Chapter 8

The blob was hanging in the middle of its net.

It's tentacles were devouring the remains of the three fighters.

Several dozen fighters suddenly streaked through the sky and let loose bolts of energy.

In but a moment the blob's tentacles were swiping through the air.

At one point, an entire fighter was cleaved in half as several new tentacles joined the fray.

The new tentacles were not much different from the old ones.

The only noticeable difference was that was that the tentacle itself was thicker and that the tentacles no longer had a spike on the end, but instead something resembling a blade.

The blob continued to eliminate fighters one by one and devour them.

Try as they might, the fighters simply lacked the firepower to deal with the blob on their own.

The humans realized this at some point.

Far above the city, near the original ship, another ship was now present.

A massive gun battery could be seen turning as the ship angled itself so that the gun battery could aim at the city.

As the gun battery aligned with the city, a harsh glow could be seen suddenly before disappearing.

A large shell could be seen heading for the planet at an alarming speed.

If the blob had eyes, it might have noticed the decending shell.

Unfortunately it did not. However, even a blind man would have noticed the trembling of the air, much less the blob.

The blob wasn't stupid, at least not completely.

Under the prompting of the Hive Watcher, it began to move across the city at a rapid pace.

The shell struck the city with devestating force.

Over a quarter of the city was destroyed by the shockwaves alone and a sizable chunk molten metal and rock, and now dust, dirt, and smoke filled the skies.