More Augmentations


The morning after the augmentation:


Man. Yesterday was hectic. I wonder how my mom is going to afford my augmentation surgeries. One credit seems to be around $200 from my old world. Meaning that even if my mom is rich she would still be paying hundreds of millions of dollars for just one augmentation. Even if Vinx is a multi-billion credit company, most of their money is already invested. The stuff thats not used on investments are to small to spend millions of credits constantly. I don't know it's just something i've been thinking about. Hey ... Why is time going so slow? This entire time I've been thinking only 30 seconds passed. Is this the 'power' of a class 3 processing augmentation?

"I'm heading off to work dear, feel free to use the internet." Ehhh? Why is she suddenly talking to me Iike i'm a 7 year old and not a 1 year old? Well i'm not complaining, this means i can probably act a little older. Mabye even finish a sentence on the first try. And I get to go on the internet now.

Lets hope this works. *start*.


- Name: Ren Vinlei

- AI Id: 1122435


There was a weird tingly feeling as I lost all feeling in my body. And then were here.


Store - Huge sale on all furniture!!!



News and Information - Breaking News: Witnes...


I immediately clicked on th he second before looking at any of the other ones.





Breaking News from: [The Daily Cut] [7 Day Info]..



Other Stories: [Neptune City Finally Changes Th...


I clicked on the search function and looked up 'augmentation class system'.


Here is an article on the augmentation classes



On all children's first birthday they are tested to see what type of augmentation their body and mind can handle. The classes most children are able to hanlde are classes 0-2. Every few decades there is a child able to handle a class 3 augmentation. These children's parents often dont have enough don't have enough money to afford the augmentations of a talent like this.

Talent is defined by want augmentation the child gets on their first birthday. For example a class 1 talent got a class 1 augmentation on their first birthday. These people are the most common and so concerned to have an average talent. Class 0 talents got a standard augmentation and will not ever be able to advance there class. Class 2 talents are considered above average and only 1 appears every about 10,000 people. A class 3 talent is usually treated like a legend and often advance 3 to 5 classes each year.

All classes 3 and above have one of three specialties, processing, refining, and perseption.

All specialties enhace other things like health and age. The processing specialty is the rarist as you must be compatible with it by your 2nd birthday to be able to advance it later. The refining specialty focuses on increasing the max amount of strength your muscles can output as well as the durability of the body. And finally, the perseption specialty increased the perseption from the eyes, nose, and ears.

The classes are grouped into many different groups based on how high class they are:

Low-low teir: Classes 0-2

Medium-low teir: Classes 3-5

High-low teir: Classes 6-8

Low-medium teir: Classes 9-12 {A/N: cant have 3 in this one:/}

Mid-meduim teir: Classes 13-15

High-meduim teir: Classes 16-18

Low-high teir: Classes 19-21

Meduim-high teir: Classes 22-24

High-high teir: Classes 25-27

Esper teir: Classes 28-35

The esper teir classes give you esper like abilities althogh very little people ever get there in their life time.


That was alot of info. It really is interesting how people were able to create this sort of system. In my old world no one could dream of having as much 'power' as these give you. It makes me wonder if the laws of this universe are different. (Forshad- wait I didnt say that)


When my mom got home she told me that a year from now I would go back to the doctor to get tested for my affinity with the next 5 classes of augmentation.

Untill then i'm going to learn as much as possible about this world.


11 months later:


Tomorrow is the day I go back to the doctor. Over the course of this last year i've been able to notice the extreme change in my mind from the class 3 augmentation. I feel like my body is always in slow motion and I think twice as fast as before.

I don't know what the next augmentation will do to my mind but if it changes my brain as much as the last one did I wouldn't mind. I still don't look forward to the feeling after the surgery though.


The next day:


Today's the day... I can finally know if I'm actually as talented as 'everyone' seems to think. All can do is hope they're not wrong. :/

"Ok dear it's time to go get the check up." Her voice was not loud but I could hear it perfectly, even if she was downstairs.

"OK COMING." I yelled from up the stairs.

The flight there was boring but I got to see the guild shop I saw last time again. I read online that they are currently the 2nd fastest g

rowing gaming guild in the world.

And we're here. The clinic was a large white building with at least 20 stories. On the walls were 100s of windows and in the center-top of the building was a huge sign saying "Dr. Franco's Nanobot Clinic"

The waiting room was a wide wood room with 20-30 seats in it although only half of them were taken. We signed in then sat down at the far right of the room. About 2 minutes later the doctor came out to bring us to the MPTR(Multi-point Testing Room). This area had 3 major test points, the strength/duriblity test, the reflex/focus test, and the persecution test. I took them in order and then the doctor took us to our own personal waiting room.


"Alright ma'am the results of your sons test came in and it looks promising." He said in the most monotone voice I had ever heard. It almost reminded me of AI voices before I invented full AI.

"Whay does that mean? What classes can he handle?" She asked in a worried yet excited voice.

"Your son will be able to handle a class 7 processing or perseption augmentation. However both of these are to advanced for any of the doctor's here to perform on a 2 year old. If you don't want to wait for a few days till Dr. Franco comes back or get a lower teir augmentation then you are going to have to fly someone in. It probably cost about 1,000 credits." Man. Can this guy sound any less interested right now.

"REALLY!? Thats insane. My little Ren is a genius. *Clears throat. Ok. Fly someone down. Dear do you want to think better or see better?" This is obvious.

"Think." After I said this the doctor gestured for us to come with him. He took us to the same room as last time.


3 hours later:


"Dr. Friday is here for you." This is the same doctor that mom got mad at last time. Also its Dr. Friday again.

Once we got to the room Dr. Friday gave me a shot that makes me fall asleep then started the surgery. This consisted of taking out the current nanobots personally proggraming the class 7 nanobots to work on a 2 year old and then insering them in to the bloodstream in four different places.


Once I woke up I had the same feeling as last time but for some reason I was able to block it out quite a bit. So it didn't feel as bad.


1 week later:


My brain has made a significant change after the class 7 augmentation that I just noticed today. I can slightly ignore pain. About five minutes ago I stubbed my toe so i wanted the pain to stop and it (kinda) did. The pain was significantly more bearable.

I can't wait till i'm ten. Why ten? Well... thats the minimum age you must be to play games using Full Dive technology.

Welp guess I'll tell mom to move that chair to a spot I will not stub my toe on.