Claires Birthday

Some say that looking at some people can make you freeze on the spot and make you forget everything else.

Thats what happened to John he froze on the spot and looked at this angel in white glowing with her smile, Ivory Skin and and ebony hair.

He must have made the stupiest look until Olaf smacked him on the back of his head to wake him up and then John heard that one sound that made his heart beat faster, a giggle by Claire.

"So who of you is Chrome?" Claire wrote on her board.

And before John could react late a second time Olaf pushed him forward so that John nearly tripped.

"Yes... it's me....I am John" John said as he noticed the wheel chair.

Claire followed his gaze and she smiled slightly less brighter.

Olaf noticed that and quickly said:

"I'm Olaf nice tha meet'cha! And Happy Birthday" and gave her a little box with his present.

Claire smiled took the box opened it and started to giggle once again. Her father that just came out if the house was stunned he hadn't heard his daughter laughter for a long time he quickly ran to the Pavillon to look what made her laugh and saw how she pulled a selfmade necklace with a forged and painted pendant that looked like a piece of strawberry cheesecake so he started laughing too.

John and Olaf turned around when they heard a laughing behind them and saw a middle aged man in suit that must be Claires father.

He had brown hair with some silvery strips of hair inbetween. Bad happenings in his past carved deep wrinkles in his face but he seemed to shine abit with his daughter.

Olaf and John introduce themselves and Claires father just said:

"Just call me Frank. I am happy that you could make it"

When Frank saw his daughters face and how she looked at John he was slightly jealous of John but decided to give his daughter a special present.

He asked Olaf:

"Olaf do you like wine or whiskey? Why don't i show you the cellar and we can drink some glasses?"

Olaf read the atmosphere and the look on Franks face and nodded but because he knew John denseness he said:

" John why don't ya keep Claire company while me and Frank do some old man stuff"

John was couldn't react before both of them were away and just stood there frozen until he was tapped on the shoulder by Sebastian and shown a chair to sit next to Claire.

Both Claire and him started to blush slightly.

And Claire wrote on her board:

"Do you have a present for me too?"

Claire looked at him with a smile...