Testing My Abilities


3 weeks after Ren's 2nd birthday:


{A/N: Not important but apparently im really good at not being able to start writing. So this is 3 days late. (¤~¤) }

I've looked everywhere and I can't find barely any information about the processing specialty. My assumption is that far less people have had an affinity with it than the other specialties. All the studies and articles I've read on it have only been on a few of the main effects of the specialty. It would seem I underestimated how rare it really was. The are 3 conditions to level the processing specialty up: 1) You must be compatible with it. 2) You must be 2 or younger when compatible with it. 3) You must get the highest class augmentation possible each year.

This sets 2 big barriers for leveling it: Talent and money. This is why so little is known about its effects.

Thats why I decided I would test my 'abilities' myself. All I have to do is wait for my mom to leave...


"Ok, I'm heading off to work. I'll pick up some food on the way back." Aaand she's gone... now I can go ahead and finish programming the rest of the test world. I take a black laptop out from under my bed and start typing. {A/N: Imagine hacker typing were they click alot of random buttons quickly.}


Alright, i'm done. I created a world using a 4D engine that comes with all VR sets then programed in multiple tests. I just hope they work. The coding language's here are very different than the ones from Earth but have similar fundamentals. So i was able to pick it up quickly, or mabye my augmentation might have increased my speed of learning- who knows.

Ok, I've transfered the files from the laptop to the VR. Here we go... *start*




<'Test 1' contains foreign files. Do you still wish to boot it?>





<'Test 1' Has St-

Finally. It took about 20 minutes to load the engine... I wonder why. Anyway, back to the tests. I split the tests into 3 main parts: Reaction, Focus, and Will. I started of with the reaction tests... the first one was a simple test on how fast I could touch a circle when it lit up. The next one was a bunch sticks that randomly came out of the ground. They became faster every 10 seconds and had to be dodged untill you couldn't any more. The finale reaction test looked at how my subconscious reacted in different situations. This put me to 'sleep' then put my brain in multiple settings and saw how it reacted.

The results for the reaction test is positive. I performed about 3x better than the normal human would (no augmentation).

Next was the focus test which was far more boring than the reaction test. There was only 1 test in this category, but it took a long time. It required me to focus on one noise for as long as possible while everything else got louder and more hectic. I had to focus in on that sound no matter what.


In the end I lasted 2 hours and 30 minutes. A normal person would only last 20 minutes.

And last but not least, the 'will' test. This very similar to the focus test in that it is very boring. In this test the system will try to make you fall asleep and have to try and resist for as long as possible. *Should be easy* back when I programed I used to do allnighters all the time...


(-_-) I lasted 2 seconds. I guess you can't win 'em all. Well I should get back to real life. But... real life is starting to get boring... *sigh* I wish i was 10 already. I thought that in this new world I wouldn't ever have to feel that horrible feeling again... I mean who decided that you had to be 10 to play games on the VR? All the other stuff is available. Why not games? The one thing I was looking forward to the most... Oh well.