Chapter 7

A man with greying hair looked at the report being handed to him.

"What is this? I thought the next report from the fifth fleet wasn't for another week." The man said.

"I don't know Sir, I was told only you could see it." A younger man, in his late 20's said.

"Oh, who told you that?" The old man asked.

"The Central A.I. Sir." The young man said.

The old man looked at the report once more before saying, "The Central A.I. doesn't have reports sent to individuals like this very often. You're dismissed."

The old man took the report and waited for the other person to leave before opening it.

Inside was a pile of sealed documents along with a thin pile of paperwork.

"Let's see what this is all about." The man mumbled as he unsealed the documents.

The first page made him grow pale with fright.

"Galactic threat level?!" He muttered in shock.

After regaining his composure he began to read the documents once more.

Two hours passed before he set them aside and moved the paperwork to the center of his desk.

'We can't afford to take this lightly. If we don't deal with this problem now, we'll never be able to in the future. To think such a thing survived... its horrifying.' The man thought as his pen swiftly went across paper after paper with ease.

'Even if others judge me for this, I can't take the risk of this thing surviving.' He thought as finished the last paper.

If anyone else had been in the room, they would have been shocked.

The paperwork that had just been filled out was for mobilizing the First Fleet.

The man pressed one of the many buttons on his console and a minute or so later the man from before walked in.

"Have the Central A.I. process these directly. No one else is to lay eyes on them beforehand." The old man said as he placed the papers in a large black envelope.

"Yes Sir." The man said before leaving with the envelope.

Several days later The First Fleet left a Star Forge.

Dreadnoughts, carriers, battleships, cruisers, destroyers, frigates... every classification of starship could be seen streaming out of the Star Forge.

There were thousands of them, if not tens of thousands of them.

Space could be seen rippling as the ships accelerated and entered FTL.

And with that, the first fleet was gone. Nearly no one knew where they were going, or why they were going.

History would remember this day. It would remember it, as the beginning of the end.