Nen x Explanation

"It is definitely impossible to become a hunter in a year . But don't be discouraged, even if you can't get it next year, you'll have more opportunities. "–Mizuken said.

"We'll see that." - Sasuke replied.

"It seems that you have a lot of confidence in your abilities, is it because of your inexperienced youth or because of some skill you have?" - asked the hunter with some curiosity detached from his eyes.

"Who knows." - Sasuke said as he headed towards the exit of the small wooden cabin.

Mizuken watched as the young man left his house, and without saying a word, followed Sasuke. The two continued to walk deeper into the forest.

"For now I will have to start training my body, since right now it is in a deplorable state. The problem is that I don't have the slightest idea of ​​the world in which I find myself, I don't remember if I've heard anything about hunters or any hunter's association. It is best to keep the sharingan secret and use it as an ace in the sleeve in some dangerous situation. "- the young man thought as he continued walking.

"And how do you plan to train?" - Mizuken asked.

Without paying much attention, Sasuke replied.

"First I will train my body, since currently my physical resistance is somewhat low." - said the young man.

"I see, it's a good idea, go ahead, I'll be here in case you need anything." –Said the man while sitting on a log.

"Hm" - Sasuke replied.

"I'll start running and dodging the trees." - Sasuke thought as he shot like a bullet into the sea of ​​trees.

For a month Sasuke did not stop repeating his routine. He woke up, ate what he found in the woods and for hours ran and dodged trees. Every five days of training, he stopped doing his exercise to go to a waterfall near Mizuken's house to meditate.

The man who lived in the forest was surprised by the ability of the young man, since without stopping for a day, only when he began to meditate, Sasuke trained eight hours and did not show any signs of fatigue accumulated by his practice, if not body adapted perfectly growing incredibly day after day.

In that month of training I reach the level of those who trained for a year.

One day, when Sasuke was about to start his training routine, Mizuken stopped him.

"Boy, wait a moment, since I want to show you something." - said the man who held a cup in his right hand.

"What do you want to teach me?" - asked Sasuke, somewhat interested.

"I will teach you to use this incredible power, which will help you to become a hunter, and perhaps if you are intelligent and know how to use what I am going to teach you efficiently you may reach the highest height of power." - Mizuken replied.

Sasuke with a subtle nod nodded to his benefactor.

"What I have in my hand is a simple cup, full of water, in it as you can see there is a leaf. What you have to do is copy what I do. You may not be able to do the same as me, so don't worry, it's very normal. "- said the hunter while using his ren in the glass of water.

Seeing the actions of his benefactor, Sasuke frowned and concentrated on the liquid in the cup. In an instant, the water changed color.

"How did you do that?" - Sasuke quickly asked.

"Look at my hands, can you see or feel anything?" - said the hunter as he raised his hands from the glass and showed them to the young man.

Sasuke stared for a moment, until he thought he should use his sharingan to see what it was.

Gradually the young man began to feel a somewhat strange energy that came from the hands of Mizuken.

"I don't see anything but I do feel something flow out of your hands. Something like an energy. "- Sasuke replied.

"I see, you are definitely a genius. Your body trains many times faster than other people and even your spirit and will are bigger. What you feel is called Nen, Nen is a technique that allows a living being to use and manipulate its own vital energy or aura in different cases. The Aura is the vital energy produced by all living organisms for survival. The aura of the whole body tends to flow together, producing a mass of energy. This happens without the individual in question being aware of it, usually resulting in a slow escape of aura continuously escaping from the body. If one were to lose all his aura, it would be equivalent to using all his vital energy, which would be fatal. The pores or points in the body from which the aura flows are called Aura Nodes. The control of these nodes is the first step to be a user of the Nen. "- Mizuken explained.

Sasuke simply nodded, so the hunter decided to continue his explanation of the Nen.

"A student who learns Nen trains to voluntarily open and close his aura nodes in order to control the flow of his aura. Usually, one learns this process slowly and gradually through meditation. The second method is about having to receive an aura influx from an experienced user which leads to a forced opening of the nodes. Despite the speed with which it works, this method is typically frowned upon by the Nen teachers due to the danger that it entails for the student if the user who performs the method does not have enough experience or has bad intentions. Initiation through physically attacking another with an intensified aura usually causes permanent disability or death. There is, however, a less harmful form of initiation for the student's body that consists of gently shaking the aura nodes, which forces them to open allowing the amateur user to learn to control the flow of their aura by dealing with the risk of suffering severe exhaustion or death. "- Mizuken finished.

"Go ahead, use the last method." - Sasuke said firmly.

Mizuken immediately used his aura to unlock the boy's aura. In doing so a huge amount shot out sending him backwards, bumping into a tree.

Sasuke immediately saw that his body was starting to get out of control and more and more aura was going off. Using all his will not to give in to pain, he managed to control the flow of his aura so that he would not lose himself to the absurd.