this domineering man.

Is this the way he declared his love? She thought silently.

If she refuses to marry him, she'll become his woman for the rest of her life.

Does he not afraid of his father's anger. He provoked his own father and chose her.

A series of questions lingered in her mind, her heart was confused. The chaotic world between the two of them had just started.

Rouzhen, I don't know what to say. Am I very stupid?" Her muffled voice was heard. And everything seems so overwhelming right now. She can't figure out how the two of them can fight his father.

Look at me!" His voice was low and erotic.

She suddenly raised her head to look at his eyes. Her cheeks glowing like the sky of the setting sun, her eyes like the stars of the night and she kept her shyness shown. She still looked at him and said softly: "Fine, I will listen to your explanation!"

Her voice was as soft as a wild breeze and her breath was uneven. Trying to calm down her heart while staring at him.

"Be serious. No kidding. Being my wife is a big trial that we need to surpass. Are you with me?" He thought it was the best solution for them, things will be better once they work together. He might have been so unfair by forcing her after he took their son but he can't afford to lose her again. Their son needs a mother and she is Han's biological mom. He can't allow another woman to be the mother of his son. Even he needs to fight his father. Later on, Rouzhen thinks that Xiaoxi will learn to love and accept him.

Anyway, it's been a long time that he only had one woman. And he is so happy that time, so infatuated, so addicted to her but she left him. His ex-fiance, Jiangfei. She left when she learned that Rouzhen finds a surrogate mother of his son because she's not capable of having a child. He still remembers how angry Jiangfei was, the moment he brought his son. He can't deny that Xiaoxi was so delicate and beautiful that day he had her in his arms. He can't forget this woman. She's the reason why Jiangfei left him. He never ran after her when she left instead he looked for Xiaoxi but suddenly when he returned to the hospital Xiaoxi was gone.

Xiaoxi stares at him. He suddenly becomes silent but his eyes were focused and seriously looked at her.

"But you are very philandering, you have so many women and all.." she murmured, face blushed and shy yet she can't prevent her mouth not to burst out.

"Who are they? Those are the only gossip. I only slept with you! Even my ex-fiance, I never got a chance to lay with her. Believe it or not but I am telling the truth,"

She swallowed her saliva, gnash her teeth and said, "When the woman started to follow you then that means they are your woman!"

"Is it? You got a wild imagination. I can't allow another woman to sleep with me. I am so careful dealing with temptations. Even they tried to persuade me or do some tricks I can't touch any woman. I am so loyal to you. I spent five years looking for you. You can't blame me for not telling you immediately because I wanted to win your heart not to scare you,"

Now, are you going to despise me because of those gossips circulating online? You asked Zion directly if I have another woman for five years!" he said again.

"Listen, I can't touch another woman. I suffered from mysophobia!" I guess you knew it already.

"Make sure your honest. I don't like sharing my man with other women. It feels dirty!" She looked down and blushed even more.

"Hahaha!" he laughed loudly.

"What are you laughing at?" She was annoyed. He's laughing at her when she's telling the truth!

"Laugh at your silly thought!" His chin rested on her hair and pressed her head against his chest. "I don't like sharing my woman with another man either!"